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File metadata and controls

161 lines (129 loc) · 7.4 KB

JSON Conversion Parameter File

The conversion process uses a parameter file to convert the GOCAD files and create the model input file that enables the geomodelportal website ( to display the converted files. These are named "XXXXXConvParam.json", where XXXXX is the name of the model.

There are four sections. The only compulsory section is "ModelProperties".

Here is an example conversion parameter file

    "BoreholeData": {
        "BBOX": { "west": 149, "south": -33, "east": 153.67, "north": -28 },
        "EXTERNAL_LINK": { "label": "AUSCOPE_PORTAL_URL",
                           "URL": ""
        "MODEL_CRS": "EPSG:20356",
        "WFS_URL": "",
        "BOREHOLE_CRS": "urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326",
        "WFS_VERSION": "1.1.0",
        "NVCL_URL": ""
    "ModelProperties": {
        "crs": "EPSG:20356",
        "init_cam_dist": 900000.0,
        "name": "Tamworth",
        "modelUrlPath": "tamworth",
        "proj4_defn": "+proj=utm +zone=52 +south +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs",
        "background_colour": "rgb(255,255,0)"
    "CoordOffsets": [
             "filename": "Avebury.vs",
             "offset": [0.0, 0.0, -2250.0]
             "filename": "Hellyer.vs",
             "offset": [0.0, 0.0, -2000.0]
    "VoxetColourTables": [
                "filename": "3D_geology_Lithology@@",
                "colour_table": "3D_geology_lithology_colours.csv"
    "WMSServices": [
            "display_name": "Lithostratigraphy",
            "model_url": "",
            "name": "Blah_Lithostratigraphy",
            "version": "1.3.0"
    "GroupStructure": {
        "Surface Geology": [
                "FileNameKey": "SurfaceGeology_BLAH.PNG",
                "Insert": {
                    "display_name": "Surface Geology",
                    "3dobject_label": "SurfaceGeology_BLAH_0",
                    "reference_url": ""
        "Muskrat Creek Faults": [
                "FileNameKey": "Faults_Muskrat_Creek_0.gltf",
                "Insert": {
                    "display_name": "Fault 1",
                    "styling": {
                        "is_labelled": true,
                        "scale": 2.0
                "FileNameKey": "Faults_Muskrat_Creek_1.gltf",
                "Insert": {
                    "display_name": "Fault 2"
    "GroupRenameList": [
        ["Old name 1", "New name 1"],
        ["Old name 2", "New name 2"],
        ["Old name 3", "New name 3"]

1. BoreholeData

The "BoreholeData" section is optional and used to create borehole GLTF objects and metadata. It has a number of elements:

  • "BBOX" - bounding box coordinates. All NVCL boreholes within this bounding box will be converted to GLTF files
  • "EXTERNAL_LINK" - this is a link to an external website (e.g. AuScope website). When the user clicks on the borehole object in the browser, a popup window will appear with the 'URL' labelled with 'label'. Typically 'URL' would be a permanent link to the same set of boreholes in the AuScope website.
  • "MODEL_CRS" - The model CRS, this ensures that the borehole objects are generated with the same coordinates as the model itself. It would normally be the same as the 'crs' in the 'ModelProperties' section.
  • "WFS_URL" - The WFS URL for the NVCL boreholes service
  • "BOREHOLE_CRS" - This is the preferred CRS of the WFS service specified in WFS_URL
  • "WFS_VERSION" - The version number passed to the WFS service
  • "NVCL_URL" - This is the URL of the NVCL (National Virtual Core Library). It is used to get further details of the borehole properties

2. ModelProperties

The "ModelProperties" section is compulsory and contains the following:

  • "crs" - this is the coordinate reference system of x,y,z coordinates that are contained in all the GOCAD files
  • "init_cam_dist" - this is the initial camera distance to the model (used by the geomodelportal website)
  • "name" - name of model for display purposes (used by the geomodelportal website)
  • "modelUrlPath" - name of model in the website URL (should be the same as in
  • "proj4_defn" - (optional) if the CRS is not common, a 'proj4' definition may be necessary (
  • "background_colour" - (optional) can specify background colour as an RGB string 'rgb(<RED 0..255>, <BLUE 0..255>, <GREEN 0..255>)' e.g. 'rgb(255,255,0)'

3. CoordOffsets

The "CoordOffsets" section is an optional coordinate offset that is added to all model parts from a particular file. For example, using the input parameter file above, if a GOCAD VSet object in "Hellyer.vs" is at (1000.0, 1000.0, 2500.0), its model part in the website would be placed at (1000.0, 1000.0, 500.0)

4. VoxetColourTables

When displaying volume data, an optional colour table can be specified so that a data value can have a certain colour.

  • "filename" - name of binary volume data file (same format as GOCAD VOXET data
  • "colour_table" - name of colour table file. Its format is CSV: index, rock_label, red, green, blue where index is the data value, and red, green, blue are floats e.g.


5. WMS Services

This is an optional section that specifies a WMS layer that can be loaded onto the model.

  • 'display_name' is the label in the website's sidebar for the layer, appearing in the "WMS Layers" group.
  • 'model_url', 'name', 'version' are WMS URL parameters

6. GroupStructure

The optional "GroupStructure" section is used to define what labels are seen in the website's sidebar, and to insert additional parameters into the model's configuration file

The "GroupStructure" contains labels for the groups in the sidebar (i.e. "Surface Geology" and "Muskrat Creek Faults" are group names in the example above). Within each group there is an array of structures:

  • "FileNameKey" - name of the GLTF or PNG file for the model part
  • "Insert" - a structure to be inserted into the model configuration file for that model part

Thus the "Insert" can be used to insert:

  • "display_name" - the label associated with the part in the sidebar
  • "3dobject_label" & "reference_url" - make the website open a URL in a new window when the model part is double clicked on (as in the "Surface Geology" example above)
  • "styling" - change the style of the model part:
    1. "is_labelled" if true, then the object will be labelled in the scene with its "display_name". Default: false
    2. "scale" will scale the object in the z-direction, 1.0 is unscaled, 2.0 will double its height etc. Default: 1.0

7. GroupRenameList

The optional "GroupRenameList" section can be used to rename the group labels in the sidebar if the automatically generated ones are not suitable. When looking for group names to convert from "from_name" to "to_name", it matches the "from_name" with the group name in a case-insensitive manner