This app Performs API CRUD operations on mongodb database.
- Authorization/Generate access token
- movies/theater - CRUD
- comment on a specific movie - CRUD
To authenticate an API request, you should provide your API token in the `Authorization` header.
All API requests require the use of a generated API token. You can find your API token, or generate a new one in the following endpoints.
Required `body` header data for *both*:
- email
- password
POST /api/users/
POST /api/users/login
Request Method Description /api/theaters
GET Gets all theaters /api/theaters
POST Creates a new theater /api/theaters/{theaterId}
GET Gets a specific theater using ID /api/theaters/{theaterId}
PUT Updates a theater if exists, create it if not /api/theaters/{theaterId}
DELETE Deletes a specific theater using ID -
Request Method Description /api/movies
GET Gets all movies /api/movies
POST Creates a new movie /api/movies/{movieId}
GET Gets a specific movie using ID /api/movies/{movieId}
PUT Updates a movie if exists, create it if not /api/movies/{movieId}
DELETE Deletes a specific movie using ID -
Request Method Description /api/movies/{movieId}/comments
GET Gets movie's all comments /api/movies/{movieId}/comments
POST Creates a new comment on a movie /api/movies/{movieId}/comments/{commentId}
GET Gets a movie's comment by ID /api/movies/{movieId}/comments/{commentId}
PUT Updates a new comment /api/movies/{movieId}/comments/{commentId}
DELETE Deletes a comment using ID
Most of endpoints return the JSON representation of the resources created or edited.
"message" : string,
"success" : bool,
"data" : string
The message
attribute contains a message commonly used to indicate errors.
The success
attribute describes if the transaction was successful or not.
The data
attribute contains any other associated with the response..
It returns the following status codes:
Status Code | Description |
200 | OK |
201 | CREATED |
404 | NOT FOUND |