PyCalc is a versatile calculator application built with Python and Tkinter. It supports both basic and scientific calculations and is designed to be user-friendly and cross-platform. This documentation provides essential information to help users get started with PyCalc, including features, installation instructions, usage guidelines, and troubleshooting tips.
- Basic Arithmetic Operations: Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
- Scientific Calculations: Square roots, exponentiation, trigonometric functions (sin, cos, tan).
- User-Friendly Interface: Clean and intuitive design with responsive buttons.
- Cross-Platform Compatibility: Works on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
To install and use PyCalc, follow these steps:
- Python 3.x: Ensure Python 3 is installed on your system. You can download it from
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
- Entering Numbers: Click on numeric buttons to input numbers.
- Performing Operations: Use arithmetic operation buttons (
) to select the desired operation. - Calculating Results: Press the
button to compute and display the result.
- Accessing Functions: Click on buttons for scientific functions such as square roots and trigonometric functions.
- Input Values: Enter the required values for scientific operations.
- Compute Results: Press
to calculate and display the results.
- Division by Zero: The calculator will display an error message if division by zero is attempted.
- Invalid Input: Ensure all input values and operations are valid to avoid errors.
PyCalc's architecture is composed of three layers:
- User Interface (UI Layer): Manages user interactions and displays results.
- Controller (Control Logic): Handles user input and communicates between the UI and the Calculation Engine.
- Calculation Engine (Backend Processing): Performs mathematical operations and handles errors.
The data model includes:
- InputBuffer: Temporarily holds user inputs.
- CurrentOperation: Stores the ongoing operation.
- Result: Stores and displays the calculation result.
Basic Arithmetic Operations:
- As a user, I want to perform basic arithmetic operations so that I can solve everyday mathematical problems.
- Acceptance Criteria: Operations should be accurate and displayed immediately.
Scientific Calculations:
- As a user, I want to perform scientific calculations to handle complex mathematical problems.
- Acceptance Criteria: Scientific functions should be available and work correctly.
Error Handling:
- As a user, I want the application to handle errors gracefully, like division by zero.
- Acceptance Criteria: Clear error messages should be displayed, allowing continued use.
User-Friendly Interface:
- As a user, I want the interface to be intuitive and easy to navigate.
- Acceptance Criteria: Buttons should be well-organized, and the display should be clear and responsive.
Cross-Platform Compatibility:
- As a user, I want the application to work on various operating systems.
- Acceptance Criteria: The application should run smoothly on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
To contribute to PyCalc, please follow these steps:
- Fork the Repository: Create a personal copy on GitHub.
- Create a Branch: Develop changes on a new branch.
- Implement Changes: Add features or fix issues.
- Submit a Pull Request: Describe your changes and submit for review.
For any questions, feedback, or support, please reach out to [].
Special thanks to the Alx Africa , Python and Tkinter communities for their resources and support.