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File metadata and controls

173 lines (144 loc) · 9.21 KB


Random notes / documentation while developing the app

App capability changes / To-do's

  • IDEA: How to set patterns to LEDA / LEDB?
  • MAYBE: "Set pattern to LEDA / LEDB"
  • DONE-ish: Add "go back to last pattern" or "return to previous state" color pattern -- Still need to "return to original state"
  • TODO: put 'patternSerial' in config & preferences
    • (maybe via a "pattern stack" and new patterns like "red always")
  • DONE: Special patterns like '~off' and '~stop:patternname' (check: work in ApiServer?)
  • DONE: IFTTT rule_name can be matching rule or specific patternname or special patternname
  • (maybe restructure app to not need IFTTT "rules"?)
  • TODO: Patterns should allow multiple LEDs to change per step (take array of {color,ledn,time})
  • DONE: TODO: Add 'enable' flag to each rule in Mail & Tools
  • NANA: partition code into client & server so webpack doesn't bundle server code
  • DONE : TODO: what about 'parametric patterns', e.g. "blink 5 times, fill in color & on/off time"
  • TODO: Number() vs parseInt() in PatternsService._parsePatternStr()?
  • TODO: global shortcut, see:
  • DONE: Support multiple blink(1)s (especially in upcoming IFTTT update)
    • partially working, verify with:
      • curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/id'
      • curl 'http://localhost:8934/blink1/fadeToRGB?rgb=%230000ff&blink1_id=1'
    • but to fully support need to modify:
      • All Event Source Forms (write config) Drop-down combobox if multiple blink1s present?
      • All Event Source Services (read config)
      • Blink1Status UI, how is that going to work?
      • ApiServer
      • BigButton maybe?
      • ToolTable and/or EventList?
      • Preferences dialog?
  • TODO: Fix ImapSearcher's "new mail" issues.
    • doesn't seem to re-trigger when more new mail happens
    • does retrigger every time on restart (save last msgid in config?)

General Program structure

  • Event Source --> Color Pattern --> blink(1) changes color
  • The user creates an "event source" to fetch events from outside of Blink1Control2 (say, IFTTT, IMAP, a URL, etc).
    • Each event source runs async from the others. Some sources may periodically poll their source for changes.
  • Event source triggers a "color pattern" to play.
    • This color pattern is normally a pre-defined color pattern in the color patterns list.
  • Multiple event sources can be active concurrently
  • Multiple color patterns can play concurrently (* note: maybe add priorities or stack option)

Color Patterns

  • Color patterns consist of a name, a list of {color,time,ledn} tuples, and number of repeats.
    • The "name" is a unique name for that color pattern
    • The tuple is:
      • "color" is the color to change to
      • "time" is the time it takes to get to that color,
      • "ledn" is which LED of the blink(1) to alter (0=all/1=top/2=bottom)
    • The "repeats" is a number from 0 - 9
      • where "0" means always repeat, and "1" means play once.

Meta Patterns

  • Normally patterns are created, then specified for playing, by id (or name in some cases)
  • There exist special "meta" patterns that dynamically create a pattern or cause an actionType
  • These special meta-patterns can take the form:
    • #<hexcolor> -- Set a specific color on all LEDs e.g. "#FF00FF", "#000000", or "#ccaabb"
    • ~off -- Turn blink(1) off completely (stop patterns, set to dark)
    • ~blink:color-count -- blink color-dark-color-dark, count times. e.g. ~blink:white-3, ~blink:#ff0000-5
    • ~blink:color-count-time -- blink color-dark-color-dark, count times, blink time in secs e.g. ~blink:white-3-1.3, ~blink:#ff0000-5-0.1
    • ~pattern:<name>:<patternstr> -- Play a pattern in string form. e.g. ~pattern:bob:3,#ff00ff,0.5,0,#00ff00,1.3,0

URL / Script / Tool color & pattern matching

  • In general, try to match previous behavior at
  • In configuration, now specify "parse as color", "parse as pattern", or "parse as JSON"
  • In "parse as color", look for hex color codes, "color: [foo]" and parse "[foo]" as color name
  • In "parse as pattern", look for "pattern: [foo]" and parse "[foo]" as pattern name (including meta-patterns)
  • In "parse as JSON", accept either 'color' or 'pattern' keys

App menu, Tray menu, window closing, window hiding

  • By default, closing the window doesn't exist Blink1Control, just hides the window
  • On Mac, must Menu.setApplicationMenu() to allow Cmd-Q to quit while also allowing red-X to close window but not exist

Event Sources structure

  • Event source service code lives in src/server/<sourcename>Service.js
  • GUI form to for user to create rules on event source is in src/components/gui/<sourcename>Form.js
  • Event source rules config ives in config.eventRules[] and each rule must contain: enabled, type, name, actionType
  • src/components/gui/toolTable.js loads forms, ask them to format themselves for tables (not really, should ask Service maybe?)
  • Each event source has its own config in config.eventServices{} by name of service (e.g. iftttService)

Event log API

  • Event sources are responsible to triggering patterns via PatternsService or colors via Blink1Service (FIXME: change this?)
  • Event sources also log events via logger.addEvent(event)
  • Events logged via addEvent are used for human-display by ToolTable and RecentEvents
  • Structure of event is: event = { date: [Date], type: ['trigger','info','error'], source: [event source, e.g. 'mail', 'ifttt', 'file', etc.], id: [name of event source, e.g. 'red demo'], text: [message of event, e.g. number of unread msgs, error details] }

Multiple blink(1) device support

  • App works fine with no blink(1) devices
  • When no devices are present, Blink1Service.scanForDevices() runs every 5 seconds
  • scanForDevices() is only done on app start, if no devices, or on device removal
    • thus adding a device will not automatically detect if one is already plugged in
  • When devices are found, they are opened and added to device list
  • Device removal is detected by attempting to command device and failing.
    • (this was done because usb-detection package had issues in 2015, it was updated recently. check if it works)
  • Devices are sorted in device list by serialnumber string
  • Lowest-numbered serialnumber wins "default device"
    • unless config.Blink1Service.deviceToUse is set to non-zero
  • blink1id is used to address a specific device.
    • it is the serial number of the blink1
    • if blink1id is undefined or zero, use first device or default device
    • was (is) also index into device list
  • QUESTION: what about resetting of IFTTT Key on device change?

General architecture

  • remote.require() is based off of project root dir, but require() is based of CWD

  • remote.require() vs require() in renderer process

  • There exist singleton services like: Blink1Service, PatternsService, IftttService, MailService

    • these all live in the renderer process
  • New proposed service: EventService - console.log replacement & recent event display

    • (e.g. eventsvc.log("Did a thing", {type:'debug', from:'VirtualBlink1'}) (use introspection?)
  • NO: now everything lives in renderer process. Only thing in main process is "main.js" window & menu handling

Packaging & Releasing

  • Currently using electron-builder
  • but electron-packager also still supported a little
  • On Windows set env var DEBUG=electron-windows-installer to discover weird XML parsing errors when '&' is in description

Prepping node-hid

  • do npm run postinstall (should be done automatically on npm install, but sometimes seems not to)

Building on Windows

  • Can't use my standard MinGW rxvt shell?
  • Instead, open up Node's "Node Command Prompt" from Start menu
  • May need to install webpack & webpack-dev-server globally: npm install -g webpack ??
  • 'webpack --display-error-details' to help debug

Slow GUI issues

  • console.log() in renderer really seems to slow down GUI
  • Created "logger" that is mostly disabled

node-hid or usb-detection causing app hanging?

  • needed to do usb-detection.stopMonitoring()
  • Disable use of usb-detection for now and use polling (which can be turned off in config)

old notes

Prepping node-hid


 ./node_modules/.bin/electron-packager ./ Blink1ControlJs --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.30.6 --icon=./src/images/blink1-icon0-bw.png --out=build --version-string.CompanyName=ThingM --version-string.ProductName=Blink1ControlJs --version-string.ProductVersion=0.0.69

but doesn't change Mac app icon (or I'm doing something wrong) See: