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File metadata and controls

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Forstu Assessment

Task 1: Excel Data Importer (Node.js Script)

Background Context:

As part of the scholarship management system, a Node.js script is required to efficiently handle the import of student data from an Excel file provided by the college.

Use Case:

The college provides an Excel sheet with details of enrolled students. The script should read this file, extract relevant information such as student names, emails, and enrollment dates, and generate student profiles in the database.

Task Description:

  1. Read Excel File:

    • Develop a script to read the provided Excel file.
    • Extract relevant information (e.g., name, email, enrollment date).
  2. Create Student Profiles into Database:

    • Generate student profiles in the database using the extracted data.
    • Include default fields for all students in the profiles (e.g., set Default State to Maharashtra).

Task 2: Dynamic Form Builder (React Component)

Background Context:

In the scholarship management system, a dynamic form is needed that adapts to each student's null values, providing a smooth and guided process for accurate scholarship processing.

Use Case:

After profiling from the Excel data, students receive an email notification to fill out a dynamic form tailored to their specific scholarship eligibility criteria.

Task Description:

  1. Dynamic Field Display:

    • Develop a React component that dynamically displays form fields based on the student's pending data.
  2. Email Notifications:

    • Implement functionality to automatically send email notifications to students, prompting them to complete the dynamic form.
  3. Form Validation & Submission:

    • Incorporate form validation to ensure accurate and valid information.
    • Provide the ability to submit the form.
  4. Progress Tracker:

    • Include a progress tracker within the form to guide students through the step-by-step process.

Task 3: Scholarship Assignment Algorithm (Node.js Algorithm)

Background Context:

A robust Node.js algorithm is needed to automate the process of determining scholarship eligibility for students based on predefined criteria.

Use Case:

The algorithm efficiently sifts through a large pool of student data, applying predefined criteria to automatically assign scholarships to deserving students.

Task Description:

  1. Eligibility Criteria:

    • Define and understand eligibility criteria considering academic performance, financial need, and extracurricular activities.
  2. Algorithm Implementation:

    • Develop a Node.js algorithm that evaluates student data against the predefined eligibility criteria.
  3. Optimization:

    • Design the algorithm for optimal performance, considering speed and efficiency in searching and assigning scholarships.
  4. Automation:

    • Automate the scholarship assignment process using the implemented algorithm.

Task 4: Interactive Dashboard - Admin Panel (React)

Background Context:

The React application needs an interactive dashboard tailored for administrators, providing a comprehensive overview of scholarship assignments and tools for manual adjustments.

Use Case:

Administrators access the dashboard to review scholarship assignments, with the ability to manually adjust assignments based on specific considerations.

Task Description:

  1. Summary Display:

    • Create a React component displaying a concise summary of scholarship assignments for administrators.
  2. Manual Adjustment Feature:

    • Implement functionality for administrators to review and manually adjust scholarship assignments within the dashboard.
  3. User Authentication:

    • Implement user authentication specifically tailored for administrators, ensuring secure access to the dashboard features.


The backend of this application is built using Express.js and provides a set of RESTful API endpoints for handling Excel-related operations and managing student data.

Getting Started

Make sure you have Node.js installed on your system to run the backend server. Navigate to the backend directory and install the dependencies:

npm install
npm run dev

This will start the backend server, making the API available for requests.


The backend uses several middlewares for various purposes:

  • cors: Handles Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) settings.
  • express.json: Parses incoming JSON requests and puts the parsed data in req.body.
  • express.urlencoded: Parses incoming requests with URL-encoded payloads.
  • cookieParser: Parses cookies attached to the client request object.
  • express.static: Serves static files from the public directory.


The backend defines a set of routes for file operations and student management:

Excel Routes

  • POST /api/v1/excel/uploadExcel: Accepts an Excel file upload and processes the data.

    • Utilizes multer middleware for handling multipart/form-data.
  • POST /api/v1/excel/importJsonData: Imports JSON data into Excel and then into the database.

  • POST /api/v1/excel/importExcel: Imports data directly from an Excel file into the database.

Student Routes

  • POST /api/v1/excel/student/create: Creates a new student record.

  • GET /api/v1/excel/student: Retrieves a list of all students.

  • GET /api/v1/excel/student/:id: Retrieves a single student by their ID.

  • PUT /api/v1/excel/student/:id: Updates an existing student record by ID.

  • DELETE /api/v1/excel/student/:id: Deletes a student record by ID.


Controllers contain the logic for handling each route's functionality. Key controllers include:

Swagger API Documentation

Swagger is configured to auto-generate interactive API documentation, which can be accessed at /api-docs. The Swagger documentation is created from a JSON file loaded at startup:

import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import swaggerUi from 'swagger-ui-express';
const swaggerDocumentPath = './src/json/swagger-output.json';
const swaggerDocument = JSON.parse(readFileSync(swaggerDocumentPath, 'utf-8'));
app.use('/api-docs', swaggerUi.serve, swaggerUi.setup(swaggerDocument));

This documentation allows developers to test the endpoints directly through the browser.

Error Handling

The application should also include error handling strategies and potentially middleware for catching and responding to errors.


This backend service provides the necessary API endpoints for the application's functionality related to Excel file processing and student data management. The Swagger-generated documentation offers a convenient way to interact with the API during development and testing.

Frontend Documentation

The frontend of this application is developed using React and leverages TypeScript for type safety and improved developer experience. It features a dynamic form with data validation and the ability to submit form data via email using the EmailJS service.

Getting Started

To set up the frontend, ensure you have Node.js and npm installed. Navigate to the frontend directory and execute the following commands to install dependencies and start the development server:

npm install
npm run dev

The application will be available at http://localhost:3000 by default.


The App component is the root component that renders the DynamicForm component.

This is the main component where the user interacts with the form. It uses the react-hook-form library for form state management and validation.

Form Fields

The form includes fields for the user's username, email, state, age, date of birth, university, eligibility criteria, and phone numbers. It performs client-side validation using react-hook-form.

Phone Number List

This component allows users to dynamically add or remove phone numbers using useFieldArray from react-hook-form.

Form Submission

Upon form submission, the data is sent to an email recipient using EmailJS. The handleSubmit method from react-hook-form is used to handle the submission.

This component displays the submitted form data in a tabular format.


The form fields are validated for presence and specific formats, such as email validation. Custom validation messages are provided to guide the user.


The application uses Tailwind CSS for styling. Classes are applied to form elements and containers to create a responsive and aesthetically pleasing interface.

Email Integration

EmailJS is integrated for sending form submissions via email. The emailjs.send method is called upon form submission with relevant parameters.

Development Tools

@hookform/devtools is used for debugging form state and performance. This tool is rendered conditionally and is helpful during the development process.

State Management

The form data is managed using useState and useEffect hooks. After successful submission, the form is reset using the reset method from react-hook-form.

Error Handling

User input errors are displayed using the errors object from react-hook-form. This provides immediate feedback to the user for correcting their inputs.

Component Interaction

The DynamicForm and FormDataDisplay components interact by passing the submitted form data as a prop for display after successful submission.