Node.js module. Parse HTML and extract «a» elements.
- Nothing extra.
- Fast and simple.
- Small size (not bloated).
- Only using the fast htmlparser2.
$ npm install --save html-a
HTML string example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Example HTML</title>
<p id="first">
<a href=""><b>Some site</b></a>
<a href="#first">Link in page</a>
<a href="javascript:alert('Hello, World!');">Hello!</a>
<a href="/foo/bar">FooBar</a>
CommonJS example:
const htmla = require ( 'html-a' );
const html = 'an example HTML is given above';
// Get href and innerHTML from «a» elements.
// For more information, use the options.
htmla ( html );
// [
// { innerHTML: '<b>Some site</b>', href: '' },
// { innerHTML: 'Link in page', href: '#first' },
// { innerHTML: 'Hello!', href: 'javascript:alert(\'Hello, World!\');' },
// { innerHTML: 'FooBar', href: '/foo/bar' }
// ]
// OR just get all DOM «a» elements
htmla.getElements ( html );
Gets custom info about «a» elements.
Returns an Array
Type: string
HTML string for extract «a» elements.
Type: object
Settings to obtain the desired information.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Gets inner text in element.
Type: boolean
Default: true
Gets inner HTML in element.
Type: boolean
Default: true
Gets attribute href in element.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Gets all attributes in element.
Type: boolean
Default: false
Gets element DOM object.
Parses HTML, gets all DOM «a» elements.
Returns an Array
Type: string
HTML string for extract «a» elements.
MIT © Nikita «Arttse» Bystrov