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-# 20CYS312 - Principles of Programming Languages
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-## Haskell GHCi Interpreter - Lecture Notes
-### Introduction (5 minutes)
-- Welcome and brief overview of the session.
-- Introduction to Haskell and GHCi (Glasgow Haskell Compiler Interactive).
-### Getting Started with GHCi (10 minutes)
-### Installation
-- Mention how to install Haskell and GHCi.
-#### Opening GHCi
-- Open GHCi in the terminal or command prompt.
-#### Basic Commands
-- `:load` or `:l` to load a Haskell file.
-- `:reload` or `:r` to reload the loaded file.
-- `:quit` or `:q` to exit GHCi.
-### Haskell Basics (10 minutes)
-#### Variables and Types
-- Declare variables using `let`.
-- Basic data types: `Int`, `Double`, `Char`, `Bool`.
-#### Functions
-- Define functions using `let`.
-- Example functions and their types.
-#### Lists
-- Create lists and perform basic operations.
-- List comprehensions.
-### Interactive Coding Session (10 minutes)
-- Demonstrate live coding in GHCi.
-- Solve a simple problem or implement a small program interactively.
-### Advanced GHCi Features (5 minutes)
-#### Type Information
-- Use `:type` or `:t` to get the type of an expression.
-#### Documentation
-- Access Haddock documentation in GHCi.
-#### Debugging
-- Utilize GHCi for debugging Haskell code.
-### Conclusion (5 minutes)
-- Recap of key points.
-- Resources for further learning.
-- Q&A.
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-# 20CYS312 - Principles of Programming Languages
-![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Batch-21CYS-lightgreen) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/UG-blue) ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Subject-PPL-blue)
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-## Haskell Functions and Types - Lecture Notes
-### Introduction (5 minutes)
-- Welcome and brief overview of the session.
-- Importance of functions and types in Haskell.
-### Functions in Haskell (15 minutes)
-#### Function Declaration
-- Syntax: `functionName :: Type1 -> Type2 -> ... -> ReturnType`
-- Example:
-add :: Int -> Int -> Int
-add x y = x + y
-#### Function Application
-- Applying functions with space.
-- Example:
-result = add 3 5
-#### Currying
-- Explanation of curried functions.
-- Example:
-add :: Int -> (Int -> Int)
-add x y = x + y
-#### Anonymous Functions (Lambda)
-- Syntax: \parameter -> expression
-- Example:
-square = \x -> x * x
-#### Higher-Order Functions
-- Functions that take functions as arguments or return functions.
-- Example:
-applyTwice :: (a -> a) -> a -> a
-applyTwice f x = f (f x)
-### Types in Haskell (15 minutes)
-#### Type Declaration
-- Explicit type declarations.
-- Example:
-add :: Int -> Int -> Int
-add x y = x + y
-#### Common Types
-- Int, Integer, Double, Char, Bool, Lists.
-- Examples:
-numbers :: [Int]
-chars :: String
-#### Polymorphism
-- Type variables and polymorphic functions.
-- Example:
-identity :: a -> a
-identity x = x
-#### Custom Data Types
-- Defining data types with data keyword.
-- Example:
-data Point = Point Float Float
-distance :: Point -> Point -> Float
-### Interactive Coding Session (5 minutes)
-- Demonstrate live coding in GHCi.
-- Solve a simple problem or implement a small program interactively.
-### Conclusion (5 minutes)
-- Recap of key points on functions and types.
-- Emphasize the importance of type safety in Haskell.
-- Resources for further learning.
-- Q&A.