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Prepare Your Development Environment

This document goes through the development dependencies one requires in order to build the RP code.

Containerized RP Software Required

If you just want to get up and running with a minimal dev environment I recommend starting out with our conainerized setup. For a containerized setup, the only local bins you need are:


NOTE: Instructions for these binaries are found below. In particular, see the Podman instructions below for a setup based on your OS flavor (Linux vs MacOS + Podman Machine)

That's it! You can jump to Getting Started below to grab the source code before heading to deploy your own development RP - but instead of make runlocal-rp, invoke make run-rp instead to use a containerized version of the app without needing additional local binaries.

Local RP Software Required

If you'd like to run an RP instance as a golang process (via go run) locally - you'll need additional tools:

  1. Install Go 1.21 or later, if you haven't already.

    1. After downloading follow the Install instructions, replacing the tar archive with your download.
    2. Append export PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/go/bin" to your shell's profile file.
  2. Configure GOPATH as an OS environment variable in your shell (a requirement of some dependencies for make generate). If you want to keep the default path, you can add something like GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH) to your shell's profile/RC file.

  3. Install Python 3.6-3.10, if you haven't already. You will also need python-setuptools installed, if you don't have it installed already. Python versions earlier than 3.6 or later than 3.10 are not supported as of now.

  4. Install the az client, if you haven't already.

    Depending on the default version of Python available on your system, it may be convenient to set up the above within a virtual env. You can do so by running the make pyenv Makefile target within this repository. Ensure that your python3 command points to a valid version of Python in the above range, e.g. 3.10, when running the command. You can then install the Azure CLI via Pip: pip install azure-cli.

  5. Install OpenVPN if it is not already installed

  6. Install the relevant packages required for your OS defined below.

  7. Install Podman and podman-docker if you haven't already. Podman is used for building container images and running the installer.

    1. Podman needs to be running in daemon mode when running the RP locally.

      On Linux, you can set this up to automatically start via socket activation with::

       systemctl --user enable podman.socket

      If you're using podman-machine, you will need to export the socket, for example::

       export ARO_PODMAN_SOCKET=unix://$HOME/.local/share/containers/podman/machine/qemu/podman.sock

      You will also need to ensure that podman machine has enough resources::

       podman machine stop
       podman machine rm
       podman machine init --cpus 4 --memory 5000
       podman machine start

NOTE: If using Fedora 37+ podman and podman-docker should already be installed and enabled.

  1. Run for az acr login compatability
sudo touch /etc/containers/nodocker

If using a MAC, the following steps may be applicable where you symlink docker to podman location.

ls -la $(whereis -q docker)
lrwxr-xr-x@ 1 domfinn  staff  24  7 Dec 14:10 /Users/domfinn/.local/bin/docker -> /opt/homebrew/bin/podman
az acr login -n domfinnaro
Login Succeeded!
  1. Install golangci-lint and yamllint (optional but your code is required to comply to pass the CI)

Fedora / RHEL Packages

  1. Install the gpgme-devel, libassuan-devel, and openssl packages.
sudo dnf install -y gpgme-devel libassuan-devel openssl podman

NOTE: If using RHEL, register the system with subscription-manager register, and then enable the CodeReady Linux Builder repository to install *-devel packages. For other packages not in the base repositories, such as OpenVPN, you can enable the EPEL repository to install them.

  1. For Fedora 37+ you will also need to install the packages: lvm2, lvm2-devel and golang-github-containerd-btrfs-devel
sudo dnf install -y lvm2 lvm2-devel golang-github-containerd-btrfs-devel

Debian Packages

Install the libgpgme-dev, libbtrfs-dev and libdevmapper-dev packages.

Make sure that PKG_CONFIG_PATH contains the pkgconfig files of the above packages. E.g. export PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig (your actual pkgconfig path may vary, so adjust accordingly).

MacOS Packages

  1. We are open to developers on MacOS working on this repository. We are asking MacOS users to setup GNU utils on their machines.

    We are aiming to limit the amount of shell scripting, etc. in the repository, installing the GNU utils on MacOS will minimise the chances of unexpected differences in command line flags, usages, etc., and make it easier for everyone to ensure compatibility down the line.

    Install the following packages on MacOS:

    # GNU Utils
    brew install coreutils findutils gnu-tar grep
    # Install envsubst (provided with gettext)
    brew install gettext
    brew link gettext
    # Install gpgme
    brew install gpgme
    # Install diffutils to avoid errors during test runs
    brew install diffutils
  2. Modify your ~/.zshrc (or ~/.bashrc for Bash): this prepends PATH with GNU Utils paths;

    echo "export PATH=$(find $(brew --prefix)/opt -type d -follow -name gnubin -print | paste -s -d ':' -):\$PATH" >> ~/.zshrc
  3. Add the following into your ~/.zshrc/~/.bashrc file:

    export LDFLAGS="-L$(brew --prefix)/lib"
    export CFLAGS="-I$(brew --prefix)/include"

Getting Started

  1. Login to Azure:

    az login
  2. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    go get -u

    Alternatively you can also use:

    git clone ${GOPATH:-$HOME/go}/src/
  3. Go to project:

    cd ${GOPATH:-$HOME/go}/src/
  4. Configure local git

    make init-contrib
    git config --global github.user <<user_name>>


  • Error./env:.:11: no such file or directory: secrets/env. To resolve, run SECRET_SA_ACCOUNT_NAME=rharosecretsdev make secrets.

  • az -v does not return aro as dependency. To resolve, make sure it is being used the env file parameters as per the env.example