Once the development branch has acquired enough features for a release or a predetermined release date is approaching
- Assign a developer to be responsible for the release deployment
- Create a release branch from dev
- Create a draft pull request for the release
- Add the Project Owner as a reviewer
- Copy this checklist into the draft pull request description
- Prepare the official release commit
- Bump version in the version.txt
- Move changes from the "Unreleased" section to the proper sections in the CHANGELOG.md
- Confirm all GitHub Actions tests pass
- Change the draft to pull request to "ready for review"
- Code Review with the Project Owner
- When it is ready, merge into the master branch; this will generate a merge commit, and this commit will be the official release commit.
- Create a Release: https://github.com/AllenInstitute/ipfx/releases <"Draft a new release" button>
- Create a draft release
- Summarize the release notes from the CHANGELOG.md and post them on on the Releases page on GitHub
- Review the release with the Project Owner
- Publish the release
- Reconfirm the version is correct in
- Set release version with "git tag v#.#.#" (e.g. "git tag v1.0.0", equivalent to the version you bumped to), this triggers circleci to publish ipfx to PyPI (deprecated, need to move to GitHub Actions)
- After release/deployment, merge master branch (bug fixes, document generation, etc.) back into dev and delete the release branch
- Build and deploy:
python setup.py sdist
andpython setup.py bdist_wheel
twine upload dist/* --verbose --config-file ~/.pypirc
- Announce release on https://community.brain-map.org