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Source for Mobile Application developed on GTNexus Platform


Applications built on the GTNexus platform allow developers to enhance and extend the core GT Nexus process and integrate with their existing systems in real time using an application platform and an open data API. This repository provides an example of an application that is deployable to any mobile device and displays the power of the AppXpress API. The AppXpress API allows flexibility and accessibility to the vast data stored on the GTNexus platform through an easy to use RESTful service.


This repository contains source code for an App that is designed to be built on the open source technology framework PhoneGap. PhoneGap allows mobile apps to be web based and then built to be deployed on specific devices in order to utilize the devices native features. This allows one code base for applications that can run on IOS, Android, Blackberry, etc.



To be able to deploy the code in this repository into a mobile app, there are a couple of steps that must be followed to be able to build the app on the operating system of your choice. Ultimately, free open source software PhoneGap will do the majority of the heavily lifting of converting our web based source code into platform specific code.

Step 0 - Set Up

Before PhoneGap can be installed, freeware Node.js must be installed. Node.js is an environment that allows Javascript to be run outside of the browser. In this case, on the Phonegap cloud. It can be found [here] ( Downloading and installing it is generally straight forward.

Step 1 - Install Phonegap & Cordova

Once nodejs is installed, run the following commands from your command prompt:

On Windows: npm install -g phonegap &
npm install -g cordova

On Mac or Linux: sudo npm install -g phonegap & sudo npm install -g cordova

This might take a few moments, while PhoneGap & Cordova downloads and installs. If this throws an error, make sure node js is configured in your PATH.

Step 2 - Create Phone Gap App

Go to a directory where you want to maintain your source code and run the following command

cordova create <directory-name> <reverse-style identifier> <display-title>

Directory Name specifies the location of your project. This directory name should not already exist.

Reverse style identifier is an optional argument

Display title specifies the applications display title


cordova create hello com.example.helloworld HelloWorld

Creates a project in hello with reverse style identifier com.example.helloworld and display title HelloWorld

Step 3 - Pull Web-based Source Code from Git

Once the app has been created in a directory, go into that directory and look for the www folder. The www folder should contain a subfolders js, img, and css. This is the folder where the source code will be stored in. Before you pull it from GIT, you must clear out this folder.

Run -> rm -rf *

This will completely clear the folder.

Next, initialize a new GIT repository.

Run -> git init

Finally, pull down the source code in the GIT repository. Make sure not to clone the repository, as this will create a subfolder in the www that could mess up the phone gap build.

Run-> git pull

You should see a new js, css, and img folder in the www folder and an index.html folder. These folders are the source of your phone gap app.

Step 4 - Set up your sdk

To add a certain platform, you must first download the necessary sdk and add it to your PATH.

Step 5 - Add Platform + Plugin

Go back into your project directory ( cd .. from your current location(the www folder)). Now, add the specific platform you wish to deploy your app onto.

For IOS, run -> cordova platform add ios

For Android, run -> cordova platform add android

Other options can be seen [here] (

It is important to note that an IOS app cannot be built on Windows OS. More information on the topic can be found [here] (

To confirm that this step worked correctly, go into platforms folder. You should see a folder indicating the platform you have just added.

After the platform is added, any plugins used in the app must be added. This app only uses a connection plugin. Phonegap plugins allow the web based code to access native features on a mobile devices operating system. When building your own app, check out all of the available plugins here

Run this command to add the plugin for network connection.

Run-> cordova plugin add

You can run cordova plugin ls to confirm that the plugin was added correctly.

Step 6 - Build your app

You are ready to build your app.

Run -> cordova build

This might take a few seconds the first time. You should see BUILD SUCCESSFUL message to indicate that the app has been built. If you get errors, make sure your path is configured correctly. For android, apache ant and your jre must be attached to your path. For any type of build, recall that your SDK must also be attached to the path.

Step 7 - Deployment

The app now should be ready for deployment. Open up your SDK and import the built app.

For android -> Open up the android ADT and click on the File->New->Project

Under android, press Android Project from Existing Code

Browse your computer for your previously built phone gap project. Once you find it, go into platforms/android and press ok. You should see your project show up in Project to Import. Press finish and you should see the code import.

You are now ready to deploy. Run it with an emulator or on a connected device. To edit the app or rebuild it, go to where your app has been built and replace the www folder with the updated www folder (www folder holds all of the source code for a web based app). Now, all you have to do is run -> cordova build from the command prompt and the app will be rebuilt with the new changes.

More information on Phone Gap can be found from their [installation guide] (

Platform Module Import


For this TodoList App to function correctly, your user must have access to the platform module that contains the custom objects that are referenced by this app. Follow the [instructions] (!/import-a-module) on our developer site to import the folder onto the GTNexus platform console. Once it is imported, you will see that each object in this platform module (task, list and currentUser) will have a global object type field that is assigned by the server. Now, all we have to do is add the following code changes at the top of the js/roleSettings.js file to ensure that the app is using your specific settings to give your user access to the correct objects.

Code Changes

Set the following properties of the APP_SETTINGS object that is initialized on line 6 of roleSettings.js

  • Set url to the url of the server in which you are uploading the platform module on
  • Set softwareProviderDataKey to your organizations unique provided dataKey
  • Set taskObjectType to the global object type of the task object
  • Set listObjectType to the global object type of the list object
  • Set currentUserObjectType to the global object type of the list object

After the APP_SETTINGS object is set up with your specific settings, the app is ready for use!

Using the To-Do List App


I. Purpose

The purpose of this application is to allow organizations within the GTNexus community to assign short and simple tasks to each other right from their mobile devices. The app currently allows tasks to flow in one direction; an organization designated as a buyer in the GTNexus community can assign tasks to organizations designated as sellers and the sellers can mark tasks as complete as they are completed.

II. Functionality
  • Login Page

    To log in to the app, a user must have a valid userID for the GTNexus network. The login page will remember the last username that has been typed into the app, but it will not remember the password for security purposes. Every time the app is closed it will require the user to re login to the app.

A – Buyer Side

  • Home Page

    Once a buyer logins into the app, a list of different tasks will be displayed. An organization can have different lists of tasks to help keep themselves organized. The first time the buyer uses the app there will be no lists displayed. The buyer must add a list in order to assign tasks. In other words, a task must be part of a list, even if the tasks in the list are unrelated or are assigned to different organizations. To create a new list, touch the add symbol in the top right most corner of the app. This will prompt the user to enter in a title for the list and then once the create list button is pressed will add a list to the home screen. It is important to note that the back button if pressed while in the home page will exit the app and require the user to log back into the app.

  • List Page

    From the home screen, the user can press or swipe right on a list in order to view the tasks associated with that specific list. This screen will show the list of all of the tasks with a blank checkbox to the left of the task’s title. The buyer can press on a specific task in order to modify it or the buyer can click the checkbox, indicating that the task should be discarded. Previous to the home page, in the upper right corner there is an add button that when pressed will show a panel giving the user two options; to add a new task or to view the completed/discarded tasks associated with this list. The menu button on the mobile device if pressed will show the current organization, the current user ID, and the role that the organization has in the GTNexus community.

  • Add New Task

    When the Add New Task button is pressed on it will bring the user to a screen in which it can create a new task. There are two fields; a task title field and a task description. Below both of these fields is a dropdown menu labeled Look-up, in which the user can scan through the organizations associated with it in the GTNexus community and select an organization to assign this specific task to. If it is unclear who this task will be assigned to, the user also has the option to leave the task unassigned by either not selecting an organization or by clicking the ‘Leave Task Unassigned’ checkbox. If the ‘Leave Task Unassigned’ checkbox is checked the task will be unassigned, regardless of whether an organization is selected from the dropdown menu. Once the user is done creating a task, click ‘Create Task’ to create the task and add it to the GTNexus platform. It is important to note that once a task is created it does not mean that the organization the task has been assigned to can access the task yet. For this to happen, you have to go into the task and specifically task it to the party.

  • View Task

    When the buyer presses on the task title button on the list page the view task page will display. This page allows the buyer to edit the task or add notes to the task. Most importantly on the page is the ‘Task it’ button near the bottom of the page. When the button displays the text ‘Task it’, it indicates that the task has not yet been made visible to the assigned organization. To allow the organization to view the task and thus complete the task, the user must press on the button. The button’s text will turn to ‘Tasked’ indicating that the task has been made visible. The buyer also has the ability to mark the task as being completed by pressing the completed button at the bottom of the screen. Any edits to the task will immediately be made visible to the organization to which the task has been assigned to. Also note that any edits will be saved even if the ‘Save Changes’ button is not explicitly pressed in the edit task view.

  • History View

    From the List Page, the user can also view the tasks that have been completed or discarded by clicking on the plus sign in the top right corner and navigating to the View Completed Tasks Page. This page will list all of the tasks associated with this specific list that have previously been assigned. The tasks will be not able to be edited but can be reopened by the buyer. If the task is reopened, it will reappear in the List Page and will disappear from History. It is important to note that once the task has been reopened it will not be made visible to the assigned organization until the task is Tasked again.

  • Search Panel

    From the home page for the buyer and the seller there is a search icon in the top left of the screen. The search panel allows the user to search for a specific task or a set of tasks. There are three fields in which to choose from; Task Name, Task Assignee (organization that is assigned the task), and Task State (unassigned, assigned, tasked, or completed). It is important to note that the Task Assignee field and Task Name field will look for fields that contain the inputted search string while the Task State field requires that the state be spelled out accurately. It is also important to note that the fields are case sensitive.

B – Seller Side

  • Home Page

    Once the seller logs into the app a page will display that will show all of the current outstanding tasks that have been assigned to it. From this page, the seller can click on a task to view the description of the task or it can mark the task as complete. Similar to the buyer, once a task is complete it will be relocated to the history page where all of the completed tasks will be shown in a list.

  • Buyer/Seller Differences

    The seller, unlike the buyer, cannot edit the tasks, assign tasks, reopen tasks, or create lists of tasks. The seller side is designed for simplicity; the seller will have tasks assigned to it and checks them off as completed accordingly.

III. How it Works

The application works by making RESTful Service calls that manipulate custom objects that exist on the GTNexus Platform that allow the user to move these custom objects( tasks ) through a workflow in order to assign one to an organization and eventually mark the task as having been completed.

Additional Notes

  • The App uses the Jquery Mobile web framework. More information on that can be found here.

Andrew Reynolds
August 6, 2014


Mobile Development on AppXpress Platform






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