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Ethereum Cat Herders Meeting 9 Notes

Meeting Date/Time: Tue, April 2, 2019 14:00 UTC

Meeting Duration: 30 minutes

  1. Update on ProgPow Audit
  2. Hard Fork Coordination Update
  3. Moloch DAO & Aragon Review
  4. Updates on the action items from Constantinople post-mortem
  5. Update on the Ethereum Development Portal designs/structure
  6. Any Other Business
  7. Review of Actions from Meeting 8

Moderator: Hudson Jameson

1. Update on ProgPow Audit

Hudson: New promising leads for funding, Hudson and Charles spoke previously about writing a community update. Planned timeframe: by end of week.

Brett: Some conversation about figuring out how much has been promised/matched.

Tim: Would be good to include clarification about how much $ is needed for funds, and how much the grant(s) we have cover.

  • ACTION 9.1: Hudson to work with Charles on making a post about ProgPoW audit, for sure before next Core Dev meeting, probably by end of week

2. Hard Fork Coordination Update

Pooja: Suggested on hardfork channel that next meeting should be no earlier than the Berlin meetup.

Tim: Since very relevant things will probably happen there.

Hudson, Brett: some discussion about probability of changing hardfork cadence.

Hudson: We should make sure that there’s a Cat Herder involved in the discussion.

Pooja: Should we create a draft for process for the hardforks and submit as a pull request? Brett, Hudson in favor

  • ACTION 9.2: Pooja to create a draft for process for the hardforks and submit as a pull request? Brett, Hudson in favor

3. Moloch DAO & Aragon Review

Reps not here, skipped.

4. Updates on the action items from Constantinople post-mortem

Brett: Charles is working on it this week.

5. Update on the Ethereum Development Portal designs/structure

Brett: Charles mentioned some progress on this

6. Eth 2.0 Coordination Help

Brett: Summarized from Mikerah last meeting. Discussion from Eth 2.0 Meeting suggests that issues of creating testnets preclude work on coordinating multi-client. Still think there still is value Cat Herders can add by providing a single source to verify against.

7. Any Other Business:

7.1 Ethereum Cat Herder Website

  • ACTION 9.3: Hugo is set to work on website

7.2 Charles Catching Up:

Charles got in, mentioned postmortem, Ethereum website stuff with Moloch.

Lane: Shouldn’t focus on Ethereum website.

Rehash of Eth 2.0 coordination (multi-client testnet not the current project, will work on individual testnets first, all want more tests before stating that client works), Brett: Cat Herders can still provide a single source to verify against.

Charles: ChainSafe (Greg) would love to coordinate with Cat Herders around the Eth 2.0 work.

7.3 Core Dev Call

Hudson: Not on core dev a week from this Friday, conversation with Lane about whether Core Dev call should be moved.

Tim: Maybe make the Core Dev call work on an Australian Time Zone for variety; more empowering for Australian and East Asian devs

Hudson: Might be too late

Lane: Weighs pros and cons to fixed times vs. more inclusiveness, leans towards fixed times.

Conversation around Tim moderating next Core Dev with Tim, Hudson, Lane. Probably won’t be streamed this time.

7.4 Managing Funds

Lane: Uncomfortable with more than $1k in a one-of-n scheme. One easy thing would be 2-of-3 multisig, or making separate account for ProgPoW multisig.

Hudson: Lets' do both.

Lane: First should be making 2-of-3.

Brett/Charles: Some conversation about the amounts matching from gitcoin. There’s a certain level of confusion about the numbers. Charles should know shortly.

  • ACTION 9.4: Multisig keyolders to work on seperating the funds.
  • ACTION 9.5: Multisig keyolders to bump the authorisation of multisig to 2-of-3.

8. Review Actions from Meeting 8


  • ACTION 8.1: Need to give warning to community that the ProgPoW carbonvote is shutting down. Two week warning - 9 April 2019 (block/time to be confirmed)
  • ACTION 8.2: Pooja to present EIP tracker idea to Core Devs on Friday call.
  • ACTION 8.3: Review Pooja's ECH task list and merge it.
  • ACTION 8.4: Lane to add Charles to multisig.
  • ACTION 8.5: Mikerah to bring the idea of getting the Ethereum Cat Herders to assist coordinating tasks to establish a multiclient Beacon Chain testnet at the Ethereum 2.0 call and will provide feedback at the next meeting.
  • ACTION 8.7: Brett to setup gitter channel for those interested in managing the notes and summaries of the Ethereum Core Devs.


  • ACTION 6.4: Joseph to post the updated communications checklist to the ECH internal gitter channel.
  • ACTION 6.7: Hugo & Joseph to work together to write up a general overview of how Moloch DAO might benefit the Ethereum Community.
  • ACTION 7.3: Hudson to provide feedback on Hard Fork Coordinator/s.
  • ACTION 7.5: Cat Herders to look the Handbook proposed by Luke Schoen and discuss over the next couple weeks - here.
  • ACTION 8.6: Pooja to engage with Charles and Hugo regarding the website.

Lane: There are audit funds in the Cat Herders wallet, need to have a discussion about access, what needs to happen. Will circle back after action items

9. Next Meeting: 16 April 2019 at 2pm UTC.


  • ACTION 9.1: Hudson to work with Charles on making a post about ProgPoW audit, for sure before next Core Dev meeting, probably by end of week
  • ACTION 9.2: Pooja to create a draft for process for the hardforks and submit as a pull request? Brett, Hudson in favor
  • ACTION 9.3: Hugo is set to work on website
  • ACTION 9.4: Multisig keyolders to work on seperating the funds.
  • ACTION 9.5: Multisig keyolders to bump the authorisation of multisig to 2-of-3.