- First go and create a Perseus account https://perseus.ujf-grenoble.fr
- Then create a new project or ask to be included in an already existing project (for example data-ocean was created by Julien and myself).
- contact sos-calcul-gricad@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr for any question
ssh lguensar@access-rr-ciment.imag.fr (((replace lguensar by your username)))
ssh f-dahu
Then you can start a job (here example of a GPU job)
oarsub -t gpu -I -l /nodes=1/core=32,walltime=12:00:00 --project data-ocean
source /applis/environments/conda.sh
You need to launch jupyter notebook from your terminal connected to dahu, then open a new terminal and use a SSH tunnel
ssh -fNL 8889:bigfoot3:8888 dahu.ciment
((((8889 is your port, bigfoot3 is the name of the node your connected to, 8888 is the port of the machine where the notebooks are active))))
https://ciment.ujf-grenoble.fr/wiki/index.php/Dahu_quickstart (Perseus account needed)