This is my configurations files repository for bspwm and dwm (chadwm) I hope you enjoy and like it!
I'm not able to maintain this dotfiles anymore, i'm working on other rices such as:
- dotfiles Which are my new dotfiles.
- eww-dotfiles
- dwm
And others....
Really thanks to all people that contributed to make this dotfiles possible :D
If you like this configuration, you can give me a star pls :)
You really make me happy if you do it :D
I am using void linux, I expect you use it to make all work, but installation also works for Arch Linux
- Iosevka Nerd Font
- Sauce Code Pro Nerd Font
- Material Icons
- alacritty
- kitty (optional, but alternative to alacritty)
- rofi
- sxhkd
- bspwm
- polybar
- picom
- feh
- bat
- exa
- dunst
- starship
- pfetch
This requirements will be installed with the autoinstaller
I use bash
, zsh
and fish
. I use this shells, but in combination with starship.
- bash: bash + starship
- zsh: zsh + starship
- fish: fish + starship
- The installers only works for void linux and arch linux
- The installers setup bash as default shell, but configuration with starship are created too for
- The installers may copy your old configurations files to
if it found it's folders, it don't delete your old configuration folders
I create an autoinstaller that download the files, copy it on your system folders and install the dependencies
To use it, execute this command:
curl | bash
Or at clone the dotfiles (is important that the dotfiles are in ~/.dotfiles):
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
You can install with dotbot too with three simple bash-script commands
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
And that's all
I made a tool .local/bin/themer
that change the theme automatically,
to use it, use the keyboard shortcut: super + t
, that open a rofi window
where you can select the theme.
If you use nvcodark, it
can change automatically the theme of it, modifying the ~/.config/nvim/lua/rc.lua
file trying to apply the selected theme, to enable it support, open the file ~/.local/bin/themer
and then change NVCODARK_SUPPORT=0
, then change
the theme normally with super + shift + t
I create ports for my setup using precreated palettes, now only exists support for:
- catppuccin
- tokyonight
- gruvbox
- material-ocean
- onedark
- everforest
- everblush
- aquarium
Go to the galery to see screenshots of the styles
- super + Return:
(open kitty) - super + shift + Return:
rofi -show drun
(open rofi) - super + Escape:
pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd
(restart sxhkd) - super + shift + q:
bspc quit
(quit bspwm) - super + shift + r:
bspc wm -r
(reload bspwm) - super + Tab:
bspc desktop -l next
(next layout (monocle or tiled)) - super + shift + Tab:
bspc desktop -l previous
(prev layout (monocle or tiled)) - super + y:
bspc node newest.marked.local -n newest.!automatic.local
(send the newest marked node to the newest preselected node) - super + g:
bspc node -s biggest
(swap the current node and the biggest node) - super + t:
bspc node -t tiled
(set window state to tiled) - super + space:
bspc node -t floating
(set window state to floating) - super + f:
bspc node -t fullscreen
(set window state to fullscreen) - super + ctrl + m:
bspc node -g marked
(set node flag to marked) - super + ctrl + x:
bspc node -g locked
(set node flag to locked) - super + ctrl + y:
bspc node -g sticky
(set node flag to sticky) - super + ctrl + z:
bspc node -g private
(set node flag to private) - super + b:
(spawn firefox) - super + shift + t:
(spawn themer)
I have a lot of wallpapers, it are published in .sample-wallpapers folder
You can get more catppuccin-based wallpapers here
I have two setups: bspwm and chadwm, continue scrolling to see awesome screenshots of all styles!
This is the first setup that I made with this styles! it works for bspwm with polybar and much love
This config also includes a custom setup based on chadwm, it's really beautiful too, I love it. Some screenshots here (it has the same themes of the bspwm setup):
my brother <3
- Catppuccin community (To help me with a lot of inspiration and feedback, in the discord server)
- Akali (To help me with a lot of solutions and feedback <3)
- Dlltsuki (To help me a lot with feedback and the dotbot installation <3)
- Bleyom (To help me with some inspiration and feedback <3) (He has a very beautiful rices, in his profile)
- KOK41 (To help me with some ideas and concepts <3)