By default, when the console runner is invoked by TeamCity, the console output is formatted so that TeamCity can detect individual test results for display.
You can generate familiar NUnit- or xUnit-style XML reports by including an extra command line argument. These file formats are often supported by other CI tools:
Fixie.Console.exe path/to/your/test/project.dll --NUnitXml TestResult.xml
Fixie.Console.exe path/to/your/test/project.dll --XUnitXml TestResult.xml
If you opt into an XML report format under TeamCity, you may experience your tests being doubly-reported: once from the XML file, and once from the TeamCity-specific console output formatting. In this case, you can explicitly suppress the TeamCity console output:
Fixie.Console.exe path/to/your/test/project.dll --NUnitXml TestResult.xml --TeamCity off