module load hpss hsi get /NCEPDEV/emc-hwrf/5year/Zaizhong.Ma/coastal/hiresmasks/ida_2021/expens_ida/*.tar
extract only specific files (for example ida09l.2021082818.hwrfprs.storm.0p015.f008.grb2 ) data from tar file with command
#tar -xf ida09l.202108*.tar --wildcards --no-anchored 'hwrfprs.storm.grib2' // reading all tar files at once and extract the specific data input files
tar -xf ida09l.2021082818.tar --wildcards --no-anchored 'hwrfprs.storm.grb2' tar -xf ida09l.2021082900.tar --wildcards --no-anchored 'hwrfprs.storm.grb2'
mv hwrfprs.storm ../WPS/ cd ../WPS
Download GFS data to provide land surface datasets Note: HWRF model just provides 10-meters hight and up data.
data sourc
chmod 777 get_gfsdata.csh ./get_gfsdata.csh eHYViBlg # eHYViBlg is password for rda ucar access data. anyone can create this
cd ../WPS
Add high resolution elevaton dataset (10-meter) Add highh resolution landuse dataset (30-meter)
geog_data_res = 'nlcd2011_1s+3dep_ida+30s' # for all 3 domains
Edit namelist.wps and add domain information
Link HWRF grib file and run ungrig.exe (Vtable for HWRF) Link GFS_land file and run ungrib.exe (Vtable for GFS_land)
sbatch ungrib.exe
sbatch metgrid.exe
cd ../WRF/run
sbatch job_real.exe
cd ../WRF/run
- ADCIRC High water mark is one dimensional dataset and unstructured. We have to map this data on to wrf grid. We have deveopled ncl scripts
;This is an NCL/ESMF template file for regridding from an ; unstructured grid to a rectilinear grid. It uses ESMF_regrid ; to do the regridding.
ncl < ESMF_unstruct_to_rect.ncl
- Now we have to map unstructured data on to wrf map and replace coastal land to inundation.
ncl < var_regrid_domain.ncl
- Now replace land point to inundation grid points using ncl scripting
ncl < change_wrfrst.ncl