diff --git a/Solutions/TheHive/Package/3.0.0.zip b/Solutions/TheHive/Package/3.0.0.zip
index cf7374ef3bf..7e27208d04f 100644
Binary files a/Solutions/TheHive/Package/3.0.0.zip and b/Solutions/TheHive/Package/3.0.0.zip differ
diff --git a/Solutions/TheHive/Package/createUiDefinition.json b/Solutions/TheHive/Package/createUiDefinition.json
index 1fc6de00efa..212cde8463f 100644
--- a/Solutions/TheHive/Package/createUiDefinition.json
+++ b/Solutions/TheHive/Package/createUiDefinition.json
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
"config": {
"isWizard": false,
"basics": {
- "description": "\n\n**Note:** Please refer to the following before installing the solution: \r \n • Review the solution [Release Notes](https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/tree/master/Solutions/TheHive/ReleaseNotes.md)\r \n • There may be [known issues](https://aka.ms/sentinelsolutionsknownissues) pertaining to this Solution, please refer to them before installing.\n\n[TheHive](http://thehive-project.org/) solution provides the capability to ingest common The Hive events into Microsoft Sentinel through Webhooks. The Hive can notify external system of modification events (case creation, alert update, task assignment) in real time. When a change occurs in The Hive, an HTTPS POST request with event information is sent to a callback data connector URL. Refer to [Webhooks documentation](https://docs.thehive-project.org/thehive/legacy/thehive3/admin/webhooks/) for more information.\r\n \r\n**Underlying Microsoft Technologies used:**\n\nThis solution takes a dependency on the following technologies, and some of these dependencies either may be in [Preview](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/legal/preview-supplemental-terms/) state or might result in additional ingestion or operational costs: \r\n \r\n a. [Azure Monitor HTTP Data Collector API](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-monitor/logs/data-collector-api) b. [Azure Functions ](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/functions/#overview)\n\n**Data Connectors:** 1, **Parsers:** 1, **Custom Azure Logic Apps Connectors:** 1, **Playbooks:** 3\n\n[Learn more about Microsoft Sentinel](https://aka.ms/azuresentinel) | [Learn more about Solutions](https://aka.ms/azuresentinelsolutionsdoc)",
+ "description": "\n\n**Note:** Please refer to the following before installing the solution: \r \n • Review the solution [Release Notes](https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/tree/master/Solutions/TheHive/ReleaseNotes.md)\r \n • There may be [known issues](https://aka.ms/sentinelsolutionsknownissues) pertaining to this Solution, please refer to them before installing.\n\n[TheHive](http://thehive-project.org/) solution provides the capability to ingest common The Hive events into Microsoft Sentinel through Webhooks. The Hive can notify external system of modification events (case creation, alert update, task assignment) in real time. When a change occurs in The Hive, an HTTPS POST request with event information is sent to a callback data connector URL. Refer to [Webhooks documentation](https://docs.thehive-project.org/thehive/legacy/thehive3/admin/webhooks/) for more information.\r\n \r\n**Underlying Microsoft Technologies used:**\n\nThis solution takes a dependency on the following technologies, and some of these dependencies either may be in [Preview](https://azure.microsoft.com/support/legal/preview-supplemental-terms/) state or might result in additional ingestion or operational costs: \r\n \r\n a. [Azure Monitor HTTP Data Collector API](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/azure-monitor/logs/data-collector-api) \n\n b. [Azure Functions ](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/functions/#overview)\n\n**Data Connectors:** 1, **Parsers:** 1, **Custom Azure Logic Apps Connectors:** 1, **Playbooks:** 3\n\n[Learn more about Microsoft Sentinel](https://aka.ms/azuresentinel) | [Learn more about Solutions](https://aka.ms/azuresentinelsolutionsdoc)",
"subscription": {
"resourceProviders": [