diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c9d4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/settings.json b/.vscode/settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a032390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "as3mxml.sdk.framework": "c:\\AIR\\AIR_SDK_50_2",
+ "as3mxml.sources.organizeImports.insertNewLineBetweenTopLevelPackages": false,
+ "as3mxml.codeGeneration.getterSetter.forcePublicFunctions": true,
+ "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
+ "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
+ "source.organizeImports": true
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.vscode/tasks.json b/.vscode/tasks.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab230f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vscode/tasks.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
+ // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "tasks": [
+ {
+ "type": "actionscript",
+ "debug": false
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "actionscript",
+ "debug": true
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d2bddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Starling Inspector: Changelog
+## v0.1 (2023-10-28)
+- Initial version of the library
+- Added Display List Inspector
+- Added inspector entries for primitive types & few Starling related types (color, texture, blend mode, etc.)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d7f5c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LICENSE.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Simplified BSD License
+Copyright (c) 2023 Aurélien Da Campo (Adolio). All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25f9e08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Starling Inspector
+The Starling Inspector is an AS3 library which will enable display list inspection of your [Starling Framework](https://github.com/Gamua/Starling-Framework) project. This project is relying on the Starling version of [Feathers UI](https://github.com/feathersui/feathersui-starling).
+👉 Beware: the project is currently in its early stage, you might encounter issues while using it.
+## ⭐ Key features
+- Inspect your scene without using a debugger
+- Tweak your scene objects live
+- Customize your inspector if needed
+## ▶️ Try it!
+Go to the [demo](./demo/) folder, configure the project & run it or if you get the latest release, the demo binary should be available in the archive.
+## ⌨️ How to use?
+### 🎛️ Display List Inspector
+In order to start exploring a `Display Object Container`, check the following snippet:
+private var _scene:Sprite; // Your scene root object
+private var _inspectorLayer:Sprite;
+public function setupInspector()
+ // Setup the inspector layer
+ _inspectorLayer = new Sprite();
+ addChild(_inspectorLayer);
+ // Setup the inspector configuration
+ InspectorConfiguration.ROOT_LAYER = _inspectorLayer;
+ // Create the Display List Inspector Panel
+ _displayListInspectorPanel = new DisplayListInspectorPanel(_scene, true);
+ _displayListInspectorPanel.height = Starling.current.nativeStage.stageHeight;
+ _inspectorLayer.addChild(_displayListInspectorPanel);
+Feel free to checkout the demo for more usage examples.
+### 🖌️ Customize inspector styles
+The style of the inspector is based on your current `Feathers UI` theme (see [Feathers themes](https://feathersui.com/learn/as3-starling/themes)).
+For further customization, check the following class: `InspectorConfiguration`.
+// Change the style used for panel title
+InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_PANEL_TITLE = "custom-inspector-panel-title-style";
+// Change the padding between components
+InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING = 12;
+## 📦 How to install?
+- Use the `.swc` file provided in each release.
+- Checkout this repository & add `src` folder in your `classpath` or copy paste the content of the `src` folder in your source folder.
+Don't forget to include dependencies (see below).
+## 🖇 Dependencies
+- [Feathers UI (Starling)](https://github.com/feathersui/feathersui-starling) 4.x
+- [Adobe AIR SDK](https://airsdk.harman.com)
+- AS3 Signal (see `as3-signal.swc` in library folder)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/asconfig.json b/asconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88c2330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ "type": "lib",
+ "config": "air",
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "source-path": [
+ "src"
+ ],
+ "swf-version": 50,
+ "external-library-path": [
+ "libs"
+ ],
+ "include-sources": [
+ "src"
+ ],
+ "output": "bin/starling-inspector.swc"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/.vscode/launch.json b/demo/.vscode/launch.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c44939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/.vscode/launch.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
+ // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
+ // For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=830387
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ "type": "swf",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "name": "AIR desktop: Build release & launch",
+ "profile": "extendedDesktop",
+ "preLaunchTask": "ActionScript: compile release - asconfig.json"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "swf",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "name": "AIR desktop: Build debug & launch",
+ "profile": "extendedDesktop",
+ "preLaunchTask": "ActionScript: compile debug - asconfig.json"
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/.vscode/settings.json b/demo/.vscode/settings.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a032390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/.vscode/settings.json
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ "as3mxml.sdk.framework": "c:\\AIR\\AIR_SDK_50_2",
+ "as3mxml.sources.organizeImports.insertNewLineBetweenTopLevelPackages": false,
+ "as3mxml.codeGeneration.getterSetter.forcePublicFunctions": true,
+ "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
+ "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
+ "source.organizeImports": true
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/.vscode/tasks.json b/demo/.vscode/tasks.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab230f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/.vscode/tasks.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ // See https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=733558
+ // for the documentation about the tasks.json format
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "tasks": [
+ {
+ "type": "actionscript",
+ "debug": false
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "actionscript",
+ "debug": true
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/README.md b/demo/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d7615c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Starling Inspector - Demo
+by Aurélien Da Campo ([Adolio](https://twitter.com/AurelienDaCampo))
+## 📍 Introduction
+The demo shows the main features provided by the *Starling Inspector* extension.
+## 🎶 Resources origin
+### Images
+- [Starling Framework Logo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Starling_Framework), Original drawing from Chris Georgenes - Own work (CC BY 4.0)
+## 🔨 How to build?
+Install [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) and [ActionScript & MXML](https://as3mxml.com/#install-extension) and then follow the build procedure provided by the *ActionScript & MXML* extension.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/application.xml b/demo/application.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c61cc72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/application.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ Starling-Inspector-Demo
+ 0.1
+ 0.1
+ Starling-Inspector-Demo
+ Starling-Inspector-Demo
+ Starling-Inspector-Demo
+ Starling-Inspector-Demo.swf
+ standard
+ false
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ direct
+ false
+ desktop extendedDesktop
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/asconfig.json b/demo/asconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9bfb33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/asconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ "config": "air",
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "output": "bin/Starling-Inspector-Demo.swf",
+ "library-path": [
+ "libs/starling.swc",
+ "libs/feathers.swc",
+ "libs/AeonDesktopTheme.swc",
+ "libs/MinimalDesktopTheme.swc",
+ "libs/MetalWorksDesktopTheme.swc",
+ "../libs/as3-signals.swc"
+ ],
+ "source-path": [
+ "src",
+ "../src/",
+ "media"
+ ],
+ "default-size": {
+ "width": 1280,
+ "height": 720
+ }
+ },
+ "application": "application.xml",
+ "files": [
+ "src/ch/adolio/Main.as"
+ ],
+ "airOptions": {
+ "windows": {
+ "target": "native",
+ "output": "bin/Starling-Inspector-Demo.exe",
+ "signingOptions": {
+ "storetype": "pkcs12",
+ "keystore": "cert/starling-inspector-demo.p12"
+ }
+ },
+ "air":
+ {
+ "output": "bin/Starling-Inspector.air",
+ "signingOptions": {
+ "storetype": "pkcs12",
+ "keystore": "cert/starling-inspector-demo.p12"
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/cert/starling-inspector-demo.p12 b/demo/cert/starling-inspector-demo.p12
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a76b0e2
Binary files /dev/null and b/demo/cert/starling-inspector-demo.p12 differ
diff --git a/demo/libs/AeonDesktopTheme.swc b/demo/libs/AeonDesktopTheme.swc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc95244
Binary files /dev/null and b/demo/libs/AeonDesktopTheme.swc differ
diff --git a/demo/libs/MetalWorksDesktopTheme.swc b/demo/libs/MetalWorksDesktopTheme.swc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d91c0af
Binary files /dev/null and b/demo/libs/MetalWorksDesktopTheme.swc differ
diff --git a/demo/libs/MinimalDesktopTheme.swc b/demo/libs/MinimalDesktopTheme.swc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..345f17c
Binary files /dev/null and b/demo/libs/MinimalDesktopTheme.swc differ
diff --git a/demo/libs/feathers.swc b/demo/libs/feathers.swc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35b55f5
Binary files /dev/null and b/demo/libs/feathers.swc differ
diff --git a/demo/libs/starling.swc b/demo/libs/starling.swc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..515216e
Binary files /dev/null and b/demo/libs/starling.swc differ
diff --git a/demo/media/images/Starling-Inspector-Demo.png b/demo/media/images/Starling-Inspector-Demo.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f689fd
Binary files /dev/null and b/demo/media/images/Starling-Inspector-Demo.png differ
diff --git a/demo/media/textures/starling-flying.png b/demo/media/textures/starling-flying.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74725c4
Binary files /dev/null and b/demo/media/textures/starling-flying.png differ
diff --git a/demo/src/ch/adolio/DisplayListInspectorTest.as b/demo/src/ch/adolio/DisplayListInspectorTest.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3e26de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/src/ch/adolio/DisplayListInspectorTest.as
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel.DisplayListInspectorPanel;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel.ObjectInspectorPanel;
+ import ch.adolio.utils.InspectionUtils;
+ import starling.core.Starling;
+ import starling.display.Image;
+ import starling.display.Quad;
+ import starling.display.Sprite;
+ import starling.events.Touch;
+ import starling.events.TouchEvent;
+ import starling.events.TouchPhase;
+ import starling.text.TextField;
+ import starling.textures.Texture;
+ public class DisplayListInspectorTest extends Sprite
+ {
+ private var _displayListInspectorPanel:DisplayListInspectorPanel;
+ private var _scene:Sprite;
+ private var _inspectorLayer:Sprite;
+ private var _bird:Image;
+ [Embed(source="../../../media/textures/starling-flying.png")] private static const AlbedoTexture:Class;
+ public function DisplayListInspectorTest()
+ {
+ setupScene();
+ setupInspection();
+ // inspect the bird at startup
+ _displayListInspectorPanel.selectObject(_bird);
+ ObjectInspectorPanel.instance.object = _bird; // this line is needed only because the display list inspector events listener are not yet registered
+ // register to events
+ Starling.current.stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onTouch);
+ }
+ private function setupScene():void
+ {
+ // create scene root object
+ _scene = new Sprite();
+ addChild(_scene);
+ // create a red quad
+ var redQuad:Quad = new Quad(100, 100, 0xff0000);
+ redQuad.name = "A red quad";
+ redQuad.x = 400;
+ redQuad.y = 100;
+ _scene.addChild(redQuad);
+ // create a blue quad
+ var blueQuad:Quad = new Quad(80, 80, 0x0000ff);
+ blueQuad.name = "A blue quad";
+ blueQuad.x = 450;
+ blueQuad.y = 180;
+ _scene.addChild(blueQuad);
+ // create a label
+ var label:TextField = new TextField(200, 50);
+ label.text = "Hello World!";
+ label.x = 500;
+ label.y = 50;
+ _scene.addChild(label);
+ // create a bird
+ var starlingTexture:Texture = Texture.fromEmbeddedAsset(AlbedoTexture, false, false, 1, "bgra", true);
+ _bird = new Image(starlingTexture);
+ _bird.name = "A lovely bird";
+ _bird.x = 500;
+ _bird.y = 200;
+ _scene.addChild(_bird);
+ }
+ private function setupInspection():void
+ {
+ // create inspection layer
+ _inspectorLayer = new Sprite();
+ addChild(_inspectorLayer);
+ // setup inspector
+ InspectorConfiguration.ROOT_LAYER = _inspectorLayer;
+ InspectorConfiguration.COLOR_PANEL_HEADER_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 0xdddddd;
+ // create display list inspector
+ _displayListInspectorPanel = new DisplayListInspectorPanel(_scene, true);
+ _displayListInspectorPanel.ignoreList.push(_displayListInspectorPanel, ObjectInspectorPanel.instance);
+ _displayListInspectorPanel.height = Starling.current.nativeStage.stageHeight;
+ _inspectorLayer.addChild(_displayListInspectorPanel);
+ // setup the object inspector
+ ObjectInspectorPanel.instance.height = Starling.current.nativeStage.stageHeight;
+ ObjectInspectorPanel.instance.x = Starling.current.nativeStage.stageWidth - ObjectInspectorPanel.instance.width;
+ }
+ private function onTouch(event:TouchEvent):void
+ {
+ var touch:Touch = event.touches[0];
+ if (!touch)
+ return;
+ if (touch.phase != TouchPhase.BEGAN)
+ return;
+ // ignore inspectors layer and already selected object
+ if (!InspectionUtils.isChildOf(_inspectorLayer, touch.target) && ObjectInspectorPanel.instance.object != touch.target)
+ {
+ if (_displayListInspectorPanel.parent)
+ _displayListInspectorPanel.selectObject(touch.target);
+ else
+ ObjectInspectorPanel.instance.object = touch.target;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/src/ch/adolio/Main.as b/demo/src/ch/adolio/Main.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b37da2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/src/ch/adolio/Main.as
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio
+ import flash.display.Sprite;
+ import starling.core.Starling;
+ public class Main extends Sprite
+ {
+ public function Main()
+ {
+ // Setup targetted frame rate
+ stage.frameRate = 60;
+ // Setup Starling
+ var starling:Starling = new Starling(StarlingMain, stage);
+ starling.start();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/demo/src/ch/adolio/StarlingMain.as b/demo/src/ch/adolio/StarlingMain.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa2d4df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo/src/ch/adolio/StarlingMain.as
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio
+ import starling.display.Sprite;
+ import feathers.themes.MinimalDesktopTheme;
+ public class StarlingMain extends Sprite
+ {
+ public function StarlingMain()
+ {
+ // Theme selection
+ //new AeonDesktopTheme();
+ //new MetalWorksDesktopTheme();
+ new MinimalDesktopTheme();
+ // Add sound test scene
+ addChild(new DisplayListInspectorTest());
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/as3-signals.swc b/libs/as3-signals.swc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77d0636
Binary files /dev/null and b/libs/as3-signals.swc differ
diff --git a/libs/feathers.swc b/libs/feathers.swc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35b55f5
Binary files /dev/null and b/libs/feathers.swc differ
diff --git a/libs/starling.swc b/libs/starling.swc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..515216e
Binary files /dev/null and b/libs/starling.swc differ
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/shape/BorderedRectangle.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/shape/BorderedRectangle.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e62526
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/shape/BorderedRectangle.as
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.shape
+ import starling.display.Quad;
+ import starling.display.Sprite;
+ /**
+ * A bordered rectangle
+ */
+ public class BorderedRectangle extends Sprite
+ {
+ // internal
+ private var _width:Number;
+ private var _height:Number;
+ // quads
+ private var _bodyQuad:Quad;
+ private var _borderTopQuad:Quad;
+ private var _borderBottomQuad:Quad;
+ private var _borderLeftQuad:Quad;
+ private var _borderRightQuad:Quad;
+ // style
+ private var _bodyColor:uint;
+ private var _bodyAlpha:Number = 1.0;
+ private var _borderSize:Number;
+ private var _borderAlpha:Number = 1.0;
+ private var _borderColor:uint;
+ public function BorderedRectangle(width:Number, height:Number, bodyColor:uint = 0x000000, borderSize:Number = 1.0, borderColor:uint = 0x000000)
+ {
+ // setup core variables
+ _width = width;
+ _height = height;
+ _bodyColor = bodyColor;
+ _borderSize = borderSize;
+ _borderColor = borderColor;
+ // quads creation
+ _bodyQuad = new Quad(1, 1, 0x0);
+ addChild(_bodyQuad);
+ _borderTopQuad = new Quad(1, 1, 0x0);
+ addChild(_borderTopQuad);
+ _borderBottomQuad = new Quad(1, 1, 0x0);
+ addChild(_borderBottomQuad);
+ _borderLeftQuad = new Quad(1, 1, 0x0);
+ addChild(_borderLeftQuad);
+ _borderRightQuad = new Quad(1, 1, 0x0);
+ addChild(_borderRightQuad);
+ // initial update
+ update();
+ }
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _width;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _width = value;
+ update();
+ }
+ override public function get height():Number
+ {
+ return _height;
+ }
+ override public function set height(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _height = value;
+ update();
+ }
+ public function get bodyAlpha():Number
+ {
+ return _bodyAlpha;
+ }
+ public function set bodyAlpha(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _bodyAlpha = value;
+ update();
+ }
+ public function get borderAlpha():Number
+ {
+ return _borderAlpha;
+ }
+ public function set borderAlpha(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _borderAlpha = value;
+ update();
+ }
+ private function update():void
+ {
+ _bodyQuad.width = _width - _borderSize * 2.0;
+ _bodyQuad.height = _height - _borderSize * 2.0;
+ _bodyQuad.x = _borderSize;
+ _bodyQuad.y = _borderSize;
+ _bodyQuad.color = _bodyColor;
+ _bodyQuad.alpha = _bodyAlpha;
+ _borderTopQuad.width = _width;
+ _borderTopQuad.height = _borderSize;
+ _borderTopQuad.color = _borderColor;
+ _borderTopQuad.alpha = _borderAlpha;
+ _borderBottomQuad.width = _width;
+ _borderBottomQuad.height = _borderSize;
+ _borderBottomQuad.y = _height - _borderSize;
+ _borderBottomQuad.color = _borderColor;
+ _borderBottomQuad.alpha = _borderAlpha;
+ _borderLeftQuad.width = _borderSize;
+ _borderLeftQuad.height = _height - _borderSize * 2.0;
+ _borderLeftQuad.y = _borderSize;
+ _borderLeftQuad.color = _borderColor;
+ _borderLeftQuad.alpha = _borderAlpha;
+ _borderRightQuad.width = _borderSize;
+ _borderRightQuad.height = _height - _borderSize * 2.0;
+ _borderRightQuad.x = _width - _borderSize;
+ _borderRightQuad.y = _borderSize;
+ _borderRightQuad.color = _borderColor;
+ _borderRightQuad.alpha = _borderAlpha;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/IInspectable.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/IInspectable.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77bd3fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/IInspectable.as
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel.InspectorPanel;
+ public interface IInspectable
+ {
+ function getInspector():InspectorPanel;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/InspectorConfiguration.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/InspectorConfiguration.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b620b41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/InspectorConfiguration.as
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector
+ import starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
+ public class InspectorConfiguration
+ {
+ // version of the library
+ public static const VERSION:String = "0.1";
+ // root layer
+ public static var ROOT_LAYER:DisplayObjectContainer;
+ // style names
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_LABEL_PANEL_TITLE:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_LABEL_SEPARATOR_TITLE:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_VALUE:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_TEXT_INPUT:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_TEXT_AREA:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_SLIDER:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_BUTTON:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_PICKER_LIST:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_CHECK:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_TOGGLE_SWITCH:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_TAB_TOGGLE_BUTTON:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_PANEL_BACK_BUTTON:String = "";
+ public static var STYLE_NAME_PANEL_CLOSE_BUTTON:String = "";
+ // colors
+ public static var COLOR_PANEL_HEADER_BACKGROUND_COLOR:uint = 0x000000;
+ public static var COLOR_PANEL_HEADER_BACKGROUND_ALPHA:Number = 0.8;
+ public static var COLOR_PANEL_FOOTER_BACKGROUND_COLOR:uint = 0x555555;
+ public static var COLOR_PANEL_FOOTER_BACKGROUND_ALPHA:Number = 0.8;
+ public static var COLOR_PANEL_BODY_BACKGROUND_COLOR:uint = 0xffffff;
+ public static var COLOR_PANEL_BODY_BACKGROUND_ALPHA:Number = 0.8;
+ public static var COLOR_BACKGROUND_HIGHLIGHT:uint = 0xBAD1DF;
+ // inspection overlay
+ public static var INSPECTED_OBJECT_BOUNDS_COLOR:uint = 0x0000ff;
+ public static var INSPECTED_OBJECT_BOUNDS_BORDER_SIZE:Number = 0.6;
+ // inspection panel
+ public static var PANEL_HEADER_MIN_HEIGHT:Number = 20; // pixels
+ public static var PANEL_FOOTER_HEIGHT:Number = 20; // pixels
+ public static var PANEL_FOOTER_SIZE_GRABBER_COLOR:uint = 0x666666;
+ public static var PANEL_DEFAULT_WIDTH:Number = 300; // pixels
+ public static var PANEL_DEFAULT_HEIGHT:Number = 300; // pixels
+ // inspection entries
+ public static var ENTRY_TITLE_WIDTH_RATIO:Number = 0.35; // width ratio
+ public static var ENTRY_TITLE_MAX_WIDTH:Number = 200; // pixels
+ public static var ENTRY_PREFERRED_HEIGHT:Number = 18; // pixels
+ public static var COMPONENTS_PADDING:Number = 8; // pixels
+ // assets
+ public static var TEXTURE_IMPORT_SCALE_MIN:Number = 1;
+ public static var TEXTURE_IMPORT_SCALE_MAX:Number = 4;
+ public static var TEXTURE_IMPORT_SCALE_STEP:Number = 1;
+ public static var TEXTURE_IMPORT_SCALE_DEFAULT:Number = 1;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ActionInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ActionInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad06640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ActionInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import feathers.controls.Button;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ /** Simple button entry. */
+ public class ActionInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _button:Button;
+ private var _triggerFunc:Function;
+ public function ActionInspectorEntry(actionLabel:String, triggerFunc:Function)
+ {
+ _triggerFunc = triggerFunc;
+ // button
+ _button = new Button();
+ _button.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_BUTTON;
+ _button.label = actionLabel;
+ _button.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_button);
+ _button.validate();
+ // setup height from button height
+ _preferredHeight = _button.height;
+ }
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ _button.addEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onButtonTriggered);
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ _button.removeEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onButtonTriggered);
+ }
+ private function onButtonTriggered(e:Event):void
+ {
+ _triggerFunc();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _button.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _button.width = getWidthWithoutPaddings();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/BlendModeInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/BlendModeInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c51a74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/BlendModeInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import starling.display.BlendMode;
+ public class BlendModeInspectorEntry extends PickerListInspectorEntry
+ {
+ private static const BLEND_MODE_ITEMS:Array = [
+ { label:"Add", value:BlendMode.ADD },
+ { label:"Auto", value:BlendMode.AUTO },
+ { label:"Below", value:BlendMode.BELOW },
+ { label:"Erase", value:BlendMode.ERASE },
+ { label:"Mask", value:BlendMode.MASK },
+ { label:"Multiply", value:BlendMode.MULTIPLY },
+ { label:"None", value:BlendMode.NONE },
+ { label:"Normal", value:BlendMode.NORMAL },
+ { label:"Screen", value:BlendMode.SCREEN }
+ ];
+ public function BlendModeInspectorEntry(title:String, getterFunc:Function, setterFunc:Function = null)
+ {
+ super(title, BLEND_MODE_ITEMS,
+ function():String
+ {
+ return getterFunc();
+ },
+ function(object:Object):void
+ {
+ if (setterFunc)
+ {
+ setterFunc(object.value);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/CheckInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/CheckInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d21cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/CheckInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import feathers.controls.Check;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ public class CheckInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _label:Label;
+ private var _check:Check;
+ private var _getterFunc:Function;
+ private var _setteFunc:Function;
+ private var _disableCallback:Boolean = false;
+ public function CheckInspectorEntry(title:String, getterFunc:Function, setterFunc:Function = null)
+ {
+ _getterFunc = getterFunc;
+ _setteFunc = setterFunc;
+ _label = new Label();
+ _label.touchable = false;
+ _label.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE;
+ _label.text = title;
+ _label.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_label);
+ _check = new Check();
+ _check.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_CHECK;
+ _check.isEnabled = setterFunc != null;
+ _check.isSelected = _getterFunc();
+ _check.height = _preferredHeight;
+ _check.validate();
+ addChild(_check);
+ width = _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ public function setIsSelected(value:Number, disableCallback:Boolean = true):void
+ {
+ _disableCallback = disableCallback;
+ _check.isSelected = value;
+ _disableCallback = false;
+ }
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ _check.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onCheckValueChanged);
+ refresh();
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ _check.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onCheckValueChanged);
+ }
+ private function onCheckValueChanged(e:Event):void
+ {
+ if (_setteFunc && !_disableCallback)
+ _setteFunc(_check.isSelected);
+ }
+ override public function refresh():void
+ {
+ setIsSelected(_getterFunc(), true);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _label.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _label.width = getLabelWidth();
+ _check.x = _label.x + _label.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ColorInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ColorInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bca1a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ColorInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel.ColorSelectorPanel;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import feathers.controls.TextInput;
+ import starling.display.Quad;
+ import starling.display.Sprite;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ import starling.events.Touch;
+ import starling.events.TouchEvent;
+ import starling.events.TouchPhase;
+ public class ColorInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _label:Label;
+ private var _previewColor:Quad;
+ private var _colorTextInput:TextInput;
+ private var _getterFunc:Function;
+ private var _setterFunc:Function;
+ private var _disableCallback:Boolean = false;
+ private static var _colorPickerPanel:ColorSelectorPanel;
+ private var _previewContainer:Sprite;
+ public function ColorInspectorEntry(title:String, getterFunc:Function, setterFunc:Function = null)
+ {
+ _getterFunc = getterFunc;
+ _setterFunc = setterFunc;
+ _label = new Label();
+ _label.touchable = false;
+ _label.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE;
+ _label.text = title;
+ _label.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_label);
+ var color:uint = 0;
+ color = _getterFunc();
+ _previewContainer = new Sprite();
+ var bgMargin:Number = 2;
+ var previewBackground:Quad = new Quad(_preferredHeight, _preferredHeight, 0x0);
+ _previewContainer.addChild(previewBackground);
+ _previewColor = new Quad(_preferredHeight - 2*bgMargin, _preferredHeight - 2*bgMargin, color);
+ _previewColor.x = bgMargin;
+ _previewColor.y = bgMargin;
+ _previewColor.useHandCursor = true;
+ _previewContainer.addChild(_previewColor);
+ addChild(_previewContainer);
+ _colorTextInput = new TextInput();
+ _colorTextInput.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_TEXT_INPUT;
+ _colorTextInput.height = _preferredHeight;
+ _colorTextInput.text = ColorSelectorPanel.colorToHexString(color);
+ addChild(_colorTextInput);
+ width = _preferredWidth;
+ _colorTextInput.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onColorTextInputChanged);
+ }
+ private function onColorTextInputChanged(e:Event):void
+ {
+ var color:uint = uint(_colorTextInput.text);
+ _previewColor.color = color;
+ if (_setterFunc && !_disableCallback)
+ _setterFunc(color);
+ }
+ public function getColor():uint
+ {
+ return _previewColor.color;
+ }
+ // Expect Argb color
+ public function setColor(color:uint, disableCallback:Boolean = true):void
+ {
+ _disableCallback = disableCallback;
+ _previewColor.color = color;
+ _colorTextInput.text = ColorSelectorPanel.colorToHexString(color);
+ _disableCallback = false;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onTouched);
+ refresh();
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onTouched);
+ if (_colorPickerPanel)
+ _colorPickerPanel.colorChanged.remove(onPickerColorChanged);
+ }
+ private function onTouched(e:TouchEvent):void
+ {
+ var touch:Touch = e.getTouch(_previewContainer);
+ if (touch && touch.phase == TouchPhase.ENDED)
+ {
+ if (!_colorPickerPanel)
+ _colorPickerPanel = new ColorSelectorPanel();
+ // if possible, place the color selector aside the current inspector
+ if (_inspector)
+ {
+ _colorPickerPanel.x = _inspector.x + _inspector.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _colorPickerPanel.y = touch.globalY;
+ }
+ // force stage re-addition to perfom checks
+ if (_colorPickerPanel.parent != null)
+ _colorPickerPanel.removeFromParent();
+ // setup & add to stage
+ InspectorConfiguration.ROOT_LAYER.addChild(_colorPickerPanel);
+ _colorPickerPanel.title = _label.text;
+ _colorPickerPanel.entry = this;
+ _colorPickerPanel.colorChanged.removeAll();
+ _colorPickerPanel.color = _previewColor.color;
+ _colorPickerPanel.colorChanged.add(onPickerColorChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ private function onPickerColorChanged(color:uint):void
+ {
+ _previewColor.color = color;
+ _colorTextInput.text = ColorSelectorPanel.colorToHexString(color);
+ if (_setterFunc && !_disableCallback)
+ _setterFunc(color);
+ }
+ override public function refresh():void
+ {
+ setColor(_getterFunc(), true);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _label.width = getLabelWidth();
+ _colorTextInput.width = getAvailableWidthForInputComponents() - (_previewContainer.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING);
+ _label.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _previewContainer.x = _label.x + _label.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _colorTextInput.x = _previewContainer.x + _previewContainer.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/InspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/InspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0aa4901
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/InspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel.InspectorPanel;
+ import starling.display.Sprite;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ public class InspectorEntry extends Sprite
+ {
+ protected var _inspector:InspectorPanel;
+ protected var _preferredWidth:Number = 300;
+ protected var _preferredHeight:Number = InspectorConfiguration.ENTRY_PREFERRED_HEIGHT;
+ protected var _labelWidthRatio:Number = 0.35;
+ protected var _paddingLeft:Number = 8;
+ protected var _paddingRight:Number = 8;
+ public function InspectorEntry()
+ {
+ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
+ }
+ public function get inspector():InspectorPanel
+ {
+ return _inspector;
+ }
+ public function set inspector(value:InspectorPanel):void
+ {
+ _inspector = value;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
+ addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemovedFromStage);
+ }
+ protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemovedFromStage);
+ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Refreshment
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public function refresh():void
+ {
+ /* to override */
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ /** Return total available width without the side padding. */
+ public function getWidthWithoutPaddings():Number
+ {
+ return (_preferredWidth - (_paddingLeft + _paddingRight));
+ }
+ /** Return the label width based on the label ratio. */
+ public function getLabelWidth():Number
+ {
+ return Math.min(getWidthWithoutPaddings() * InspectorConfiguration.ENTRY_TITLE_WIDTH_RATIO, InspectorConfiguration.ENTRY_TITLE_MAX_WIDTH);
+ }
+ /** Return the actual available with for input components (left side). */
+ public function getAvailableWidthForInputComponents():Number
+ {
+ return getWidthWithoutPaddings() - getLabelWidth() - InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ }
+ override public function get height():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredHeight;
+ }
+ override public function set height(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredHeight = value;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/LabelInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/LabelInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef799a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/LabelInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ /** Simple read-only label entry. */
+ public class LabelInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _titleLabel:Label;
+ private var _valueLabel:Label;
+ private var _getterFunc:Function;
+ public function LabelInspectorEntry(title:String, getterFunc:Function)
+ {
+ _getterFunc = getterFunc;
+ _titleLabel = new Label();
+ _titleLabel.touchable = false;
+ _titleLabel.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE;
+ _titleLabel.text = title;
+ _titleLabel.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_titleLabel);
+ _valueLabel = new Label();
+ _valueLabel.touchable = false;
+ _valueLabel.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_VALUE;
+ _valueLabel.text = _getterFunc();
+ _valueLabel.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_valueLabel);
+ _valueLabel.validate();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ refresh();
+ }
+ override public function refresh():void
+ {
+ _valueLabel.text = _getterFunc();
+ _valueLabel.validate();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _titleLabel.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _titleLabel.width = getLabelWidth();
+ _valueLabel.x = _titleLabel.x + _titleLabel.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _valueLabel.width = getAvailableWidthForInputComponents();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ObjectReferenceInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ObjectReferenceInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f208786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ObjectReferenceInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import ch.adolio.utils.InspectionUtils;
+ import feathers.controls.Button;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ /** Object reference entry. */
+ public class ObjectReferenceInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _label:Label;
+ private var _inspectButton:Button;
+ private var _getterFunc:Function;
+ private var _inspectRequestFunc:Function;
+ public function ObjectReferenceInspectorEntry(title:String, getterFunc:Function, inspectRequestFunc:Function = null)
+ {
+ _getterFunc = getterFunc;
+ _inspectRequestFunc = inspectRequestFunc;
+ // label
+ _label = new Label();
+ _label.touchable = false;
+ _label.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE;
+ _label.text = title;
+ _label.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_label);
+ // button
+ _inspectButton = new Button();
+ _inspectButton.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_BUTTON;
+ _inspectButton.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_inspectButton);
+ // setup value
+ var value:Object = getterFunc();
+ _inspectButton.isEnabled = value != null && _inspectRequestFunc;
+ _inspectButton.label = "Inspect " + InspectionUtils.findObjectName(value);
+ // setup height from button height
+ _preferredHeight = _inspectButton.height;
+ }
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ _inspectButton.addEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onButtonTriggered);
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ _inspectButton.removeEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onButtonTriggered);
+ }
+ private function onButtonTriggered(e:Event):void
+ {
+ if (_inspectRequestFunc)
+ _inspectRequestFunc();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _label.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _label.width = getLabelWidth();
+ _inspectButton.x = _label.x + _label.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _inspectButton.width = getAvailableWidthForInputComponents();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/PickerListInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/PickerListInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9354430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/PickerListInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import feathers.controls.PickerList;
+ import feathers.data.ListCollection;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ public class PickerListInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _label:Label;
+ private var _pickerList:PickerList;
+ private var _getterFunc:Function;
+ private var _setterFunc:Function;
+ private var _disableCallback:Boolean = false;
+ private var _items:Array;
+ private var _itemsList:ListCollection;
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ *
+ *
An item must be an `Object` and must look like: `{ label:"label", value:myObject }`.
+ * Getter function must return a value.
+ * Setter function must receive the item of type `Object`.
+ */
+ public function PickerListInspectorEntry(title:String, items:Array, getterFunc:Function, setterFunc:Function = null)
+ {
+ _items = items;
+ _getterFunc = getterFunc;
+ _setterFunc = setterFunc;
+ _label = new Label();
+ _label.touchable = false;
+ _label.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE;
+ _label.text = title;
+ _label.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_label);
+ var selectedIndex:int = -1;
+ var value:String = getterFunc();
+ _itemsList = new ListCollection();
+ for (var i:uint = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
+ {
+ _itemsList.addItem( items[i] );
+ if (items[i].value == value)
+ selectedIndex = i;
+ }
+ _pickerList = new PickerList();
+ _pickerList.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_PICKER_LIST;
+ _pickerList.height = _preferredHeight;
+ _pickerList.x = _label.x + _label.width + 5;
+ _pickerList.dataProvider = _itemsList;
+ _pickerList.selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
+ addChild(_pickerList);
+ _pickerList.validate();
+ width = _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ public function setSelectedItem(value:*, disableCallback:Boolean = true):void
+ {
+ _disableCallback = disableCallback;
+ for (var i:uint = 0; i < _items.length; ++i) {
+ if (_items[i].value == value) {
+ _pickerList.selectedIndex = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ _disableCallback = false;
+ }
+ public function updateItems(items:Array):void
+ {
+ _disableCallback = true;
+ _itemsList.removeAll();
+ var selectedIndex:int = -1;
+ var value:String = _getterFunc();
+ for (var i:uint = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
+ {
+ _itemsList.addItem( items[i]);
+ if (items[i].value == value)
+ selectedIndex = i;
+ }
+ _pickerList.selectedIndex = selectedIndex;
+ _disableCallback = false;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ _pickerList.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onPickerListValueChanged);
+ refresh();
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ _pickerList.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onPickerListValueChanged);
+ }
+ private function onPickerListValueChanged(e:Event):void
+ {
+ if (_setterFunc && !_disableCallback)
+ _setterFunc(_pickerList.selectedItem);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Refreshment
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function refresh():void
+ {
+ setSelectedItem(_getterFunc(), true);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _label.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _label.width = getLabelWidth();
+ _pickerList.x = _label.x + _label.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _pickerList.width = getAvailableWidthForInputComponents();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/SeparatorInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/SeparatorInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d57ffdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/SeparatorInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ public class SeparatorInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _label:Label;
+ public function SeparatorInspectorEntry(title:String)
+ {
+ // title
+ _label = new Label();
+ _label.touchable = false;
+ _label.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_SEPARATOR_TITLE;
+ _label.text = title;
+ _label.height = _preferredHeight;
+ _label.validate();
+ addChild(_label);
+ width = _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ // invalidate components
+ _label.invalidate();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _label.width = _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/SliderInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/SliderInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5439552
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/SliderInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel.SliderConfigPanel;
+ import ch.adolio.utils.InspectionUtils;
+ import feathers.controls.Button;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import feathers.controls.Slider;
+ import feathers.controls.TextInput;
+ import feathers.events.FeathersEventType;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ public class SliderInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _label:Label;
+ private var _slider:Slider;
+ private var _valueTextInput:TextInput;
+ private var _getterFunc:Function;
+ private var _setteFunc:Function;
+ private var _isValueClampingEnabled:Boolean = true;
+ private var _disableSliderChangeEventReaction:Boolean;
+ private var _disableTextInputChangeEventReaction:Boolean;
+ private var _sliderExtraRightPadding:Number = 5;
+ // options
+ private var _numberPrecision:uint;
+ // config
+ private static var _configPanel:SliderConfigPanel;
+ private var _configButton:Button;
+ public function SliderInspectorEntry(title:String,
+ getterFunc:Function,
+ setterFunc:Function = null,
+ min:Number = 0,
+ max:Number = 1.0,
+ step:Number = 0.1,
+ showConfigButton:Boolean = false,
+ numberPrecision:int = -1)
+ {
+ _getterFunc = getterFunc;
+ _setteFunc = setterFunc;
+ // setup precision
+ if (numberPrecision < 0)
+ setupPrecisionFromRange(max - min);
+ else
+ _numberPrecision = numberPrecision;
+ _label = new Label();
+ _label.touchable = false;
+ _label.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE;
+ _label.text = title;
+ _label.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_label);
+ _slider = new Slider();
+ _slider.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_SLIDER;
+ _slider.minimum = min;
+ _slider.maximum = max;
+ _slider.step = step;
+ _slider.height = _preferredHeight;
+ _slider.minWidth = 0;
+ _slider.value = _getterFunc();
+ addChild(_slider);
+ _slider.validate();
+ _valueTextInput = new TextInput();
+ _valueTextInput.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_TEXT_INPUT;
+ _valueTextInput.text = formatNumber(_slider.value, _numberPrecision);
+ _valueTextInput.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_valueTextInput);
+ // setup for read-only
+ if (!_setteFunc)
+ {
+ _slider.isEnabled = false;
+ _valueTextInput.isEditable = false;
+ }
+ // setup configuration
+ else if (showConfigButton)
+ {
+ _configButton = new Button();
+ _configButton.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_BUTTON;
+ _configButton.label = "c";
+ _configButton.width = _preferredHeight;
+ _configButton.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_configButton);
+ }
+ width = _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ public function setValue(value:Number, disableCallback:Boolean = true):void
+ {
+ _disableSliderChangeEventReaction = disableCallback;
+ _slider.value = value;
+ _disableSliderChangeEventReaction = false;
+ _disableTextInputChangeEventReaction = disableCallback;
+ _valueTextInput.text = formatNumber(value, _numberPrecision);
+ _disableTextInputChangeEventReaction = false;
+ }
+ public function getValue():Number
+ {
+ return _slider.value;
+ }
+ public function get isValueClampingEnabled():Boolean
+ {
+ return _isValueClampingEnabled;
+ }
+ public function set isValueClampingEnabled(value:Boolean):void
+ {
+ _isValueClampingEnabled = value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Setup appropriate number precision from range.
+ *
+ * < 10 -> 3 (.xxx)
+ * 10..100 -> 2 (.xx)
+ * 100..1000 -> 1 (.x)
+ * > 1000 -> 0 (no floating part)
+ */
+ public function setupPrecisionFromRange(range:Number):void
+ {
+ if (range < 10)
+ _numberPrecision = 3;
+ else if (range < 100)
+ _numberPrecision = 2;
+ else if (range < 1000)
+ _numberPrecision = 1;
+ else
+ _numberPrecision = 0;
+ }
+ public function get numberPrecision():uint
+ {
+ return _numberPrecision;
+ }
+ public function set numberPrecision(value:uint):void
+ {
+ _numberPrecision = value;
+ }
+ private static function formatNumber(value:Number, precision:int):String
+ {
+ var pow:Number = Math.pow(10, precision);
+ return (Math.round(value * pow) / pow).toString();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ // invalidate components
+ _label.invalidate();
+ _slider.invalidate();
+ _valueTextInput.invalidate();
+ // register to events
+ _slider.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onSliderValueChanged);
+ _valueTextInput.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTextInputValueChanged);
+ _valueTextInput.addEventListener(FeathersEventType.FOCUS_IN, onValueTextInputFocusedIn);
+ _valueTextInput.addEventListener(FeathersEventType.FOCUS_OUT, onValueTextInputFocusedOut);
+ if (_configButton)
+ _configButton.addEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onConfigButtonTriggered);
+ // refresh
+ refresh();
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ _slider.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onSliderValueChanged);
+ _valueTextInput.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTextInputValueChanged);
+ _valueTextInput.removeEventListener(FeathersEventType.FOCUS_IN, onValueTextInputFocusedIn);
+ _valueTextInput.removeEventListener(FeathersEventType.FOCUS_OUT, onValueTextInputFocusedOut);
+ if (_configButton)
+ _configButton.removeEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onConfigButtonTriggered);
+ if (_configPanel)
+ {
+ _configPanel.minChanged.remove(onMinValueChanged);
+ _configPanel.maxChanged.remove(onMaxValueChanged);
+ _configPanel.stepChanged.remove(onStepValueChanged);
+ }
+ }
+ private function onConfigButtonTriggered(e:Event):void
+ {
+ // create global panel
+ if (!_configPanel)
+ _configPanel = new SliderConfigPanel(_slider.minimum, _slider.maximum, _slider.step);
+ // update config panel title
+ _configPanel.title = "Slider Config: " + _label.text;
+ // clear listeners
+ _configPanel.minChanged.removeAll();
+ _configPanel.maxChanged.removeAll();
+ _configPanel.stepChanged.removeAll();
+ // update default values
+ _configPanel.min = _slider.minimum;
+ _configPanel.max = _slider.maximum;
+ _configPanel.step = _slider.step;
+ // add current entry as listener
+ _configPanel.minChanged.add(onMinValueChanged);
+ _configPanel.maxChanged.add(onMaxValueChanged);
+ _configPanel.stepChanged.add(onStepValueChanged);
+ // show panel
+ InspectorConfiguration.ROOT_LAYER.addChild(_configPanel);
+ // if possible, place the new panel aside the current inspector
+ if (_inspector)
+ {
+ _configPanel.x = _inspector.x + _inspector.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _configPanel.y = _inspector.y;
+ }
+ }
+ private function onMinValueChanged(value:Number):void
+ {
+ if (value >= _slider.maximum)
+ return;
+ _slider.minimum = value;
+ setValue(_slider.value);
+ }
+ private function onMaxValueChanged(value:Number):void
+ {
+ if (value <= _slider.minimum)
+ return;
+ _slider.maximum = value;
+ setValue(_slider.value);
+ }
+ private function onStepValueChanged(value:Number):void
+ {
+ if (value <= 0)
+ return;
+ _slider.step = value;
+ setValue(_slider.value);
+ }
+ private function onSliderValueChanged(e:Event):void
+ {
+ if (_disableSliderChangeEventReaction)
+ return;
+ _disableTextInputChangeEventReaction = true;
+ _valueTextInput.text = formatNumber(_slider.value, _numberPrecision);
+ _disableTextInputChangeEventReaction = false;
+ if (_setteFunc)
+ _setteFunc(_slider.value);
+ }
+ private function onTextInputValueChanged(e:Event):void
+ {
+ if (_disableTextInputChangeEventReaction)
+ return;
+ // get value from text input
+ var value:Number = Number(_valueTextInput.text);
+ // clamp value (if enabled)
+ if (_isValueClampingEnabled)
+ value = InspectionUtils.clamp(value, _slider.minimum, _slider.maximum);
+ // update slider component silently
+ _disableSliderChangeEventReaction = true;
+ _slider.value = value;
+ _disableSliderChangeEventReaction = false;
+ // call callback
+ if (_setteFunc)
+ _setteFunc(value);
+ }
+ private function onValueTextInputFocusedIn(e:Event):void
+ {
+ // select the whole text
+ _valueTextInput.selectRange(0, _valueTextInput.text.length);
+ }
+ private function onValueTextInputFocusedOut(e:Event):void
+ {
+ // synchronize text with slider value
+ if (_isValueClampingEnabled)
+ {
+ _disableTextInputChangeEventReaction = true;
+ _valueTextInput.text = formatNumber(_slider.value, _numberPrecision);
+ _disableTextInputChangeEventReaction = false;
+ }
+ }
+ public function get slider():Slider
+ {
+ return _slider;
+ }
+ override public function refresh():void
+ {
+ setValue(_getterFunc(), true);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ // compute components width
+ _label.width = getLabelWidth();
+ var availableWidth:Number = getAvailableWidthForInputComponents();
+ if (_configButton)
+ availableWidth -= _configButton.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _slider.width = availableWidth * 0.75;
+ _valueTextInput.width = availableWidth - (_slider.width + _sliderExtraRightPadding + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING);
+ // place components
+ _label.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _slider.x = _label.x + _label.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _valueTextInput.x = _slider.x + _slider.width + _sliderExtraRightPadding + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ if (_configButton)
+ _configButton.x = _valueTextInput.x + _valueTextInput.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/TextAreaInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/TextAreaInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8d1a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/TextAreaInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import feathers.controls.TextArea;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ public class TextAreaInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _label:Label;
+ private var _input:TextArea;
+ private var _getterFunc:Function;
+ private var _setterFunc:Function;
+ private var _disableCallback:Boolean = false;
+ public function TextAreaInspectorEntry(title:String, textAreaHeight:Number, getterFunc:Function, setterFunc:Function = null)
+ {
+ _getterFunc = getterFunc;
+ _setterFunc = setterFunc;
+ _preferredHeight = textAreaHeight;
+ _label = new Label();
+ _label.touchable = false;
+ _label.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE;
+ _label.text = title;
+ _label.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_label);
+ _input = new TextArea();
+ _input.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_TEXT_AREA;
+ _input.height = _preferredHeight;
+ _input.text = getterFunc();
+ _input.isEnabled = _setterFunc;
+ addChild(_input);
+ _input.validate();
+ width = _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ public function setText(text:String):void
+ {
+ _disableCallback = true;
+ _input.text = text;
+ _disableCallback = false;
+ }
+ override public function refresh():void
+ {
+ setText(_getterFunc());
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ _input.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTextValueChanged);
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ _input.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTextValueChanged);
+ }
+ private function onTextValueChanged(e:Event):void
+ {
+ if (_setterFunc && !_disableCallback)
+ _setterFunc(_input.text);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _label.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _label.width = getLabelWidth();
+ _input.x = _label.x + _label.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _input.width = getAvailableWidthForInputComponents();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/TextInputInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/TextInputInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d40cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/TextInputInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import feathers.controls.TextInput;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ public class TextInputInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _label:Label;
+ private var _input:TextInput;
+ private var _getterFunc:Function;
+ private var _setterFunc:Function;
+ private var _disableCallback:Boolean = false;
+ public function TextInputInspectorEntry(title:String, getterFunc:Function, setterFunc:Function = null)
+ {
+ _getterFunc = getterFunc;
+ _setterFunc = setterFunc;
+ _label = new Label();
+ _label.touchable = false;
+ _label.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE;
+ _label.text = title;
+ _label.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_label);
+ _input = new TextInput();
+ _input.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_TEXT_INPUT;
+ _input.height = _preferredHeight;
+ _input.text = getterFunc();
+ _input.isEnabled = _setterFunc;
+ addChild(_input);
+ _input.validate();
+ width = _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ public function setText(text:String):void
+ {
+ _disableCallback = true;
+ _input.text = text;
+ _disableCallback = false;
+ }
+ override public function refresh():void
+ {
+ setText(_getterFunc());
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ _input.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTextValueChanged);
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ _input.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTextValueChanged);
+ }
+ private function onTextValueChanged(e:Event):void
+ {
+ if (_setterFunc && !_disableCallback)
+ _setterFunc(_input.text);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _label.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _label.width = getLabelWidth();
+ _input.x = _label.x + _label.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _input.width = getAvailableWidthForInputComponents();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/TextureInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/TextureInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71e323f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/TextureInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel.asset.AssetManagerTexturesPickerPanel;
+ import feathers.controls.Button;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import flash.display.BitmapData;
+ import starling.assets.AssetManager;
+ import starling.display.Image;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ import starling.textures.Texture;
+ /** Texture entry. */
+ public class TextureInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _assetManager:AssetManager;
+ private var _titleLabel:Label;
+ private var _loadFromAssetManagerButton:Button;
+ private var _getterFunc:Function; // return starling.textures.Texture
+ private var _setterFunc:Function; // set starling.textures.Texture
+ private var _texturePreview:Image;
+ private var _texture:Texture;
+ private var _textureAlias:String;
+ public var forcePotTexture:Boolean = false;
+ public function TextureInspectorEntry(title:String, assetManager:AssetManager, getterFunc:Function, setterFunc:Function, forcePotTexture:Boolean = false)
+ {
+ _assetManager = assetManager;
+ _getterFunc = getterFunc;
+ _setterFunc = setterFunc;
+ this.forcePotTexture = forcePotTexture;
+ _titleLabel = new Label();
+ _titleLabel.touchable = false;
+ _titleLabel.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE;
+ _titleLabel.text = title;
+ _titleLabel.height = _preferredHeight;
+ _titleLabel.validate();
+ addChild(_titleLabel);
+ _loadFromAssetManagerButton = new Button();
+ _loadFromAssetManagerButton.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_BUTTON;
+ _loadFromAssetManagerButton.label = "Select";
+ _loadFromAssetManagerButton.validate();
+ _loadFromAssetManagerButton.isEnabled = setterFunc != null && _assetManager != null;
+ addChild(_loadFromAssetManagerButton);
+ _texture = _getterFunc();
+ createImage();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:starling.events.Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ _loadFromAssetManagerButton.addEventListener(starling.events.Event.TRIGGERED, onLoadFromAssetManagerButtonTriggered);
+ refresh();
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:starling.events.Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ _loadFromAssetManagerButton.removeEventListener(starling.events.Event.TRIGGERED, onLoadFromAssetManagerButtonTriggered);
+ }
+ override public function refresh():void
+ {
+ _texture = _getterFunc();
+ _textureAlias = getTextureAlias(_texture);
+ refreshPreview();
+ }
+ public function refreshPreview():void
+ {
+ _texturePreview.texture = _texture;
+ }
+ private function onLoadFromAssetManagerButtonTriggered(e:starling.events.Event):void
+ {
+ if (_assetManager == null)
+ return;
+ var assetManagerTexturePicker:AssetManagerTexturesPickerPanel = new AssetManagerTexturesPickerPanel(_assetManager, forcePotTexture);
+ assetManagerTexturePicker.textureSelected.add(onTextureSelected);
+ // if possible, place the new panel aside the current inspector
+ if (_inspector)
+ {
+ assetManagerTexturePicker.x = _inspector.x + _inspector.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ assetManagerTexturePicker.y = _inspector.y;
+ }
+ InspectorConfiguration.ROOT_LAYER.addChild(assetManagerTexturePicker);
+ }
+ protected function onTextureSelected(texture:Texture, textureAlias:String):void
+ {
+ // update texture
+ _texture = texture;
+ _textureAlias = textureAlias;
+ // refresh entry
+ refreshPreview();
+ // update
+ _setterFunc(_texture);
+ }
+ public function get textureAlias():String
+ {
+ return _textureAlias;
+ }
+ public function getTextureAlias(texture:Texture):String
+ {
+ if (texture == null)
+ return null;
+ if (_assetManager == null)
+ return null;
+ var textures:Vector. = _assetManager.getTextures();
+ var texturesNames:Vector. = _assetManager.getTextureNames();
+ var len:int = textures.length;
+ for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ var tex:Texture = textures[i];
+ if (texture == tex)
+ return texturesNames[i];
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private function createImage():void
+ {
+ if (_texture)
+ _texturePreview = new Image(_texture);
+ else
+ _texturePreview = new Image(Texture.fromBitmapData(new BitmapData(1, 1)));
+ _texturePreview.width = 24;
+ _texturePreview.height = 24;
+ addChild(_texturePreview);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _titleLabel.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _titleLabel.width = getLabelWidth();
+ _texturePreview.x = _titleLabel.x + _titleLabel.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _loadFromAssetManagerButton.x = _texturePreview.x + _texturePreview.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ }
+ override public function get height():Number
+ {
+ return 24;
+ }
+ override public function set height(value:Number):void
+ {
+ // nop
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ToggleSwitchInspectorEntry.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ToggleSwitchInspectorEntry.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d9ed4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/entry/ToggleSwitchInspectorEntry.as
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import feathers.controls.ToggleSwitch;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ public class ToggleSwitchInspectorEntry extends InspectorEntry
+ {
+ private var _label:Label;
+ private var _toggleSwitch:ToggleSwitch;
+ private var _getterFunc:Function;
+ private var _setteFunc:Function;
+ private var _disableCallback:Boolean = false;
+ public function ToggleSwitchInspectorEntry(title:String, onText:String, offText:String, getterFunc:Function, setterFunc:Function = null)
+ {
+ _getterFunc = getterFunc;
+ _setteFunc = setterFunc;
+ _label = new Label();
+ _label.touchable = false;
+ _label.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_ENTRY_TITLE;
+ _label.text = title;
+ _label.height = _preferredHeight;
+ addChild(_label);
+ _toggleSwitch = new ToggleSwitch();
+ _toggleSwitch.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_TOGGLE_SWITCH;
+ _toggleSwitch.isEnabled = setterFunc != null;
+ _toggleSwitch.isSelected = _getterFunc();
+ _toggleSwitch.height = _preferredHeight;
+ _toggleSwitch.onText = onText;
+ _toggleSwitch.offText = offText;
+ _toggleSwitch.validate();
+ addChild(_toggleSwitch);
+ width = _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ public function setIsSelected(value:Number, disableCallback:Boolean = true):void
+ {
+ _disableCallback = disableCallback;
+ _toggleSwitch.isSelected = value;
+ _disableCallback = false;
+ }
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ _toggleSwitch.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onCheckValueChanged);
+ refresh();
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ _toggleSwitch.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onCheckValueChanged);
+ }
+ private function onCheckValueChanged(e:Event):void
+ {
+ if (_setteFunc && !_disableCallback)
+ _setteFunc(_toggleSwitch.isSelected);
+ }
+ override public function refresh():void
+ {
+ setIsSelected(_getterFunc(), true);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _label.x = _paddingLeft;
+ _label.width = getLabelWidth();
+ _toggleSwitch.x = _label.x + _label.width + InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _toggleSwitch.width = getAvailableWidthForInputComponents();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/ColorSelectorPanel.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/ColorSelectorPanel.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..533d9fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/ColorSelectorPanel.as
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.ActionInspectorEntry;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.SliderInspectorEntry;
+ import org.osflash.signals.Signal;
+ import starling.display.DisplayObject;
+ import starling.display.Quad;
+ import starling.display.Sprite;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ import starling.utils.Color;
+ public class ColorSelectorPanel extends InspectorPanel
+ {
+ // color
+ private var _color:uint;
+ // parent
+ private var _entry:DisplayObject;
+ // UI elements
+ private var _previewColor:Quad;
+ private var _redSlider:SliderInspectorEntry;
+ private var _greenSlider:SliderInspectorEntry;
+ private var _blueSlider:SliderInspectorEntry;
+ private var _hueSlider:SliderInspectorEntry;
+ private var _saturationSlider:SliderInspectorEntry;
+ private var _lightnessSlider:SliderInspectorEntry;
+ // events
+ public var colorChanged:Signal = new Signal(uint); // color:uint
+ public function ColorSelectorPanel()
+ {
+ super(true, true);
+ // setup title
+ title = "Color Selector";
+ createColorPreview();
+ addSparatorEntry("RGB");
+ _redSlider = new SliderInspectorEntry("Red",
+ function():Number { return 0; },
+ function(value:Number):void { updateColorFromRGB(); }
+ , 0, 1.0, 0.01, false);
+ addEntry(_redSlider);
+ _greenSlider = new SliderInspectorEntry("Green",
+ function():Number { return 0; },
+ function(value:Number):void { updateColorFromRGB(); }
+ , 0, 1.0, 0.01, false);
+ addEntry(_greenSlider);
+ _blueSlider = new SliderInspectorEntry("Blue",
+ function():Number { return 0; },
+ function(value:Number):void { updateColorFromRGB(); }
+ , 0, 1.0, 0.01, false);
+ addEntry(_blueSlider);
+ addSparatorEntry("HSL");
+ _hueSlider = new SliderInspectorEntry("Hue",
+ function():Number { return 0; },
+ function(value:Number):void { updateColorFromHSL(); }
+ , 0, 1.0, 0.01, false);
+ addEntry(_hueSlider);
+ _saturationSlider = new SliderInspectorEntry("Saturation",
+ function():Number { return 0; },
+ function(value:Number):void { updateColorFromHSL(); }
+ , 0, 1.0, 0.01, false);
+ addEntry(_saturationSlider);
+ _lightnessSlider = new SliderInspectorEntry("Lightness",
+ function():Number { return 0; },
+ function(value:Number):void { updateColorFromHSL(); }
+ , 0, 1.0, 0.01, false);
+ addEntry(_lightnessSlider);
+ addEntry(new ActionInspectorEntry("OK", function():void { close(); }));
+ // setup size
+ setupHeightFromContent();
+ }
+ private function createColorPreview():void
+ {
+ var previewContainer:Sprite = new Sprite();
+ var size:Number = 25;
+ var bgMargin:Number = 5;
+ var previewBackground:Quad = new Quad(size + bgMargin * 2, size + bgMargin * 2, 0x0);
+ previewContainer.addChild(previewBackground);
+ _previewColor = new Quad(size, size, 0x000000);
+ _previewColor.x = bgMargin;
+ _previewColor.y = bgMargin;
+ previewContainer.addChild(_previewColor);
+ addEntry(previewContainer);
+ }
+ private function updateColorFromHSL():void
+ {
+ // compute color from HSL
+ var h:Number = _hueSlider.getValue();
+ var s:Number = _saturationSlider.getValue();
+ var l:Number = _lightnessSlider.getValue();
+ _color = Color.hsl(h, s, l);
+ updatePreview();
+ // update RGB
+ _redSlider.setValue(extractRed(_color) / 255.0);
+ _greenSlider.setValue(extractGreen(_color) / 255.0);
+ _blueSlider.setValue(extractBlue(_color) / 255.0);
+ // notify color change
+ colorChanged.dispatch(_color);
+ }
+ private function updateColorFromRGB():void
+ {
+ // compute color from RGB
+ var r:Number = _redSlider.getValue() * 255;
+ var g:Number = _greenSlider.getValue() * 255;
+ var b:Number = _blueSlider.getValue() * 255;
+ _color = combineRgb(r, g, b);
+ updatePreview();
+ // update HSL sliders
+ var hsl:Vector. = Color.rgbToHsl(_color);
+ _hueSlider.setValue(hsl[0]);
+ _saturationSlider.setValue(hsl[1]);
+ _lightnessSlider.setValue(hsl[2]);
+ // notify color change
+ colorChanged.dispatch(_color);
+ }
+ private function updatePreview():void
+ {
+ _previewColor.color = _color;
+ }
+ public function set color(color:uint):void
+ {
+ _color = color;
+ updatePreview();
+ // update RGB sliders
+ _redSlider.setValue(extractRed(_color) / 255.0);
+ _greenSlider.setValue(extractGreen(_color) / 255.0);
+ _blueSlider.setValue(extractBlue(_color) / 255.0);
+ // update HSL sliders
+ var hsl:Vector. = Color.rgbToHsl(_color);
+ _hueSlider.setValue(hsl[0]);
+ _saturationSlider.setValue(hsl[1]);
+ _lightnessSlider.setValue(hsl[2]);
+ }
+ public function get color():uint
+ {
+ return _color;
+ }
+ public function get entry():DisplayObject
+ {
+ return _entry;
+ }
+ public function set entry(value:DisplayObject):void
+ {
+ // remove previous entry event listeners
+ if (_entry)
+ _entry.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onEntryRemovedFromStage);
+ // update value
+ _entry = value;
+ // add new entry event listeners
+ if (_entry)
+ _entry.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onEntryRemovedFromStage);
+ }
+ private function onEntryRemovedFromStage(event:Event):void
+ {
+ close();
+ }
+ override public function close():void
+ {
+ // remove entry event listeners
+ if (_entry)
+ _entry.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onEntryRemovedFromStage);
+ super.close();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Color tools
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public static function combineRgb(r:uint, g:uint, b:uint):uint
+ {
+ return ( ( r << 16 ) | ( g << 8 ) | b );
+ }
+ public static function extractRed(c:uint):uint
+ {
+ return (( c >> 16 ) & 0xFF);
+ }
+ public static function extractGreen(c:uint):uint
+ {
+ return ( (c >> 8) & 0xFF );
+ }
+ public static function extractBlue(c:uint):uint
+ {
+ return ( c & 0xFF );
+ }
+ public static function colorToHexString(color:uint):String
+ {
+ return "0x" + color.toString(16).toUpperCase();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/DefaultInspectorBody.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/DefaultInspectorBody.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d255dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/DefaultInspectorBody.as
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import feathers.controls.ScrollBarDisplayMode;
+ import feathers.controls.ScrollContainer;
+ import feathers.controls.ScrollInteractionMode;
+ import feathers.controls.ScrollPolicy;
+ import feathers.layout.HorizontalAlign;
+ import feathers.layout.VerticalAlign;
+ import feathers.layout.VerticalLayout;
+ /** Inspector body with vertical layout container for entries. */
+ public class DefaultInspectorBody extends InspectorBody
+ {
+ protected var _scrollContainer:ScrollContainer;
+ protected var _vLayout:VerticalLayout;
+ public function DefaultInspectorBody(inspector:InspectorPanel)
+ {
+ super(inspector);
+ // setup vertical scroll container
+ _scrollContainer = new ScrollContainer();
+ _vLayout = new VerticalLayout();
+ _vLayout.horizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.LEFT;
+ _vLayout.verticalAlign = VerticalAlign.TOP;
+ _vLayout.gap = InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ _scrollContainer.layout = _vLayout;
+ _scrollContainer.interactionMode = ScrollInteractionMode.TOUCH_AND_SCROLL_BARS;
+ _scrollContainer.horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.OFF;
+ _scrollContainer.verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO;
+ _scrollContainer.scrollBarDisplayMode = ScrollBarDisplayMode.NONE;
+ _scrollContainer.padding = InspectorConfiguration.COMPONENTS_PADDING;
+ addChild(_scrollContainer);
+ // setup the entries container
+ _entriesContainer = _scrollContainer;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public function refreshLayout():void
+ {
+ _scrollContainer.readjustLayout();
+ _scrollContainer.validate();
+ }
+ override public function setupHeightFromContent():void
+ {
+ // readjust container to content
+ _scrollContainer.height = NaN;
+ _scrollContainer.readjustLayout();
+ _scrollContainer.validate();
+ // adjust from entries container
+ super.setupHeightFromContent();
+ }
+ override protected function computeEntryWidth():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth - (_scrollContainer.paddingLeft + _scrollContainer.paddingRight);
+ }
+ override public function set height(value:Number):void
+ {
+ super.height = value;
+ // force invalidation of the scroll container to make sure that the panel is refreshed properly
+ _scrollContainer.invalidate();
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/DisplayListInspectorPanel.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/DisplayListInspectorPanel.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4382c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/DisplayListInspectorPanel.as
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel
+ import ch.adolio.utils.InspectionUtils;
+ import feathers.controls.Button;
+ import feathers.controls.Tree;
+ import feathers.controls.renderers.DefaultTreeItemRenderer;
+ import feathers.controls.renderers.ITreeItemRenderer;
+ import feathers.data.ArrayHierarchicalCollection;
+ import starling.display.DisplayObject;
+ import starling.display.DisplayObjectContainer;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ /**
+ * A display list inspector panel
+ */
+ public class DisplayListInspectorPanel extends InspectorPanel
+ {
+ // core
+ protected var _root:DisplayObjectContainer;
+ protected var _includeRoot:Boolean;
+ protected var _tree:Tree;
+ protected var _refreshButton:Button;
+ // state
+ protected var _isInitialized:Boolean;
+ /** Used to ignore certain objects from the tree. */
+ public var ignoreList:Vector. = new Vector.();
+ public function DisplayListInspectorPanel(root:DisplayObjectContainer, includeRoot:Boolean)
+ {
+ super();
+ _root = root;
+ _includeRoot = includeRoot;
+ title = "Display List Explorer";
+ // refresh button
+ _refreshButton = new Button();
+ _refreshButton.label = "Refresh";
+ addEntry(_refreshButton);
+ // display list tree
+ _tree = new Tree();
+ addEntry(_tree);
+ _tree.itemRendererFactory = function():ITreeItemRenderer
+ {
+ var itemRenderer:DefaultTreeItemRenderer = new DefaultTreeItemRenderer();
+ itemRenderer.labelField = "text";
+ return itemRenderer;
+ };
+ initialize();
+ }
+ private function initialize():void
+ {
+ refreshTree();
+ _isInitialized = true;
+ }
+ private function refreshTree():void
+ {
+ // keep track of selected object
+ var selectedDisplayObject:DisplayObject = _tree.selectedItem != null ? _tree.selectedItem.displayObject : null;
+ // setup data provider
+ var dataProvider:ArrayHierarchicalCollection = new ArrayHierarchicalCollection();
+ var rootItem:Object;
+ if (_includeRoot)
+ {
+ // build root item
+ rootItem = new Object();
+ rootItem.parent = null;
+ buildEntriesRecursively(_root, rootItem);
+ dataProvider.addItemAt(rootItem, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // build children of root item
+ for (var i:int = 0; i < _root.numChildren; i++)
+ {
+ var rootObject:DisplayObject = _root.getChildAt(i);
+ if (ignoreList.indexOf(rootObject) != -1)
+ continue;
+ rootItem = new Object();
+ rootItem.parent = null;
+ buildEntriesRecursively(rootObject, rootItem);
+ dataProvider.addItemAt(rootItem, i);
+ }
+ }
+ _tree.dataProvider = dataProvider;
+ // re-select previously selected object
+ if (selectedDisplayObject)
+ selectObject(selectedDisplayObject);
+ }
+ private function buildEntriesRecursively(displayObject:DisplayObject, item:Object):void
+ {
+ item.text = InspectionUtils.findObjectName(displayObject);
+ item.displayObject = displayObject;
+ if (displayObject is DisplayObjectContainer)
+ {
+ var container:DisplayObjectContainer = displayObject as DisplayObjectContainer;
+ if (container.numChildren > 0)
+ {
+ item.children = new Array();
+ for (var i:int = 0; i < container.numChildren; i++)
+ {
+ var childDisplayObject:DisplayObject = container.getChildAt(i);
+ if (ignoreList.indexOf(childDisplayObject) != -1)
+ continue;
+ var childItem:Object = new Object();
+ childItem.parent = item;
+ item.children.push(childItem);
+ buildEntriesRecursively(childDisplayObject, childItem);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ // register to events
+ _refreshButton.addEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onRefreshButtonTriggered);
+ _tree.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onSelectedItemChanged);
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ // unregister from events
+ _refreshButton.removeEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onRefreshButtonTriggered);
+ _tree.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onSelectedItemChanged);
+ }
+ public function selectObject(object:DisplayObject):void
+ {
+ var item:Object = findItemOfObject(object);
+ if (item)
+ {
+ _tree.selectedItem = item;
+ // make sure the parent branch is open
+ if (item.parent != null && !_tree.isBranchOpen(item.parent))
+ {
+ _tree.toggleBranch(item.parent, true);
+ // enforce refreshing the size of the tree
+ _tree.invalidate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function findItemOfObject(object:DisplayObject):Object
+ {
+ // data provider not ready yet
+ if (_tree.dataProvider == null)
+ return null;
+ var len:int = _tree.dataProvider.getLength();
+ for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ var item:Object = _tree.dataProvider.getItemAt(i);
+ var foundItem:Object = findChildItemOfObject(item, object);
+ if (foundItem != null)
+ return foundItem;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public function findChildItemOfObject(item:Object, needle:DisplayObject):Object
+ {
+ // found!
+ if (item.displayObject == needle)
+ return item;
+ // no children
+ if (!item.hasOwnProperty("children"))
+ return null;
+ // browse children
+ var children:Array = item.children;
+ for (var i:int = 0; i < children.length; i++)
+ {
+ var childItem:Object = children[i];
+ var foundItem:Object = findChildItemOfObject(childItem, needle);
+ if (foundItem != null)
+ return foundItem;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ private function onRefreshButtonTriggered(event:Event):void
+ {
+ refreshTree();
+ }
+ private function onSelectedItemChanged(event:Event):void
+ {
+ // nothing selected
+ if (_tree.selectedItem == null)
+ {
+ ObjectInspectorPanel.instance.object = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ObjectInspectorPanel.instance.object == _tree.selectedItem.displayObject)
+ return;
+ ObjectInspectorPanel.instance.object = _tree.selectedItem.displayObject;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/InspectorBody.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/InspectorBody.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b493cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/InspectorBody.as
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.InspectorEntry;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.SeparatorInspectorEntry;
+ import starling.display.DisplayObject;
+ import starling.display.Quad;
+ import starling.display.Sprite;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ public class InspectorBody extends Sprite
+ {
+ protected var _inspector:InspectorPanel;
+ protected var _preferredWidth:Number = 100;
+ protected var _preferredHeight:Number = 100;
+ private var _bg:Quad;
+ protected var _entriesContainer:Sprite;
+ protected var _entries:Vector. = new Vector.();
+ public function InspectorBody(inspector:InspectorPanel)
+ {
+ _inspector = inspector;
+ // setup background
+ _bg = new Quad(1, 1, InspectorConfiguration.COLOR_PANEL_BODY_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+ _bg.alpha = InspectorConfiguration.COLOR_PANEL_BODY_BACKGROUND_ALPHA;
+ addChild(_bg);
+ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
+ }
+ public function get inspector():InspectorPanel
+ {
+ return _inspector;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Entries management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public function addSparatorEntry(title:String):SeparatorInspectorEntry
+ {
+ var inspectorSeparatorEntry:SeparatorInspectorEntry = new SeparatorInspectorEntry(title);
+ addEntry(inspectorSeparatorEntry);
+ return inspectorSeparatorEntry;
+ }
+ public function addEntry(entry:DisplayObject):void
+ {
+ // setup width
+ entry.width = computeEntryWidth();
+ // setup inspector if possible
+ if (_inspector && entry is InspectorEntry)
+ (entry as InspectorEntry).inspector = _inspector;
+ // add to entries list
+ _entries.push(entry);
+ // add to container
+ if (_entriesContainer)
+ _entriesContainer.addChild(entry);
+ }
+ public function removeEntries(dispose:Boolean = false):void
+ {
+ _entriesContainer.removeChildren(0, -1, dispose);
+ _entries.length = 0;
+ }
+ public function get entries():Vector.
+ {
+ return _entries;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
+ addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemovedFromStage);
+ }
+ protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemovedFromStage);
+ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public function setupHeightFromContent():void
+ {
+ // update height
+ if (_entriesContainer)
+ height = _entriesContainer.height;
+ }
+ protected function computeEntryWidth():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ super.width = _preferredWidth;
+ if (_entriesContainer)
+ _entriesContainer.width = value;
+ _bg.width = value;
+ var entryWidth:Number = computeEntryWidth();
+ for each (var entry:DisplayObject in _entries)
+ entry.width = entryWidth;
+ }
+ override public function get height():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredHeight;
+ }
+ override public function set height(value:Number):void
+ {
+ _preferredHeight = value;
+ super.height = _preferredHeight;
+ if (_entriesContainer)
+ _entriesContainer.height = value;
+ _bg.height = value;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/InspectorPanel.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/InspectorPanel.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d08d0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/InspectorPanel.as
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.InspectorEntry;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.SeparatorInspectorEntry;
+ import feathers.controls.Button;
+ import feathers.controls.Label;
+ import feathers.layout.VerticalLayout;
+ import flash.geom.Point;
+ import flash.geom.Rectangle;
+ import starling.core.Starling;
+ import starling.display.DisplayObject;
+ import starling.display.Quad;
+ import starling.display.Sprite;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ import starling.events.Touch;
+ import starling.events.TouchEvent;
+ import starling.events.TouchPhase;
+ public class InspectorPanel extends Sprite
+ {
+ // panel
+ protected var _preferredWidth:Number = InspectorConfiguration.PANEL_DEFAULT_WIDTH;
+ protected var _preferredHeight:Number = InspectorConfiguration.PANEL_DEFAULT_HEIGHT;
+ // dragging
+ protected var _isDraggable:Boolean = true;
+ protected var _dragOffset:Point = new Point();
+ protected var _positionAtGrab:Point = new Point();
+ protected var _staysInScreenBounds:Boolean = true;
+ // header
+ protected var _header:Sprite;
+ protected var _headerBackground:Quad;
+ protected var _titleLabel:Label;
+ protected var _closeButton:Button;
+ // body
+ protected var _bodyContainer:Sprite;
+ protected var _vLayout:VerticalLayout;
+ protected var _body:InspectorBody;
+ // separators
+ private static var numSeparators:int = 0;
+ // footer
+ protected var _footer:Sprite;
+ protected var _footerBackground:Quad;
+ // size grabber
+ private var _isResizeable:Boolean;
+ private var _sideGrabOffset:Point = new Point();
+ private var _widthAtGrab:Number;
+ private var _heightAtGrab:Number;
+ private var _sizeGrabber:Quad;
+ // screen
+ private static var screenBounds:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
+ public function InspectorPanel(isClosable:Boolean = true, isResizeable:Boolean = true)
+ {
+ _isResizeable = isResizeable;
+ // header
+ _header = new Sprite();
+ addChild(_header);
+ _titleLabel = new Label();
+ _titleLabel.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_LABEL_PANEL_TITLE;
+ _titleLabel.text = "Title";
+ _titleLabel.minHeight = InspectorConfiguration.PANEL_HEADER_MIN_HEIGHT;
+ _titleLabel.touchable = false;
+ _titleLabel.validate();
+ _headerBackground = new Quad(_preferredWidth, _titleLabel.height, InspectorConfiguration.COLOR_PANEL_HEADER_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+ _headerBackground.alpha = InspectorConfiguration.COLOR_PANEL_HEADER_BACKGROUND_ALPHA;
+ _header.addChild(_headerBackground);
+ _header.addChild(_titleLabel);
+ _closeButton = new Button();
+ _closeButton.styleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_PANEL_CLOSE_BUTTON;
+ _closeButton.height = _headerBackground.height;
+ _closeButton.label = "X";
+ _closeButton.maxWidth = 24;
+ _closeButton.visible = isClosable;
+ _closeButton.validate();
+ _header.addChild(_closeButton);
+ // body
+ _bodyContainer = new Sprite();
+ _bodyContainer.y = _header.y + _header.height;
+ addChild(_bodyContainer);
+ // default body
+ _body = new DefaultInspectorBody(this);
+ _bodyContainer.addChild(_body);
+ // footer
+ _footer = new Sprite();
+ addChild(_footer);
+ _footerBackground = new Quad(_preferredWidth, InspectorConfiguration.PANEL_FOOTER_HEIGHT, InspectorConfiguration.COLOR_PANEL_FOOTER_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
+ _footerBackground.alpha = InspectorConfiguration.COLOR_PANEL_FOOTER_BACKGROUND_ALPHA;
+ _footer.addChild(_footerBackground);
+ // side grabbers
+ if (_isResizeable)
+ setupSizeGrabber();
+ // setup size
+ width = _preferredWidth;
+ height = _preferredHeight;
+ // register to stage addition
+ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
+ }
+ private function setupSizeGrabber():void
+ {
+ _sizeGrabber = new Quad(_footerBackground.height, _footerBackground.height, InspectorConfiguration.PANEL_FOOTER_SIZE_GRABBER_COLOR);
+ _sizeGrabber.x = _footerBackground.width - _sizeGrabber.width;
+ _footer.addChild(_sizeGrabber);
+ }
+ public function get title():String
+ {
+ return _titleLabel.text;
+ }
+ public function set title(value:String):void
+ {
+ _titleLabel.text = value;
+ }
+ public function close():void
+ {
+ removeFromParent();
+ }
+ public function checkScreenBounds():void
+ {
+ // compute screen bounds
+ Starling.current.stage.getScreenBounds(Starling.current.stage, screenBounds);
+ var panelBounds:Rectangle = bounds;
+ // check top
+ if (panelBounds.top < screenBounds.top)
+ y = screenBounds.top;
+ // check bottom
+ if (panelBounds.bottom > screenBounds.bottom)
+ {
+ // resize if larger than the screen
+ if (panelBounds.height > screenBounds.height)
+ {
+ height = screenBounds.height;
+ panelBounds = bounds; // update bounds
+ }
+ // move up
+ y = screenBounds.bottom - panelBounds.height;
+ }
+ // check left
+ if (panelBounds.left < screenBounds.left)
+ x = screenBounds.left;
+ // check right
+ if (panelBounds.right > screenBounds.right)
+ x = screenBounds.right - width;
+ }
+ public function bringInFront():void
+ {
+ // check that panel is in front
+ if (parent.getChildIndex(this) != parent.numChildren-1)
+ parent.addChild(this);
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
+ addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemovedFromStage);
+ // check screen bounds
+ if (_staysInScreenBounds)
+ checkScreenBounds();
+ // invalidate components
+ _titleLabel.invalidate();
+ _closeButton.invalidate();
+ // register to events
+ _headerBackground.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onHeaderTouched);
+ _footerBackground.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onHeaderTouched);
+ _closeButton.addEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onCloseButtonTriggered);
+ if (_sizeGrabber)
+ _sizeGrabber.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onBottomSideTouched);
+ }
+ protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, onRemovedFromStage);
+ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
+ // unregister from events
+ _headerBackground.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onHeaderTouched);
+ _footerBackground.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onHeaderTouched);
+ _closeButton.removeEventListener(Event.TRIGGERED, onCloseButtonTriggered);
+ if (_sizeGrabber)
+ _sizeGrabber.removeEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onBottomSideTouched);
+ }
+ private function onHeaderTouched(e:TouchEvent):void
+ {
+ if (!_isDraggable)
+ return;
+ var touch:Touch = e.touches[0];
+ switch (touch.phase)
+ {
+ case TouchPhase.BEGAN:
+ // setup drag
+ _dragOffset.x = touch.globalX;
+ _dragOffset.y = touch.globalY;
+ _positionAtGrab.x = x;
+ _positionAtGrab.y = y;
+ // bring panel in front
+ bringInFront();
+ break;
+ case TouchPhase.MOVED:
+ // update position
+ x = _positionAtGrab.x + Math.round(touch.globalX - _dragOffset.x);
+ y = _positionAtGrab.y + Math.round(touch.globalY - _dragOffset.y);
+ // check bounds
+ if (_staysInScreenBounds)
+ checkScreenBounds();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private function onBottomSideTouched(e:TouchEvent):void
+ {
+ var touch:Touch = e.touches[0];
+ switch (touch.phase)
+ {
+ case TouchPhase.BEGAN:
+ // setup size grab
+ _sideGrabOffset.x = touch.globalX;
+ _sideGrabOffset.y = touch.globalY;
+ _widthAtGrab = width;
+ _heightAtGrab = height;
+ // bring panel in front
+ bringInFront();
+ break;
+ case TouchPhase.MOVED:
+ // update dimensions
+ Starling.current.stage.getScreenBounds(Starling.current.stage, screenBounds);
+ width = Math.min(_widthAtGrab + Math.round(touch.globalX - _sideGrabOffset.x), screenBounds.right - x);
+ height = Math.min(_heightAtGrab + Math.round(touch.globalY - _sideGrabOffset.y), screenBounds.bottom - y);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private function onCloseButtonTriggered(event:Event):void
+ {
+ close();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Entries management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ protected function addSparatorEntry(title:String):SeparatorInspectorEntry
+ {
+ return _body.addSparatorEntry(title);
+ }
+ public function addEntry(entry:DisplayObject):void
+ {
+ _body.addEntry(entry);
+ }
+ public function removeEntries(dispose:Boolean = false):void
+ {
+ _body.removeEntries(dispose);
+ }
+ public function updateEntries():void
+ {
+ for each (var entry:DisplayObject in _body.entries)
+ {
+ if (entry is InspectorEntry)
+ (entry as InspectorEntry).refresh();
+ }
+ }
+ public function get body():InspectorBody
+ {
+ return _body;
+ }
+ public function set body(body:InspectorBody):void
+ {
+ _body = body;
+ _bodyContainer.removeChildren();
+ if (_body)
+ {
+ _bodyContainer.addChild(_body);
+ _body.width = width;
+ _body.height = height - (_header.height + _footer.height);
+ }
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Drag management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public function get isDraggable():Boolean
+ {
+ return _isDraggable;
+ }
+ public function set isDraggable(value:Boolean):void
+ {
+ _isDraggable = value;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ public function setupHeightFromContent():void
+ {
+ if (_body)
+ {
+ _body.setupHeightFromContent();
+ height = _header.height + _body.height + _footer.height;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ height = _header.height + _footer.height;
+ }
+ checkScreenBounds();
+ }
+ override public function get width():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredWidth;
+ }
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ // check minimal allowed width
+ if (value < 64)
+ value = 64;
+ // update components
+ _preferredWidth = value;
+ _closeButton.x = value - _closeButton.width;
+ _titleLabel.width = value - _closeButton.width;
+ _headerBackground.width = value;
+ _footerBackground.width = value;
+ if (_sizeGrabber)
+ _sizeGrabber.x = value - _sizeGrabber.width;
+ // update body
+ if (_body)
+ _body.width = value;
+ }
+ override public function get height():Number
+ {
+ return _preferredHeight;
+ }
+ override public function set height(value:Number):void
+ {
+ // check minimal allowed height
+ if (value < 64)
+ value = 64;
+ // update components
+ _preferredHeight = value;
+ _footer.y = _preferredHeight - _footer.height;
+ // update body
+ if (_body)
+ _body.height = value - (_header.height + _footer.height);
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/InspectorTabPanel.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/InspectorTabPanel.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecfd512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/InspectorTabPanel.as
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import feathers.controls.TabBar;
+ import feathers.data.ListCollection;
+ import starling.display.Quad;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ public class InspectorTabPanel extends InspectorPanel
+ {
+ protected var _tabBarBackground:Quad;
+ protected var _tabBar:TabBar;
+ public function InspectorTabPanel()
+ {
+ // create tab bar & tab bar background for first size call
+ _tabBar = new TabBar();
+ _tabBar.customTabStyleName = InspectorConfiguration.STYLE_NAME_TAB_TOGGLE_BUTTON;
+ _tabBarBackground = new Quad(1, 1, 0xaaaaaa);
+ super();
+ // remove default container
+ body = null;
+ // setup tab bar background
+ _tabBarBackground.y = _header.height;
+ addChild(_tabBarBackground);
+ // setup tab bar
+ _tabBar.dataProvider = new ListCollection();
+ _tabBar.width = width;
+ _tabBar.y = _header.height;
+ addChild(_tabBar);
+ _tabBar.validate();
+ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAddedToStage);
+ }
+ protected function setupTabContentFromTabBar():void
+ {
+ // setup body for currently selected tab index
+ for (var i:uint; i < _tabBar.dataProvider.length; ++i)
+ {
+ if (_tabBar.selectedIndex == i)
+ {
+ body = _tabBar.dataProvider.getItemAt(i).body;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // no valid body found
+ body = null;
+ }
+ public function addTab(id:String, body:InspectorBody):InspectorBody
+ {
+ // create new tab
+ _tabBar.dataProvider.addItem({ label: id, body: body });
+ // setup tab content
+ body.width = width;
+ body.height = _preferredHeight - _tabBar.height - _header.height;
+ // adjust body container
+ _tabBar.validate();
+ _bodyContainer.y = _tabBar.y + _tabBar.height;
+ _tabBarBackground.height = _tabBar.height;
+ return body;
+ }
+ public function replaceTabBody(previousBody:InspectorBody, newBody:InspectorBody):void
+ {
+ var selectedIndex:int = _tabBar.selectedIndex;
+ var len:int = _tabBar.dataProvider.length;
+ for (var i:int = 0; i < len; i++)
+ {
+ var item:Object = _tabBar.dataProvider.getItemAt(i);
+ if (item.body == previousBody)
+ {
+ // update environment item
+ _tabBar.dataProvider.setItemAt({ label:item.label, body:newBody }, i);
+ // update active body if selected index was the replaced body
+ if (selectedIndex == i)
+ body = newBody;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Event handlers
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override protected function onAddedToStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onAddedToStage(e);
+ // register to events
+ _tabBar.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTabSelectionChanged);
+ // refresh selected index
+ setupTabContentFromTabBar();
+ }
+ override protected function onRemovedFromStage(e:Event):void
+ {
+ super.onRemovedFromStage(e);
+ // unregister from events
+ _tabBar.removeEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTabSelectionChanged);
+ }
+ private function onTabSelectionChanged(e:Event):void
+ {
+ setupTabContentFromTabBar();
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ //-- Size management
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ override public function set width(value:Number):void
+ {
+ super.width = value;
+ // resize tabs bar
+ _tabBar.width = width;
+ _tabBarBackground.width = width;
+ _tabBar.validate();
+ // resize body
+ if (_body)
+ _body.width = width;
+ }
+ override public function set height(value:Number):void
+ {
+ super.height = value;
+ // resize body
+ if (_body)
+ _body.height = height - _tabBar.height - _header.height - _footer.height;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/ObjectInspectorPanel.as b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/ObjectInspectorPanel.as
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03edef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ch/adolio/display/ui/inspector/panel/ObjectInspectorPanel.as
@@ -0,0 +1,620 @@
+// =================================================================================================
+// Starling Inspector
+// Copyright (c) 2023 Aurelien Da Campo (Adolio), All Rights Reserved.
+// This program is free software. You can redistribute and/or modify it
+// in accordance with the terms of the accompanying license agreement.
+// =================================================================================================
+package ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.panel
+ import ch.adolio.display.shape.BorderedRectangle;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.InspectorConfiguration;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.BlendModeInspectorEntry;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.CheckInspectorEntry;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.ColorInspectorEntry;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.ObjectReferenceInspectorEntry;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.SliderInspectorEntry;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.TextInputInspectorEntry;
+ import ch.adolio.display.ui.inspector.entry.TextureInspectorEntry;
+ import ch.adolio.utils.InspectionUtils;
+ import feathers.controls.Button;
+ import flash.geom.Rectangle;
+ import flash.utils.describeType;
+ import starling.animation.IAnimatable;
+ import starling.core.Starling;
+ import starling.display.DisplayObject;
+ import starling.events.Event;
+ import starling.textures.Texture;
+ /**
+ * Inspector panel for any Object.
+ *
+ * The `Inspectable` metadata can be used for `Number` field type.
+ * Usage: `[Inspectable(min=0, max=5.0, step=0.5)]`
+ */
+ public class ObjectInspectorPanel extends InspectorPanel implements IAnimatable
+ {
+ // object
+ private var _object:Object;
+ private var _hasSizeBeenSetup:Boolean = false;
+ // stack
+ private var _objectStack:Vector.