Considering that many companies' big data platforms are built with Yarn, we realize Angel's current distributed computing based on Yarn to make it easier to reuse the existing network environment without any changes.
Given the procedure and system requirements for building Yarn, we suggest using machines with large memory (for example, >=10G). In general, 6G memory is a minimal requirement for using 1PS+1worker+1am case.
The environment requirements for running Angel on Yarn include:
A working Hadoop cluster, including Yarn and HDFS
- Hadoop >= 2.2.0
A client-side gateway for submitting Angel jobs
- Java >= 1.8
- Spark >= 2.4.0
- Angel distribution package angel-<version>
Taking PageRank as an example:
Uploading Data (this step can be skipped if you already have data in the HDFS, just pay attention to specify the right data format)
find the distribution package and its
directory, which contains graph data -
on HDFS, create a new directory where we are going to upload the data
hadoop fs -mkdir hdfs://<hdfs name>/test/pagerank_data
upload the data
hadoop fs -put data/bc/edge hdfs://<hdfs name>/test/pagerank_data
Submitting the Job
- use
to submit Angel jobs to the Hadoop cluster
please make sure the cluster has enough resources; for the following example, at least 6GB memory and 4 vcores are needed to start the job
``` #!/bin/bash input=hdfs://<hdfs name>/test/pagerank_data output=hdfs://<hdfs name>/test/pagerank_output queue=your_queue_name source ./ ${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit \ --master yarn-cluster \ --conf$SONA_ANGEL_JARS \ --conf \ --conf \ --conf \ --jars $SONA_SPARK_JARS\ --name "PageRank-spark-on-angel" \ --queue $queue \ --driver-memory 1g \ --num-executors 2 \ --executor-cores 1 \ --executor-memory 1g \ --class com.tencent.angel.spark.examples.cluster.PageRankExample \ ./../lib/spark-on-angel-examples-${ANGEL_VERSION}.jar \ input:$input \ output:$output \ resetProp:0.15 ```
Meaning of the Parameters
Parameter Meaning the jar package that angel ps depends on is configured in the requested total PS requested cores for each PS requested memory for each PS resetProp algorithm parameters For the ease of usage, there are more other parameters that you can configure:
- system parameters: system configuration
- algorithm parameters: PageRank
- use