- bullet3: We refer to panda and xarm robotic arms and the xarm gripper,the underlying simulation is driven by the pybullet engine.
- PartNet Mobility dataset: We use articulated urdf objects from PartNet Mobility dataset.
- pybullet-URDF-models: We use rigid urdf objects from pybullet-URDF-models.
- YCB dataset: We use rigid 3D models from YCB dataset.
- urdf_files_dataset: We refer to ur5e arm from urdf_files_dataset.
- flexiv_rdk: We refer to flexiv arm from flexiv_rdk.
- mycobot_ros: We refer to elephant arm from mycobot_ros.
- ugv_gazebo_sim: We refer to ranger mini base from ugv_gazebo_sim.
- dh_ag95_gripper_ros2: We refer to ag-95 gripper from dh_ag95_gripper_ros2.
- robotiq_arg85_description: We refer to robotiq 2f-85 gripper from robotiq_arg85_description.
- Wiki-GRx-Models: We refer to humanoid model from Wiki-GRx-Models.
- ompl: We utilize the algorithms provided by OMPL (Open Motion Planning Library) for motion planning.
- anygrasp_sdk: We integrate the AnyGrasp algorithm for grasp pose estimation.
- lang-segment-anything: We integrate the Lang SAM algorithm for object detection.
- pybullet-blender-recorder: We use pyBulletSimRecorder and pyBulletSimImport from pybullet-blender-recorder to render the simulation scene better.
- FFmpeg: We use FFmpeg for real-time video recording.
- isort: We used the isort tool to standardize library imports.
- black: We use the clack tool to standardize code style.
- pre-commit: We use pre-commit to automatically run code checks before committing changes.
- kitchen-worlds: We refer to the scene generation method and scene data of kitchen_world.
- pybullet_ur5_robotiq: We refer to the gripper model and control of pybullet_ur5_robotiq.
- urdformer: We integrate urdformer submodule to generate 3D urdf models from 2D images.
- acdc: We integrate digital cousins submodule to create 3D scene from 2D images.
- pddlstream: We integrate pddlstream submodule to task planing.
- LLM+P: We integrate LLM+P submodules to utilize LLM to guide task planning.