diff --git a/GameInfo.py b/GameInfo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58298b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GameInfo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+from os import path
+from json import loads, dump
+async def compare() -> bool:
+ if not path.isfile("process_info.json"):
+ return False
+ with open("process_info.json", 'r') as json_file:
+ current_info = loads(json_file.read())
+ json_file.close()
+ game_package_name = current_info["game_pkg"]
+ if game_package_name == "":
+ return False
+ elif path.exists("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/{}".format(game_package_name)):
+ return True
+ else:
+ print("[-] Package Not found. Please type again or press ctrl+c to exit.")
+ return False
+async def get_data() -> None:
+ while not (await compare()):
+ pkg_name = input("[x] Enter package name: ")
+ process_info = {"game_pkg": pkg_name}
+ dump(process_info, open("process_info.json", "w"))
diff --git a/PyCheats.py b/PyCheats.py
index 2561e67..fc091bb 100644
--- a/PyCheats.py
+++ b/PyCheats.py
@@ -1,227 +1,278 @@
#! /usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import os
-import time
-import InfoCollector
-import subprocess
+ * date : 2022/12/29
+ * Version : 0.2
+ * author : Abdul Moez (abdulmoez123456789@gmail.com)
+ * Study : UnderGraduate in GCU Lahore, Pakistan
+from os import getcwd
+from sys import exit, argv
+from subprocess import call
+from GameInfo import get_data
+from os import getuid
+from json import loads
+from asyncio import sleep, get_event_loop
- import androidMemoryTool
- from rich import print
from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
+ from art import tprint
except ImportError:
- print("[*] Installing requirements")
- os.system("pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt")
- subprocess.call(['sudo', 'python3', *sys.argv])
- sys.exit(1)
+ from os import system
+ print("[+] Installing requirements")
+ system("pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt")
+ call(['sudo', 'python3', *argv])
+ exit(0)
+class Colors:
+ C_HEADER = '\033[95m'
+ C_BLUE = '\033[94m'
+ C_CYAN = '\033[96m'
+ C_GREEN = '\033[92m'
+ C_WARNING = '\033[93m'
+ C_FAIL = '\033[91m'
+ C_BOLD = '\033[1m'
+class PyCheats(Colors):
+ _pkg = None
+ _PID = None
+ _libanogs_base = 0x0
+ _libUE4_base = 0x0
+ _is64 = None
+ _lib_libanogs = None
+ _MemTool_UTF8 = None
+ _MemTool_DWORD = None
+ _MemTool_FLOAT = None
+ _SPEED_MODE = True
+ _event_loop = None
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self._event_loop = get_event_loop()
-clear = lambda: os.system("clear")
+ async def __async__get_ticks(self):
+ # initialization directory and decoration
+ await self.decoration()
+ await self.is_rooted_acquired()
+ # Grabbing ids and setting up libs
+ self._pkg = await self.grab_data()
-class MemoryTools:
- pkg = None
- PID = None
- data = None
- libanogs_base = 0x0
- libUE4_base = 0x0
- is64 = None
- lib_libanogs = None
+ """ Checking if the game running and and getting pid """
+ if await self.is_game_running():
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[+] Game is Running.\n")
+ else:
+ print(self.C_FAIL + "[+] Game is not running. Try restarting game.")
+ exit(1)
- def __int__(self, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- self.is_rooted_acquired()
- self.decoration()
+ """Initializing Android Memory Tool for different data types and maps"""
+ self._MemTool_UTF8 = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG=self._pkg, TYPE=AndroidMemoryTool.DataTypes.UTF_8,
+ pMAP=AndroidMemoryTool.PMAP(ALL=False, CODE_APP=True, C_DATA=True))
- # Grabbing ids
- self.pkg, self.data, self.is64 = self.is64_version()
+ self._MemTool_DWORD = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG=self._pkg, TYPE=AndroidMemoryTool.DataTypes.DWORD,
+ pMAP=AndroidMemoryTool.PMAP(ALL=False, CODE_APP=True))
- # checking is game running and getting pid
- if self.is_game_running():
- print("[*] Game Running.")
- else:
- print("[*] Game PID not found.")
- sys.exit()
+ self._MemTool_FLOAT = AndroidMemoryTool(PKG=self._pkg, TYPE=AndroidMemoryTool.DataTypes.FLOAT,
+ pMAP=AndroidMemoryTool.PMAP(ALL=False, CODE_APP=True))
+ """Module Imported at runtime"""
+ # self.change_lib(self.data)
+ self._libanogs_base = AndroidMemoryTool.get_module_base_address(self._PID, "libanogs.so")
+ self._libUE4_base = AndroidMemoryTool.get_module_base_address(self._PID, "libUE4.so")
- """Getting Base address"""
- self.libanogs_base = androidMemoryTool.get_module_base_address(self.PID, "libanogs.so")
- self.libUE4_base = androidMemoryTool.get_module_base_address(self.PID, "libUE4.so")
+ # calling logoBypass and getting base address
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[*] Security dispatching started")
- print("[*] Security dispatching Started")
- self.logo_bypass_utf8()
- self.logo_bypass_offset()
- self.logo_bypass_dword()
- self.logo_bypass_float()
- print("[*] Security dispatching Completed")
+ await self.logo_bypass_utf8()
+ await self.logo_bypass_offset()
+ await self.logo_bypass_dword()
+ await self.logo_bypass_float()
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[*] Security dispatching Completed")
- time.sleep(2)
+ await self.decoration()
+ await self.lobby_work()
- self.decoration()
- self.lobby_work()
+ """-------------------------------------Information Functions --------------------------------------------"""
- def is_rooted_acquired():
- if os.getuid() != 0:
- print("[*] Root Required")
- print("[*] Rebooting script as root")
- time.sleep(2)
- subprocess.call(['sudo', 'python3', *sys.argv])
- sys.exit(1)
+ async def upack_information() -> str:
+ with open("process_info.json", 'r') as json_file:
+ current_info = loads(json_file.read())
+ json_file.close()
+ game_package_name = current_info["game_pkg"]
+ return game_package_name
+ async def is_rooted_acquired(self):
+ if getuid() != 0:
+ print(self.C_WARNING + "[-] Root Required")
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[+] Rebooting script as root")
+ await sleep(2)
+ call(['sudo', 'python3', *argv])
+ exit(1)
- print("Root Acquired")
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[+] Root Acquired")
- @staticmethod
- def upack_information() -> tuple[str, str]:
- with open("gameInfo.txt", 'r') as f:
- d = f.read()
- f.close()
- file_data = d.split()
- pkg_name = file_data[0]
- data_path = file_data[1]
- return pkg_name, data_path
+ async def decoration(self):
+ call("clear")
+ print(self.C_HEADER)
+ tprint(text="PyCheats", chr_ignore=True)
+ print(self.C_CYAN + self.C_BOLD + "\nBy github.com/Anonym0usWork1221\n")
- @staticmethod
- def decoration():
- # clear()
- print("[*] Welcome to Example Script by Anonym0usWork1221\nhttps://github.com/Anonym0usWork1221\n\n")
+ async def grab_data(self) -> str:
+ await get_data()
+ return await self.upack_information()
- def is64_version(self) -> tuple[str, str, bool]:
- print("\n[*] 1. 32 bits")
- print("[*] 2. 64 bits")
- while True:
- try:
- bits_type = int(input("[*] Choose pubg bits: "))
- break
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- if bits_type == 1:
- while not InfoCollector.compare():
- pkg_name = input("Enter package name: ")
- data = input("Enter Libs Path: ")
- with open("gameInfo.txt", 'w') as gameInfoWriter:
- gameInfoWriter.write(f"{pkg_name}\n{data}")
- gameInfoWriter.close()
- pkg_name, data = self.upack_information()
- return pkg_name, data, False
- else:
- InfoCollector.get_data()
- pkg_name, data = self.upack_information()
- return pkg_name, data, True
+ async def is_game_running(self) -> bool:
+ self._PID = AndroidMemoryTool.get_pid(self._pkg)
- def is_game_running(self) -> bool:
- self.PID = androidMemoryTool.get_pid(self.pkg)
- if not self.PID == "":
+ if not self._PID == "":
return True
return False
- def logo_bypass_utf8(self) -> None:
+ """-------------------------------------Information Functions Ending--------------------------------------------"""
+ """-------------------------------------AntiCheat Patching --------------------------------------------"""
+ async def logo_bypass_utf8(self) -> None:
vals_bytes = ["libUE4.so", "libBugly.so", "libanogs.so", "l_report", "get_report", "tss_sdk_rcv_anti_data",
- "AntiCheatData", "Reports", "hack", "ban", "cheat", "qq.com", "packets.com",
+ "AntiCheatData", "Reports", "hack", "ban", "cheat", "qq.com", "tencent.com", "packets.com",
+ "ptrace", "ig.com", "igamecj.com", "amsoveasea.com", "gcloudcs.com", "tss_get_report_data",
+ "tss_del_report_data", "tss_enable_get_report_data", "TssSDKGetReportData", "TssSDKDelReportData",
+ "tss_sdk_ischeatpacket", "tss_sdk_decryptpacket", "Java_com_tencent_tp_TssSdk_forceExit",
- androidMemoryTool.SettingUpTool().init_setup(PKG=self.pkg, TYPE=androidMemoryTool.DataTypes.UTF_8,
+ replaced_value = int(0)
- # set True to maps you want to use
- androidMemoryTool.InitMemoryTool().init_tool(pMAP=androidMemoryTool.PMAP(ALL=False, CODE_APP=True))
- replaced_value = 0
for value in vals_bytes:
- replaced_value += AndroidMemoryTool.read_write_value(str(value), "AbdulMoez")
+ replaced_value += self._MemTool_UTF8.read_write_value(str(value), "King")
except Exception as e:
- print(e)
+ print(self.C_WARNING + "[-] Exception occurred: ", e)
- print("[*] Logo_bypass_utf8: " + str(replaced_value))
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[+] LBU-8: %d" % replaced_value)
- def logo_bypass_offset(self):
+ async def logo_bypass_offset(self):
offsets_libanogs_DWORD = [0x000, 0xB80, 0xBB0, 0x59A4B0, 0x15D0, 0xAA980, 0x2F, 0x32B4, 0x50D63]
offsets_libUE4_DWORD = [0x7E2A78, 0x7E2A80, 0x7E2A88]
+ replaced_value = int(0)
for offset in offsets_libanogs_DWORD:
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_DWORD(self.PID, self.libanogs_base, offset, 0)
+ ret_values = self._MemTool_DWORD.write_lib(self._libanogs_base, offset, 1)
+ if ret_values:
+ replaced_value += 1
for offset_Ue in offsets_libUE4_DWORD:
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_DWORD(self.PID, self.libUE4_base, offset_Ue, 0)
+ ret_values = self._MemTool_DWORD.write_lib(self._libUE4_base, offset_Ue, 1)
+ if ret_values:
+ replaced_value += 1
- print("[*] Logo_bypass_offset: Completed")
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[+] LBO: %d" % replaced_value)
- def logo_bypass_dword(self) -> None:
+ async def logo_bypass_dword(self) -> None:
vals_dword = [118334, 856896, 123010, 123179, 123274, 1026]
- androidMemoryTool.SettingUpTool().init_setup(PKG=self.pkg, TYPE=androidMemoryTool.DataTypes.DWORD,
- androidMemoryTool.InitMemoryTool().init_tool(pMAP=androidMemoryTool.PMAP(ALL=False, CODE_APP=True))
- replaced_value = 0
+ replaced_value = int(0)
for value in vals_dword:
- replaced_value += AndroidMemoryTool.read_write_value(value, 1)
+ replaced_value += self._MemTool_DWORD.read_write_value(value, 1)
except Exception as e:
- print(e)
+ print(self.C_WARNING + "[-] Exception occurred: ", e)
- print("[*] logo_bypass_dword: " + str(replaced_value))
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[+] LB-DSW: %d" % replaced_value)
- def logo_bypass_float(self) -> None:
- vals_float = [9.21970312e-41, 13073.3740234375, 2.2958874e-41]
- androidMemoryTool.SettingUpTool().init_setup(PKG=self.pkg, TYPE=androidMemoryTool.DataTypes.FLOAT,
+ async def logo_bypass_float(self) -> None:
+ vals_float = [9.21970312e-41, 13073.3740234375]
- androidMemoryTool.InitMemoryTool().init_tool(pMAP=androidMemoryTool.PMAP(CODE_APP=True, ALL=False))
- replaced_value = 0
+ replaced_value = int(0)
for value in vals_float:
- replaced_value += AndroidMemoryTool.read_write_value(value, 0.1)
+ replaced_value += self._MemTool_FLOAT.read_write_value(value, 0.1)
except Exception as e:
- print(e)
+ print(self.C_WARNING + "[-] Exception occurred: ", e)
- print("[*] logo_bypass_float: " + str(replaced_value))
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[+] LBF: %d" % replaced_value)
- def lobby_bypass(self):
+ async def lobby_bypass(self):
offsets_libUE4_DWORD = [0x1D40C98, 0x1C57DEC, 0x1DBA718, 0x1d40c84, 0x1d1ddd4, 0x1c55c10, 0x1dba704, 0x1d40d48]
+ replaced_value = int(0)
for offset_Ue in offsets_libUE4_DWORD:
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_FLOAT(self.PID, self.libUE4_base, offset_Ue, 0.1)
+ ret_values = self._MemTool_FLOAT.write_lib(self._libUE4_base, offset_Ue, 0.1)
+ if ret_values:
+ replaced_value += 1
- print("[*] lobby_bypass: 8")
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[+] LBO: %d" % replaced_value)
- def logo_arm_bypass(self) -> None:
- # Based on arm instructions (not available yet)
- pass
+ """-------------------------------------AntiCheat Patching Ending--------------------------------------------"""
+ """-------------------------------------Basic Function --------------------------------------------"""
- def no_recoil(self):
+ async def no_recoil(self):
"""LibBase + offset = value -> need to change"""
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_FLOAT(self.PID, self.libUE4_base, 0x1e85c74, 4.55)
+ recoil_offset_float = 0x1e85c74
+ self._MemTool_FLOAT.write_lib(self._libUE4_base, recoil_offset_float, 4.55)
- def speed_run(self):
+ async def speed_run(self):
"""LibBase + offset = value -> need to change"""
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_FLOAT(self.PID, self.libUE4_base, 0x27a5c80, 8.55015)
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_DWORD(self.PID, self.libUE4_base, 0x8a4fd48, 400)
+ speed_offset_float = 0x27a5c80
+ speed_offset_dword = 0x8a4fd48
+ self._MemTool_FLOAT.write_lib(self._libUE4_base, speed_offset_float, 8.55015)
+ self._MemTool_DWORD.write_lib(self._libUE4_base, speed_offset_dword, 400)
+ """-------------------------------------Basic Function Ending--------------------------------------------"""
+ """-------------------------------------Dumping Functions--------------------------------------------"""
+ async def dump_map(self):
+ is_dumped = self._MemTool_FLOAT.dump_maps(path="./")
+ if is_dumped:
+ print(self.C_GREEN + "[+] Map dumped of process %s is found in %s" % (self._PID, getcwd()))
+ else:
+ print(self.C_FAIL + "[-] Unable to dump maps")
+ """-------------------------------------Dumping Functions Ending--------------------------------------------"""
+ """-------------------------------------Main Menu Function --------------------------------------------"""
- def lobby_work(self) -> None:
+ async def lobby_work(self) -> None:
while True:
- print("[*] 1. Lobby Anti-Cheat System")
- print("[*] 2. No Recoil")
- print("[*] 3. Speed Run")
- print("[*] 4. Exit and release memory")
- ans = input(">>>> ")
+ print(self.C_BLUE + "[+] 1. Lobby Anti-Cheat System")
+ print(self.C_BLUE + "[+] 2. No Recoil")
+ print(self.C_BLUE + "[+] 3. Speed Run")
+ print(self.C_BLUE + "[+] 4. Dump Maps")
+ print(self.C_BLUE + "[+] 5. Exit and release memory")
+ ans = input(self.C_BOLD + self.C_CYAN + ">>>> ")
ans = int(ans)
if ans == 1:
- self.lobby_bypass()
+ await self.lobby_bypass()
elif ans == 2:
- self.no_recoil()
+ await self.no_recoil()
elif ans == 3:
- self.speed_run()
+ await self.speed_run()
elif ans == 4:
- sys.exit(0)
+ await self.dump_map()
+ elif ans == 5:
+ exit(0)
- print("[*] Choose given options")
- time.sleep(2)
+ print(self.C_FAIL + "[+] Choose given options")
+ await sleep(2)
+ """-------------------------------------Main Menu Function Ending--------------------------------------------"""
+ """-------------------------------------Main Function --------------------------------------------"""
+ def get_ticks(self):
+ self._event_loop.run_until_complete(self.__async__get_ticks())
if __name__ == '__main__':
- MemoryTools().__int__()
+ py_cheats_object = PyCheats()
+ py_cheats_object.get_ticks()
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 80c09b8..16c72f7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,444 +1,124 @@
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-**This is am example of using androidMemoryTool on android
-This script is generated for game pubg mobile.
-Can be use in Fortnite and other games for cheats**
-If you find any bug or not working function you can contact me.
- * Author : Abdul Moez
- * Study : UnderGraduate in GCU Lahore, Pakistan
- * Repo :(https://github.com/Anonym0usWork1221/Android-Py-Cheats-Script)
- MIT License
- Copyright (c) 2022 AbdulMoez
-* Link to repo android memory tool (https://github.com/Anonym0usWork1221/android-memorytool)
-* Install the requirements.txt file ```pip install -r requirements.txt```
-* Needed python version 3.x
-* Android Requirments -> Rooted Device Needed
-* Requirements and root automatically acquire just start script
-* ``` python3 PyCheats.py ```
-Documentation, Installation
-* **__Installation__**
- **Simply run PyCheats.py it will automatically install requirements**
-* **__Documentation__**
- 1. First of I imported the required packages. The module **InfoCollector** is custom module
- the try except blocks are used inorder to detect that these modules are installed if not
- then install then first.
- ```py
- import sys
- import os
- import time
- import InfoCollector
- import subprocess
- try:
- import androidMemoryTool
- from rich import print
- from androidMemoryTool import AndroidMemoryTool
- except ImportError:
- print("[*] Installing requirements")
- os.system("pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt")
- subprocess.call(['sudo', 'python3', *sys.argv])
- sys.exit(1)
- ```
- 2. Simply added lambda function for clearing the terminal
- ```py
- clear = lambda: os.system("clear")
- ```
- 3. Create class and initialize required variables
- ```py
- class MemoryTools:
- pkg = None
- PID = None
- data = None
- libanogs_base = 0x0
- libUE4_base = 0x0
- is64 = None
- lib_libanogs = None
- ```
- 4. Set up init function and run different functions on startup of that function.
- ```py
- def __int__(self, **kwargs):
- super().__init__(**kwargs)
- self.is_rooted_acquired()
- self.decoration()
- # Grabbing ids
- self.pkg, self.data, self.is64 = self.is64_version()
- # checking is game running and getting pid
- if self.is_game_running():
- print("[*] Game Running.")
- else:
- print("[*] Game PID not found.")
- sys.exit()
- """Getting Base address"""
- self.libanogs_base = androidMemoryTool.get_module_base_address(self.PID, "libanogs.so")
- self.libUE4_base = androidMemoryTool.get_module_base_address(self.PID, "libUE4.so")
- print("[*] Security dispatching Started")
- self.logo_bypass_utf8()
- self.logo_bypass_offset()
- self.logo_bypass_dword()
- self.logo_bypass_float()
- print("[*] Security dispatching Completed")
- time.sleep(2)
- self.decoration()
- self.lobby_work()
- ```
- 5. Function **is_rooted_acquired** check if the script is running as root or not
- ```py
- @staticmethod
- def is_rooted_acquired():
- if os.getuid() != 0:
- print("[*] Root Required")
- print("[*] Rebooting script as root")
- time.sleep(2)
- subprocess.call(['sudo', 'python3', *sys.argv])
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- print("Root Acquired")
- ```
- 6. Function **upack_information** checking information stored in gameInfo.txt file
- Like __package name__ and __libs path__
- ```py
- @staticmethod
- def upack_information() -> tuple[str, str]:
- with open("gameInfo.txt", 'r') as f:
- d = f.read()
- f.close()
- file_data = d.split()
- pkg_name = file_data[0]
- data_path = file_data[1]
- return pkg_name, data_path
- ```
- 7. Function **decoration** is used for displaying name text for styling
- ```py
- @staticmethod
- def decoration():
- clear()
- print("[*] Welcome to Example Script by Anonym0usWork1221\nhttps://github.com/Anonym0usWork1221\n\n")
- ```
- 8. Function **is64_version** is asking for package name and version from user and
- storing in **gameInfo.txt** file for latter use.
- ```py
- def is64_version(self) -> tuple[str, str, bool]:
- print("\n[*] 1. 32 bits")
- print("[*] 2. 64 bits")
- while True:
- try:
- bits_type = int(input("[*] Choose pubg bits: "))
- break
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- if bits_type == 1:
- while not InfoCollector.compare():
- pkg_name = input("Enter package name: ")
- data = input("Enter Libs Path: ")
- with open("gameInfo.txt", 'w') as gameInfoWriter:
- gameInfoWriter.write(f"{pkg_name}\n{data}")
- gameInfoWriter.close()
- pkg_name, data = self.upack_information()
- return pkg_name, data, False
- else:
- InfoCollector.get_data()
- pkg_name, data = self.upack_information()
- return pkg_name, data, True
- ```
- 9. Function **is_game_running** is checking that if game running and setting up **PID** variable
- ```py
- def is_game_running(self) -> bool:
- self.PID = androidMemoryTool.get_pid(self.pkg)
- if not self.PID == "":
- return True
- else:
- return False
- ```
- 10. Function **logo_bypass_utf8** is searching utf-8 strings and changing them using AndroidMemoryTool
- ```py
- androidMemoryTool.SettingUpTool().init_setup(PKG=self.pkg, TYPE=androidMemoryTool.DataTypes.UTF_8,
- ```
- Here we are setting up the androidMemoryTool by giving **package name** (provided by user), **DataType**
- (UTF_8 in this case), **SPEED_MODE** (To use speed algorithms in speeding up Search), and **WORKERS** (number of works used to speed up)
- ```py
- androidMemoryTool.InitMemoryTool().init_tool(pMAP=androidMemoryTool.PMAP(ALL=False, CODE_APP=True))
- ```
- Here we are initializing the androidMemoryTool by giving maps range we want to use.
- ```py
- def logo_bypass_utf8(self) -> None:
- vals_bytes = ["libUE4.so", "libBugly.so", "libanogs.so", "l_report", "get_report", "tss_sdk_rcv_anti_data",
- "AreaData.dat",
- "AntiCheatData", "Reports", "hack", "ban", "cheat", "qq.com", "packets.com",
- "killProcess"]
- androidMemoryTool.SettingUpTool().init_setup(PKG=self.pkg, TYPE=androidMemoryTool.DataTypes.UTF_8,
- # set True to maps you want to use
- androidMemoryTool.InitMemoryTool().init_tool(pMAP=androidMemoryTool.PMAP(ALL=False, CODE_APP=True))
- replaced_value = 0
- try:
- for value in vals_bytes:
- replaced_value += AndroidMemoryTool.read_write_value(str(value), "AbdulMoez")
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- print("[*] Logo_bypass_utf8: " + str(replaced_value))
- ```
- 11. Function **logo_bypass_offset** is writing the value of offsets directly
- ```py
- def logo_bypass_offset(self):
- offsets_libanogs_DWORD = [0x000, 0xB80, 0xBB0, 0x59A4B0, 0x15D0, 0xAA980, 0x2F, 0x32B4, 0x50D63]
- offsets_libUE4_DWORD = [0x7E2A78, 0x7E2A80, 0x7E2A88]
- for offset in offsets_libanogs_DWORD:
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_DWORD(self.PID, self.libanogs_base, offset, 0)
- for offset_Ue in offsets_libUE4_DWORD:
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_DWORD(self.PID, self.libUE4_base, offset_Ue, 0)
- print("[*] Logo_bypass_offset: Completed")
- ```
- 12. Function **Below** have same work in creating anti cheat system.
- ```py
- def logo_bypass_dword(self) -> None:
- vals_dword = [118334, 856896, 123010, 123179, 123274, 1026]
- androidMemoryTool.SettingUpTool().init_setup(PKG=self.pkg, TYPE=androidMemoryTool.DataTypes.DWORD,
- androidMemoryTool.InitMemoryTool().init_tool(pMAP=androidMemoryTool.PMAP(ALL=False, CODE_APP=True))
- replaced_value = 0
- try:
- for value in vals_dword:
- replaced_value += AndroidMemoryTool.read_write_value(value, 1)
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- print("[*] logo_bypass_dword: " + str(replaced_value))
- def logo_bypass_float(self) -> None:
- vals_float = [9.21970312e-41, 13073.3740234375, 2.2958874e-41]
- androidMemoryTool.SettingUpTool().init_setup(PKG=self.pkg, TYPE=androidMemoryTool.DataTypes.FLOAT,
- androidMemoryTool.InitMemoryTool().init_tool(pMAP=androidMemoryTool.PMAP(CODE_APP=True, ALL=False))
- replaced_value = 0
- try:
- for value in vals_float:
- replaced_value += AndroidMemoryTool.read_write_value(value, 0.1)
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- print("[*] logo_bypass_float: " + str(replaced_value))
- def lobby_bypass(self):
- offsets_libUE4_DWORD = [0x1D40C98, 0x1C57DEC, 0x1DBA718, 0x1d40c84, 0x1d1ddd4, 0x1c55c10, 0x1dba704, 0x1d40d48]
- for offset_Ue in offsets_libUE4_DWORD:
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_FLOAT(self.PID, self.libUE4_base, offset_Ue, 0.1)
- print("[*] lobby_bypass: 8")
- def logo_arm_bypass(self) -> None:
- # Based on arm instructions (not available yet)
- pass
- ```
- 13. Functions **no_recoil, speed_run** are sample function (address not working) used for
- No recoil address writing, and speed runing of player.
- ```py
- def no_recoil(self):
- """LibBase + offset = value -> need to change"""
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_FLOAT(self.PID, self.libUE4_base, 0x1e85c74, 4.55)
- def speed_run(self):
- """LibBase + offset = value -> need to change"""
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_FLOAT(self.PID, self.libUE4_base, 0x27a5c80, 8.55015)
- androidMemoryTool.write_lib_offsets_DWORD(self.PID, self.libUE4_base, 0x8a4fd48, 400)
- ```
- 14. Function **lobby_work** is used in controlling functions in loop
- ```py
- def lobby_work(self) -> None:
- while True:
- print("[*] 1. Lobby Anti-Cheat System")
- print("[*] 2. No Recoil")
- print("[*] 3. Speed Run")
- print("[*] 4. Exit and release memory")
- ans = input(">>>> ")
- ans = int(ans)
- if ans == 1:
- self.lobby_bypass()
- elif ans == 2:
- self.no_recoil()
- elif ans == 3:
- self.speed_run()
- elif ans == 4:
- sys.exit(0)
- else:
- print("[*] Choose given options")
- time.sleep(2)
- ```
- 15. Executing **MemoryTools**
- ```py
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- MemoryTools().__int__()
- ```
- 15. Other File **InfoCollector** is used for reading and writing __gameInfo.txt__ file
- ```py
- import os
- def compare() -> bool:
- with open("gameInfo.txt", 'r') as f:
- data = f.read()
- f.close()
- all = data.split()
- if data == "":
- return False
- if os.path.exists("/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/{}".format(all[0])):
- if os.path.exists(all[1]):
- return True
- else:
- return False
- else:
- return False
- def get_data() -> None:
- while not compare():
- pkg = input("[x] Enter package name: ")
- data = input("[x] Enter data path: ")
- with open("gameInfo.txt", 'w') as f:
- f.write(f"{pkg}\n{data}")
- f.close()
- ```
-# Video Demonstration
-**Video Demonstration for using AndroidMemoryTool**
-Supported Data Types
-All data types are signed.
-| **Range** | **Name** | **Ctype** |
-| ------- | -------- | ------------|
-| -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | DWORD | signed int
-| 3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits) | FLOAT | float
-| 1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits) | DOUBLE | double
-| -32,768 to 32,767 | WORD | signed short int
-| -128 to 127 | BYTE | signed char
-| -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 | QWORD | signed long long
-| -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | XOR | signed long
-| Random | UTF-8 | Text
-| Random | UTF-16LE | Text
-* Supported Maps Ranges
-| **Short Name** | **Name** | **Description** |
-| ------- | -------- | ------------|
-| ALL | Whole Memory | Whole Memory of current process (slow)
-| CA | C++ alloc | RAM c++ Allocated memory
-| A | Anonymous | Range with r-w access only
-| Xa | Code App | shared libs memory (dangerous)
-|Jh|Java Heap| Java heap
-|Ch|C++ Heap| Heap memory of cpp
-|Cd|C++ .data| .Data Memory
-|Cb|C++ .bss| .bss section memory
-|J|Java| Java memory section
-|S|Stack| Stack Memory
-|As|Ashmen| Ashmen Memory
-|V|Video| Video memory range
-|B_Bad|Bad| Bad Memory (dangerous)
-|Xs|Code system| Code system memory (dangerous)
-# Contributor
-If you need assistance, you can ask for help on my mailing list:
-* Email : abdulmoez123456789@gmail.com
-I also created a Discord group:
-* Server : https://discord.gg/RMNcqzmt9f
-Buy Me a coffe
-If you want to support me you can buy me coffe.
-BitCoin_addr: ``` 19vwfRXfthPY7f2aqDBpxQvZa6AJFKcdBS ```
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+**This is an example of using androidMemoryTool on android
+This script is generated for game pubg mobile.
+Can be use in Fortnite and other games for cheats**
+If you find any bug or not working function you can contact me.
+ * date : 2022/12/29
+ * Version : 0.2
+ * author : Abdul Moez (abdulmoez123456789@gmail.com)
+ * Study : UnderGraduate in GCU Lahore, Pakistan
+ MIT License
+ Copyright (c) 2022 AbdulMoez
+* Python Version >= 3.7
+* Rooted Environment needed.
+* Modules used ``androidMemoryTool==0.4``, ``art==5.7``
+* ```python3 PyCheats.py```
+* This script is made for an example the target packaged used in script was (com.tencent.ig)(PUBG MOBILE)
+* For other games just change the addresses or values.
+* This script uses ASYNC to boost work speed.
+* **__Manual Installation__**
+ 1. First fulfill python requirements ``pip3 install -r ./requirements.txt``
+ 2. Second run script as root ``sudo python3 PyCheats.py``
+* **__Auto Installation__**
+ 1. Simply run ``python3 PyCheats.py`` it will automatically install all requirements**
+Old Versions
+**Old versions can be found in packages section**
+* [AndroidMemoryTool](https://github.com/Anonym0usWork1221/android-memorytool)
+OutPut Sample
+ +
+Supported Data Types +------------------- + +All data types are signed. + +| **Range** | **Name** | **Type** | +|---------------------------------------------------------|----------|------------------| +| -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | DWORD | signed int | +| 3.4E +/- 38 (7 digits) | FLOAT | float | +| 1.7E +/- 308 (15 digits) | DOUBLE | double | +| -32,768 to 32,767 | WORD | signed short int | +| -128 to 127 | BYTE | signed char | +| -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 | QWORD | signed long long | +| -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 | XOR | signed long | +| Random | UTF_8 | Text | +| Random | UTF_16LE | Text | + + +Supported Map Ranges +-------------------- +| **Script Name** | **Name** | **Description** | +|-----------------|--------------|----------------------------------------| +| ALL | Whole Memory | Whole Memory of current process (slow) | +| C_ALLOC | C++ alloc | RAM c++ Allocated memory | +| A_ANONYMOUS | Anonymous | Range with r-w access only | +| CODE_APP | Code App | shared libs memory (dangerous) | +| JAVA_HEAP | Java Heap | Java heap | +| C_HEAP | C++ Heap | Heap memory of cpp | +| C_DATA | C++ .data | .Data Memory | +| C_BSS | C++ .bss | .bss section memory | +| J_Java | Java | Java memory section | +| STACK | Stack | Stack Memory | +| ASHMEM | Ashmen | Ashmen Memory | +| V_video | Video | Video memory range | +| B_Bad | Bad | Bad Memory (dangerous) | +| CODE_SYSTEM | Code system | Code system memory (dangerous) | + +# Contributor + + + + + + +Assistance +---------- +If you need assistance, you can ask for help on my mailing list: + +* Email : abdulmoez123456789@gmail.com + +I also created a Discord group: + +* Server : https://discord.gg/RMNcqzmt9f + + +Buy Me a coffee +-------------- +If you want to support me you can buy me coffee. + +BitCoin_addr: ``` 19vwfRXfthPY7f2aqDBpxQvZa6AJFKcdBS ``` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/process_info.json b/process_info.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..88e67c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/process_info.json @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"game_pkg": ""} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt index 461d65d..c7746f7 100644 Binary files a/requirements.txt and b/requirements.txt differ