DataCruncher is a Data Quality Firewall suite.
It includes:
- advanced UI for schema definition
- frontend and backend validation
- automatic forms generation
- business rules
- governance
- real-time data monitoring
- alerting
- mobile interface
After long time on idle, a new version. Two big feature are released; the client side data validation and the automatic forms generation.
Build it from the source code
Create a new SQL database called "datacruncher", we use MySQL as default but you can choose whatever you like.
Modify the persistence.xml (into the war file) using your db credentials
Install Mongodb to store the datastreams (optional)
Deploy the war on Tomcat
docker-compose up -d
- data and logs will be stored in
The credentials required by the login popup are admin:admin
- If you get an error: "The background cache eviction process was unable to free [10] percent of the cache for Context", increase cache size by adding Resources element (if none exist) and setting cacheMaxSize (in kilobytes) in TOMCAT_HOME/conf/context.xml:
<!-- This will increase the cache size to 100Mb. -->
<Resources cachingAllowed="true" cacheMaxSize="100000" />
Don't forget to restart Tomcat after configuration change.
Project uses many libraries, so to avoid conflicts on transitive dependencies we prefer to use version range dependencies.
- When we know minimum version that is required to compile and work successfully, we use open range with fixed minimum value:
This means we require commons-fileupload library version at least 1.3.3 or higher. Minimum version can be easily determined by @since Javadoc of used features or Github alert insights that suggest minimum version where all security vulnerabilities are fixed.
- When we know that newer versions of library break our application, we either limit maximum acceptable version or use fixed version of library^
Read more about Maven version ranges:
You can skip unit-testing phase during build using this command:
mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
Some tests use embedded HTTP server (Jetty). Server is started on port described by "jetty.port" property in src/test/resources/ file:
Check that this port is free before tests run or specify different port number.
For adding new menu item we need to do following:
Add the entry in
Add same entries for required roles in
clear the following db tables:
a- jv_activity
b- jv_role_activity
add js code in index.js related to the new entity