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Hacking Central

Lauren Anderson edited this page Aug 30, 2020 · 3 revisions

Your one stop shop for all your hacking needs.

Quick links to google slides

Getting Started


  • Hacking begins every day after lunch at 2:00pm. Sessions begin with a short daily "stand-up" - everyone stands up, and takes it in turn to state what they are going to work on, and perhaps what they want to achieve, and then also what their biggest roadblock is. No discussion, just statements - if you can help someone out, remember who they are and go find them later.

  • Regroup at 10:00 AM EDT for the day's check-in: volunteer to present what you've built, if you want, 1 minute each. Make yourself a slide on the shared Google Slides presentation. Your products will need URLs, such as links to a github repo, or maybe a google doc in the Astro Hack Week 2020 google drive folder .

  • Do not be afraid to hack long into the night: this is your opportunity to access a variety of resources.

  • Breakouts will happen during the hack sessions - these are informal discussions/tutorials that will be organized as we go, via whiteboard, though a few will be planned ahead of time. Let Lauren, Ellie or Andrei know if you want to lead one, or have made a suggestion for one -- and listen out for announcements about breakouts during the afternoon.

  • In the final wrap-up on Friday, everyone presents. This means you will need to create one slide in a shared Google Slides presentation summarizing what you've accomplished and/or learned during the week. Note that Friday's wrap-up is a celebration :-)


  • We'll keep track of all projects in the Astro Hack Week 2020 google drive folder. Play around. Each hack should get its own doc: as your hack gets going, make a doc and log your progress.

  • Add more resources here.

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