Thank you for considering contributing to this sample application. I would like to create the sample application such as helpful when you would like to develop a web application using golang.
Please create a issue which wrote about the following points when you report a bug.
- Version of golang you are using
- Operating system you are using
- Reprocedure
- Expected behavior
Also, please write about it when you know the causes and how to fix the bug.
- Cause
- How to fix
Please create a issue which wrote that purpose and expected behavior, when you have functions which you would like to implement as a sample.
- Purpose
- Expected behavoir, What kind of function do you propose?
- How to develop
You can feel free to fork this repository, fix the source code and create a pull request when you have noticed that you can resolve a issue. And after that, please check passed the check workflow of GitHub Action.
I will check your pull request, and I may suggest some improvements or alternatives. If there was no problem, I will merge your changes.