diff --git a/Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/ACSC logo.png b/Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/ACSCLogo.png
similarity index 100%
rename from Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/ACSC logo.png
rename to Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/ACSCLogo.png
diff --git a/Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/Playbooks/AusCtisExportTaggedIndicators/azuredeploy.json b/Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/Playbooks/AusCtisExportTaggedIndicators/azuredeploy.json
index 0f6f5100c50..2711c50f9b8 100644
--- a/Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/Playbooks/AusCtisExportTaggedIndicators/azuredeploy.json
+++ b/Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/Playbooks/AusCtisExportTaggedIndicators/azuredeploy.json
@@ -4,12 +4,15 @@
"metadata": {
"title": "AusCtisExportTaggedIndicators",
"description": "This playbook gets triggered every hour and perform the following actions:\n 1. Get all the threat intelligence indicators from Sentinel Workspace with given tag.\n 2. Filter all the indicators whose export in not completed.\n 3. Export the indicators to provided TAXII server. ",
- "prerequisites": ["1. Have TAXII Server Url, Collection ID, Username and Password handy before the deployment of the Playbook",
- "2. Tag the indicators that need to be exported, by default this playbook exports the indicators with tag 'ACSC Export', this can be changes during the deployment of playbook. Details on how to tag can be found [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/understand-threat-intelligence#view-and-manage-your-threat-indicators)"],
- "postDeployment": ["This playbook needs contributor role on Log Analytics, to read and update threat indicator tags. 1. Go to Log Analytics Workspace resource --> 2. Select Access control (IAM) tab -->3. Add role assignments --> 4. Select Contributor role --> 5. In the Members tab choose 'Assign access to' Managed Identity --> 6. Click on 'Select members' --> 7. Provide correct Subscription and Managed Identity --> 8. Provide the playbook name in 'Search by name' textbox --> 9. Select the correct identity and click on Select --> 10. Click on 'Review + assign' "
+ "prerequisites": [
+ "1. Have TAXII Server Url, Collection ID, Username and Password handy before the deployment of the Playbook",
+ "2. Tag the indicators that need to be exported, by default this playbook exports the indicators with tag 'ACSC Export', this can be changes during the deployment of playbook. Details on how to tag can be found [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/understand-threat-intelligence#view-and-manage-your-threat-indicators)"
+ ],
+ "postDeployment": [
+ "This playbook needs contributor role on Log Analytics, to read and update threat indicator tags. 1. Go to Log Analytics Workspace resource --> 2. Select Access control (IAM) tab -->3. Add role assignments --> 4. Select Contributor role --> 5. In the Members tab choose 'Assign access to' Managed Identity --> 6. Click on 'Select members' --> 7. Provide correct Subscription and Managed Identity --> 8. Provide the playbook name in 'Search by name' textbox --> 9. Select the correct identity and click on Select --> 10. Click on 'Review + assign' "
"prerequisitesDeployTemplateFile": "",
- "lastUpdateTime": "2022-11-15T12:00:38Z",
+ "lastUpdateTime": "2023-10-13T12:13:00Z",
"entities": [
"tags": [
@@ -19,7 +22,7 @@
"tier": "community"
"author": {
- "name": "Australian Cyber Security Center"
+ "name": "Australian Cyber Security Center, Microsoft"
"parameters": {
@@ -33,12 +36,6 @@
"description": "Enter TAXII API Root URL"
- "CollectionID": {
- "type": "string",
- "metadata": {
- "description": "Enter value for Collection ID"
- }
- },
"TAXIIServerUsername": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
@@ -51,6 +48,12 @@
"description": "Enter TAXII server password"
+ "CollectionID": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "metadata": {
+ "description": "Enter value for Collection ID"
+ }
+ },
"SentinelWorkspace": {
"type": "string",
"metadata": {
@@ -70,12 +73,26 @@
"metadata": {
"description": "Enter value for Tag for indicator export completion"
+ },
+ "Default TLP Label": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "defaultValue": "TLP:CLEAR",
+ "allowedValues": [
+ "TLP:RED",
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "description": "Enter value for Default TLP Label"
+ }
"variables": {
"SubscriptionID": "[subscription().subscriptionId]",
"ResourceGroup": "[resourceGroup().name]",
- "azure": "[concat('https://management','.azure','.com')]"
+ "azure": "[concat('https://management','.azure','.com')]"
"resources": [
@@ -90,158 +107,1857 @@
"defaultValue": "[parameters('CollectionID')]",
"type": "string"
- "ResourceGroup": {
- "defaultValue": "[variables('ResourceGroup')]",
- "type": "string"
+ "Default TLP Label": {
+ "defaultValue": "[parameters('Default TLP Label')]",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "ResourceGroup": {
+ "defaultValue": "[variables('ResourceGroup')]",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "SubscriptionID": {
+ "defaultValue": "[variables('SubscriptionID')]",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "TAXIIServerPassword": {
+ "defaultValue": "[parameters('TAXIIServerPassword')]",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "TAXIIServerRootURL": {
+ "defaultValue": "[parameters('TAXIIServerRootURL')]",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "TAXIIServerUsername": {
+ "defaultValue": "[parameters('TAXIIServerUsername')]",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "Tag for indicator export completion": {
+ "defaultValue": "[parameters('Tag for indicator export completion')]",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "Tag for indicators to be exported": {
+ "defaultValue": "[parameters('Tag for indicators to be exported')]",
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ "Workspace": {
+ "defaultValue": "[parameters('SentinelWorkspace')]",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ },
+ "triggers": {
+ "Recurrence_trigger_once_per_day": {
+ "recurrence": {
+ "frequency": "Day",
+ "interval": 1
+ },
+ "evaluatedRecurrence": {
+ "frequency": "Day",
+ "interval": 1
+ },
+ "type": "Recurrence"
+ }
+ },
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_at_least_one_indicator_to_send": {
+ "actions": {
+ "For_each_filtered_indicator": {
+ "foreach": "@body('Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_do_not_contain_Export_Complete')",
+ "actions": {
+ "HTTP_appendTags_request": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Http",
+ "inputs": {
+ "authentication": {
+ "type": "ManagedServiceIdentity"
+ },
+ "body": {
+ "threatIntelligenceTags": [
+ "@{parameters('Tag for indicator export completion')}"
+ ]
+ },
+ "method": "POST",
+ "uri": "[uriComponentToString(uri(variables('azure'), 'subscriptions/@{parameters(''SubscriptionID'')}/resourceGroups/@{parameters(''ResourceGroup'')}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/@{parameters(''Workspace'')}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatIntelligence/main/indicators/@{items(''For_each_filtered_indicator'')?[''name'']}/appendTags?api-version=2021-10-01'))]"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "HTTP_POST_stix_bundle_to_TAXII_server": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Foreach"
+ },
+ "Grouping_Object_Composition": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Append_GroupObj_to_Indicators_array": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_Group_Object": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "AppendToArrayVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicators",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_Group_Object')"
+ }
+ },
+ "Compose_Group_Object": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": {
+ "confidence": 100,
+ "context": "suspicious-activity",
+ "created": "@formatDateTime(string(utcNow()), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK')",
+ "created_by_ref": "@variables('CreatedByRefObjId')",
+ "id": "grouping--@{guid()}",
+ "modified": "@formatDateTime(string(utcNow()), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK')",
+ "object_marking_refs": "@union(variables('AllMarkingRefObjIds'), variables('MarkingRefsObjIds'))",
+ "object_refs": "@variables('IndicatorIds')",
+ "spec_version": "2.1",
+ "type": "grouping"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Scope"
+ },
+ "HTTP_POST_stix_bundle_to_TAXII_server": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Set_variable_with_STIX_bundle_JSON": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Http",
+ "inputs": {
+ "authentication": {
+ "password": "@parameters('TAXIIServerPassword')",
+ "type": "Basic",
+ "username": "@parameters('TAXIIServerUsername')"
+ },
+ "body": "@variables('StixBuldle')",
+ "headers": {
+ "Accept": "application/taxii+json;version=2.1",
+ "Content-type": "application/taxii+json;version=2.1"
+ },
+ "method": "POST",
+ "retryPolicy": {
+ "type": "none"
+ },
+ "uri": "@{parameters('TAXIIServerRootURL')}/collections/@{parameters('CollectionID')}/objects/"
+ }
+ },
+ "Identity_Object_Composition": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Append_IdentityObj_to_Indicators_array": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_Identity_Object": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "AppendToArrayVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicators",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_Identity_Object')"
+ }
+ },
+ "Compose_Identity_Object": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": {
+ "confidence": 100,
+ "created": "@formatDateTime(string(utcNow()), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK')",
+ "id": "@variables('CreatedByRefObjId')",
+ "identity_class": "organization",
+ "modified": "@formatDateTime(string(utcNow()), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK')",
+ "name": "CTIS",
+ "object_marking_refs": "@union(variables('AllMarkingRefObjIds'), variables('MarkingRefsObjIds'))",
+ "spec_version": "2.1",
+ "type": "identity"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Grouping_Object_Composition": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Scope"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_with_STIX_bundle_JSON": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Identity_Object_Composition": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "StixBuldle",
+ "value": "{\n \"type\": \"bundle\",\n \"id\": \"bundle--1736e032-a96a-41e9-8302-126677d4d781\",\n \"objects\": @{variables('Indicators')}\n}"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "For_each_Indicator": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@length(variables('Indicators'))",
+ 0
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_contain_Export": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Parse_JSON_queryIndicators_response": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Query",
+ "inputs": {
+ "from": "@body('Parse_JSON_queryIndicators_response')?['value']",
+ "where": "@contains(item()?['properties']?['threatIntelligenceTags'], parameters('Tag for indicators to be exported'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_do_not_contain_Export_Complete": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_contain_Export": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Query",
+ "inputs": {
+ "from": "@body('Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_contain_Export')",
+ "where": "@not(contains(item()?['properties']?['threatIntelligenceTags'], parameters('Tag for indicator export completion')))"
+ }
+ },
+ "For_each_Indicator": {
+ "foreach": "@body('Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_do_not_contain_Export_Complete')",
+ "actions": {
+ "Append_IndicatorId_to_array_IndicatorsIds": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Set_variable_IndicatorId": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "AppendToArrayVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "IndicatorIds",
+ "value": "@variables('IndicatorId')"
+ }
+ },
+ "Append_MarkingRefObj_to_array_Indicators": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Reset_variable_Indicator": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "AppendToArrayVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicators",
+ "value": "@variables('MarkingRefObj')"
+ }
+ },
+ "Append_to_array_Indicators": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'killChainPhases'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "AppendToArrayVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicators",
+ "value": "@variables('Indicator')"
+ }
+ },
+ "Compose_mandatory_properties": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Append_IndicatorId_to_array_IndicatorsIds": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": {
+ "created": "@formatDateTime(string(items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['created']), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK')",
+ "id": "@variables('IndicatorId')",
+ "modified": "@addSeconds(formatDateTime(string(items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['lastUpdatedTimeUtc'])), 5, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK')",
+ "pattern": "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['pattern']",
+ "pattern_type": "@if(contains(createArray('stix', 'pcre', 'sigma', 'snort', 'suricata', 'yara'), string(items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['patternType'])), string(items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['patternType']), 'stix')",
+ "spec_version": "2.1",
+ "type": "indicator",
+ "valid_from": "@formatDateTime(string(items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['validFrom']), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK')"
+ }
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'confidence'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'confidence'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'confidence', item()?['properties']?['confidence'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'confidence'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'confidence'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''confidence''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_mandatory_properties": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['confidence']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'createdByRef'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_chek_if_'createdByRef'_in_STIIX_format": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'created_by_ref'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'created_by_ref', item()?['properties']?['createdByRef'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'created_by_ref'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'created_by_ref'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''created_by_ref''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "equals": [
+ "@startsWith(item()?['properties']?['createdByRef'], 'indicator--')",
+ "@true"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'displayName'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "else": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_default_'created_by_ref'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'created_by_ref', 'identity--02073f98-86a4-44c8-9fff-f92c2e0fceae')"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_indicator_with_default_'created_by_ref'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_default_'created_by_ref'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_default_''created_by_ref''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['createdByRef']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'description'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'description'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'description', item()?['properties']?['description'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Description": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'description'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Description",
+ "value": "@{item()?['properties']?['description']}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'description'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'description'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''description''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'confidence'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['description']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'displayName'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'name'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'name', item()?['properties']?['displayName'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'name'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'name'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''name''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'language'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['displayName']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'extensions'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_extension_definition_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'extensions'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'extensions', item()?['properties']?['extensions'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'extensions'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'extensions'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''extensions''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@indexOf(string(item()?['properties']?['extensions']), 'extension-definition--')",
+ -1
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'granularMarkings'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['extensions']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'externalReferences'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if__externalReferences_is_empty_array": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'external_references'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'external_references', item()?['properties']?['externalReferences'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'external_references'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'external_references'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''external_references''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@length(item()?['properties']?['externalReferences'])",
+ 0
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'revoked'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['externalReferences']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'granularMarkings'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_granularMarkings_is_empty_array": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'granular_markings'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'granular_markings', item()?['properties']?['granularMarkings'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'granular_markings'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'granular_markings'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''granular_markings''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@length(item()?['properties']?['granularMarkings'])",
+ 0
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'objectMarkingRefs'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['granular_markings']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'indicatorTypes'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_indicatorTypes_is_empty_array": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'indicator_types'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'indicator_types', item()?['properties']?['indicatorTypes'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'indicator_types'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'indicator_types'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''indicator_types''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@length(item()?['properties']?['indicatorTypes'])",
+ 0
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'extensions'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['indicatorTypes']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'killChainPhases'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_killChainPhases_is_empty_array": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'kill_chain_phases'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_sub_properties_of_'kill_chain_phases'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'kill_chain_phases', array(outputs('Compose_sub_properties_of_''kill_chain_phases''_property')))"
+ },
+ "Compose_sub_properties_of_'kill_chain_phases'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": {
+ "kill_chain_name": "lockheed-martin-cyber-kill-chain",
+ "phase_name": "@toLower(item()?['properties']?['killChainPhases'][0]?['phaseName'])"
+ }
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'kill_chain_phases'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'kill_chain_phases'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''kill_chain_phases''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@length(item()?['properties']?['killChainPhases'])",
+ 0
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'validUntil'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['killChainPhases']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'labels'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Add_Incidet_ID_to_Description": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_Incident_tag_is_present": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_Description_is_not_null": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Concat_IncidentTag_with_Description_": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@setProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'description', concat('[',variables('IncidentTag'), '] ', item()?['properties']?['description']))"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_updated_Description": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Concat_IncidentTag_with_Description_": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Concat_IncidentTag_with_Description_')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "For_each_Lable_in_Lables": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "else": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_description_as_IncidentTag": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@setProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'description', concat('[', variables('IncidentTag'), ']'))"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_description_as_IncidentTag": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_description_as_IncidentTag": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_description_as_IncidentTag')"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@variables('Description')",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "For_each_Lable_in_Lables": {
+ "foreach": "@variables('Lables')",
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_it_is_incident_tag": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Set_variable_IncidentTag": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "IncidentTag",
+ "value": "@{string(items('For_each_Lable_in_Lables'))}"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "equals": [
+ "@contains(toLower(items('For_each_Lable_in_Lables')), 'incident id:')",
+ "@true"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Foreach"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "equals": [
+ "@contains(toLower(join(variables('Lables'), '|')), 'incident id:')",
+ "@true"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "TLP_tag_processing": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Scope"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_any_lable_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'labels'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'labels', variables('Lables'))"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'labels'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'labels'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''labels''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Add_Incidet_ID_to_Description": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@length(variables('Lables'))",
+ 0
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Filter_Export_tag": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Filter_Labels_array": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Query",
+ "inputs": {
+ "from": "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['labels']",
+ "where": "@not(equals(parameters('Tag for indicators to be exported'), item()))"
+ }
+ },
+ "Set_array_Lables": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Filter_Labels_array": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Lables",
+ "value": "@body('Filter_Labels_array')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Scope"
+ },
+ "TLP_tag_processing": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_TLP_tag_is_present_and_valid": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_valid_TLP_lable_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Set_variable_TLPLabel": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "TLPLabel",
+ "value": "@{toUpper(first(body('Filter_TLP_tag_against_TLPLables')))}"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Filter_TLP_tag_against_TLPLables": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "else": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Set_variable_TLPLabel_if_not_valid_TLP_label_exist": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "TLPLabel",
+ "value": "@{toUpper(parameters('Default TLP Label'))}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "greater": [
+ "@length(body('Filter_TLP_tag_against_TLPLables'))",
+ 0
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Filter_TLP_tag": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Query",
+ "inputs": {
+ "from": "@variables('Lables')",
+ "where": "@startsWith(string(toLower(item())), string('tlp:'))"
+ }
+ },
+ "Filter_TLP_tag_against_TLPLables": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Filter_TLP_tag": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Query",
+ "inputs": {
+ "from": "@variables('TLPLables')",
+ "where": "@equals(toUpper(first(body('Filter_TLP_tag'))), item())"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "else": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Set_variable_TLPLabel_if_not_provided": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "TLPLabel",
+ "value": "@{toUpper(parameters('Default TLP Label'))}"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "equals": [
+ "@contains(toLower(join(items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['labels'], '|')), 'tlp:')",
+ "@true"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Filter_Export_tag": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Scope"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'createdByRef'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['labels']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'language'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'lang'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'lang', item()?['properties']?['language'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'lang'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'lang'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''lang''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'description'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['language']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'objectMarkingRefs'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_objectMarkingRefs_is_empty_array": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'object_marking_refs'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'object_marking_refs', union(item()?['properties']?['objectMarkingRefs'], variables('MarkingRefsObjIds')))"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'object_marking_refs'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'object_marking_refs'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''object_marking_refs''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "else": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'object_marking_refs'_property_when_empty": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'object_marking_refs', variables('MarkingRefsObjIds'))"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'object_marking_refs'_property_when_empty": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'object_marking_refs'_property_when_empty": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''object_marking_refs''_property_when_empty')"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@length(item()?['properties']?['objectMarkingRefs'])",
+ 0
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'externalReferences'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "else": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'object_marking_refs'_propert_when_null": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'object_marking_refs', variables('MarkingRefsObjIds'))"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'object_marking_refs'_property_when_null": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'object_marking_refs'_propert_when_null": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''object_marking_refs''_propert_when_null')"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['objectMarkingRefs']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'patternVersion'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'pattern_version'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'pattern_version', item()?['properties']?['patternVersion'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'pattern_version'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'pattern_version'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''pattern_version''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'indicatorTypes'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['patternVersion']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'revoked'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'revoked'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'revoked', item()?['properties']?['revoked'])"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'revoked'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'revoked'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''revoked''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "TLP_Marking_Ref_definition": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['revoked']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'validUntil'_property_exist": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Compose_'valid_until'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": "@addProperty(variables('Indicator'), 'valid_until', formatDateTime(string(item()?['properties']?['validUntil']), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK'))"
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_'valid_until'_property": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_'valid_until'_property": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_''valid_until''_property')"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'patternVersion'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "expression": {
+ "and": [
+ {
+ "not": {
+ "equals": [
+ "@items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['validUntil']",
+ "@null"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "If"
+ },
+ "Reset_array_MarkingRefsObjIds": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Reset_variable_MarkingRefObject": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "MarkingRefsObjIds",
+ "value": []
+ }
+ },
+ "Reset_variable_Indicator": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Reset_variable_IndicatorId": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "Reset_variable_IndicatorId": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Append_to_array_Indicators": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "IndicatorId",
+ "value": "@{null}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Reset_variable_MarkingRefObject": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Append_MarkingRefObj_to_array_Indicators": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "MarkingRefObj",
+ "value": {}
+ }
+ },
+ "Set_variable_IndicatorId": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "IndicatorId",
+ "value": "indicator--@{guid()}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Set_variable_Indicator_with_mandatory_properties": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_mandatory_properties": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_mandatory_properties')"
+ }
+ },
+ "TLP_Marking_Ref_definition": {
+ "actions": {
+ "Append_MarkingRefObjID_to_array_AllMarkingRefsObjectIds": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Append_MarkingRefObjID_to_array_MarkingRefsObjectIds": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "AppendToArrayVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "AllMarkingRefObjIds",
+ "value": "@variables('MarkingRefObjId')"
+ },
+ "description": "This array is used in Identity Object creation."
+ },
+ "Append_MarkingRefObjID_to_array_MarkingRefsObjectIds": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Set_variable_MarkingRefObj_with_default_TLP_Marking_definition": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "AppendToArrayVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "MarkingRefsObjIds",
+ "value": "@variables('MarkingRefObjId')"
+ }
+ },
+ "Compose_Default_TLP_Marking_definition": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Switch": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Compose",
+ "inputs": {
+ "created": "@formatDateTime(string(items('For_each_Indicator')?['properties']?['created']), 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.ffffffK')",
+ "extensions": {
+ "extension-definition--60a3c5c5-0d10-413e-aab3-9e08dde9e88d": {
+ "extension_type": "property-extension",
+ "tlp_2_0": "@{toLower(string(split(variables('TLPLabel'), ':')[1]))}"
+ }
+ },
+ "id": "@variables('MarkingRefObjId')",
+ "name": "@variables('TLPLabel')",
+ "spec_version": "2.1",
+ "type": "marking-definition"
+ }
+ },
+ "Reset_variable_MarkingRefObjId": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Append_MarkingRefObjID_to_array_AllMarkingRefsObjectIds": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "MarkingRefObjId",
+ "value": "@{null}"
+ }
+ },
+ "Set_variable_MarkingRefObj_with_default_TLP_Marking_definition": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Compose_Default_TLP_Marking_definition": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "MarkingRefObj",
+ "value": "@outputs('Compose_Default_TLP_Marking_definition')"
+ }
+ },
+ "Switch": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "cases": {
+ "AMBER": {
+ "case": "TLP:AMBER",
+ "actions": {
+ "Set_variable_MarkingRefObjId_for_AMBER": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "MarkingRefObjId",
+ "value": "marking-definition--55d920b0-5e8b-4f79-9ee9-91f868d9b421"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "case": "TLP:AMBER+STRICT",
+ "actions": {
+ "Set_variable_MarkingRefObjId_for_AMBER+STRICT": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "MarkingRefObjId",
+ "value": "marking-definition--939a9414-2ddd-4d32-a0cd-375ea402b003"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "CLEAR": {
+ "case": "TLP:CLEAR",
+ "actions": {
+ "Set_variable_MarkingRefObjId_for_CLEAR": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "MarkingRefObjId",
+ "value": "marking-definition--94868c89-83c2-464b-929b-a1a8aa3c8487"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "GREEN": {
+ "case": "TLP:GREEN",
+ "actions": {
+ "Set_variable_Set_variable_MarkingRefObjId_for_GREEN": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "MarkingRefObjId",
+ "value": "marking-definition--bab4a63c-aed9-4cf5-a766-dfca5abac2bb"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "RED": {
+ "case": "TLP:RED",
+ "actions": {
+ "Set_variable_MarkingRefObjId_for_RED": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "SetVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "name": "MarkingRefObjId",
+ "value": "marking-definition--e828b379-4e03-4974-9ac4-e53a884c97c1"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "default": {
+ "actions": {}
+ },
+ "expression": "@variables('TLPLabel')",
+ "type": "Switch"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Condition_to_check_if_'labels'_property_exist": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Scope"
+ }
+ },
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_do_not_contain_Export_Complete": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Foreach",
+ "runtimeConfiguration": {
+ "concurrency": {
+ "repetitions": 1
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "HTTP_queryIndicators_request": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Initialize_variable_IncidentTag": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "Http",
+ "inputs": {
+ "authentication": {
+ "type": "ManagedServiceIdentity"
+ },
+ "body": {
+ "keywords": "tags:\"@{parameters('Tag for indicators to be exported')}\"",
+ "pageSize": 100,
+ "sortBy": [
+ {
+ "itemKey": "lastUpdatedTimeUtc",
+ "sortOrder": "descending"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "method": "POST",
+ "retryPolicy": {
+ "type": "none"
+ },
+ "uri": "[uriComponentToString(uri(variables('azure'),'subscriptions/@{parameters(''SubscriptionID'')}/resourceGroups/@{parameters(''ResourceGroup'')}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/@{parameters(''Workspace'')}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatIntelligence/main/queryIndicators?api-version=2022-06-01-preview'))]"
+ }
- "SubscriptionID": {
- "defaultValue": "[variables('SubscriptionID')]",
- "type": "string"
+ "Initialize_array_AllMarkingRefObjIds": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Initialize_array_MarkingRefsObjIds": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "AllMarkingRefObjIds",
+ "type": "array",
+ "value": []
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- "TAXIIServerRootURL": {
- "defaultValue": "[parameters('TAXIIServerRootURL')]",
- "type": "string"
+ "Initialize_array_IndicatorIds": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Initialize_variable_IndicatorId": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "IndicatorIds",
+ "type": "array",
+ "value": []
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- "TAXIIServerPassword": {
- "defaultValue": "[parameters('TAXIIServerPassword')]",
- "type": "securestring"
+ "Initialize_array_Indicators": {
+ "runAfter": {},
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "Indicators",
+ "type": "array"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- "TAXIIServerUsername": {
- "defaultValue": "[parameters('TAXIIServerUsername')]",
- "type": "string"
+ "Initialize_array_Lables": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Initialize_variable_Description": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "Lables",
+ "type": "array"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- "Tag for indicator export completion": {
- "defaultValue": "[parameters('Tag for indicator export completion')]",
- "type": "string"
+ "Initialize_array_MarkingRefsObjIds": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Initialize_variable_MarkingRefObjId": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "MarkingRefsObjIds",
+ "type": "array",
+ "value": []
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- "Tag for indicators to be exported": {
- "defaultValue": "[parameters('Tag for indicators to be exported')]",
- "type": "string"
+ "Initialize_array_TLPLables": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Initialize_array_Lables": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ },
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "TLPLables",
+ "type": "array",
+ "value": [
+ "TLP:RED",
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- "Workspace": {
- "defaultValue": "[parameters('SentinelWorkspace')]",
- "type": "string"
- }
- },
- "triggers": {
- "Recurrence_trigger_once_per_day": {
- "recurrence": {
- "frequency": "Day",
- "interval": 1
+ "Initialize_variable_Description": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Initialize_variable_Indicator": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
- "evaluatedRecurrence": {
- "frequency": "Hour",
- "interval": 1
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "Description",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": "@{null}"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "Initialize_variable_IdentityObjId_or_CreatedByRefObjId": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Initialize_array_IndicatorIds": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
- "type": "Recurrence"
- }
- },
- "actions": {
- "Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_contain_Export": {
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "CreatedByRefObjId",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": "identity--02073f98-86a4-44c8-9fff-f92c2e0fceae"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "description": "Default CreatedByRefObjId or IdenityObjId"
+ },
+ "Initialize_variable_IncidentTag": {
"runAfter": {
- "Parse_JSON_queryIndicators_response": [
+ "Initialize_variable_StixBundle": [
- "type": "Query",
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
"inputs": {
- "from": "@body('Parse_JSON_queryIndicators_response')?['value']",
- "where": "@contains(item()?['properties']?['threatIntelligenceTags'], parameters('Tag for indicators to be exported'))"
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "IncidentTag",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ ]
- "Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_do_not_contain_Export_Complete": {
+ "Initialize_variable_Indicator": {
"runAfter": {
- "Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_contain_Export": [
+ "Initialize_array_Indicators": [
- "type": "Query",
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
"inputs": {
- "from": "@body('Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_contain_Export')",
- "where": "@not(contains(item()?['properties']?['threatIntelligenceTags'], parameters('Tag for indicator export completion')))"
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "Indicator",
+ "type": "object",
+ "value": {}
+ }
+ ]
- "For_each_filtered_indicator": {
- "foreach": "@body('Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_do_not_contain_Export_Complete')",
- "actions": {
- "HTTP_appendTags_request": {
- "runAfter": {
- },
- "type": "Http",
- "inputs": {
- "authentication": {
- "type": "ManagedServiceIdentity"
- },
- "body": {
- "threatIntelligenceTags": [
- "@{parameters('Tag for indicator export completion')}"
- ]
- },
- "method": "POST",
- "uri": "[uriComponentToString(uri(variables('azure'),'subscriptions/@{parameters(''SubscriptionID'')}/resourceGroups/@{parameters(''ResourceGroup'')}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/@{parameters(''Workspace'')}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatIntelligence/main/indicators/@{items(''For_each_filtered_indicator'')?[''name'']}/appendTags?api-version=2021-10-01'))]"
- }
- }
+ "Initialize_variable_IndicatorId": {
+ "runAfter": {
+ "Initialize_array_AllMarkingRefObjIds": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "IndicatorId",
+ "type": "string",
+ "value": "@{null}"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "Initialize_variable_MarkingRefObj": {
"runAfter": {
- "HTTP_POST_stix_bundle_to_TAXII_server": [
+ "Initialize_variable_TLPLabel": [
- "type": "Foreach"
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
+ "inputs": {
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "MarkingRefObj",
+ "type": "object",
+ "value": {}
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- "HTTP_POST_stix_bundle_to_TAXII_server": {
+ "Initialize_variable_MarkingRefObjId": {
"runAfter": {
- "Initialize_variable_for_STIX_bundle_JSON": [
+ "Initialize_variable_MarkingRefObj": [
- "type": "Http",
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
"inputs": {
- "authentication": {
- "password": "@parameters('TAXIIServerPassword')",
- "type": "Basic",
- "username": "@parameters('TAXIIServerUsername')"
- },
- "body": "@variables('StixBundle')",
- "headers": {
- "Accept": "application/taxii+json;version=2.1",
- "Content-type": "application/taxii+json;version=2.1"
- },
- "method": "POST",
- "retryPolicy": {
- "type": "none"
- },
- "uri": "@{parameters('TAXIIServerRootURL')}/collections/@{parameters('CollectionID')}/objects/"
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "MarkingRefObjId",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ ]
- "HTTP_queryIndicators_request": {
+ "Initialize_variable_StixBundle": {
"runAfter": {
+ "Initialize_variable_IdentityObjId_or_CreatedByRefObjId": [
+ "Succeeded"
+ ]
- "type": "Http",
+ "type": "InitializeVariable",
"inputs": {
- "authentication": {
- "type": "ManagedServiceIdentity"
- },
- "body": {
- "keywords": "tags:@{parameters('Tag for indicators to be exported')}",
- "pageSize": 100,
- "sortBy": [
- {
- "itemKey": "lastUpdatedTimeUtc",
- "sortOrder": "descending"
- }
- ]
- },
- "method": "POST",
- "retryPolicy": {
- "type": "none"
- },
- "uri": "[uriComponentToString(uri(variables('azure'),'subscriptions/@{parameters(''SubscriptionID'')}/resourceGroups/@{parameters(''ResourceGroup'')}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/@{parameters(''Workspace'')}/providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/threatIntelligence/main/queryIndicators?api-version=2022-06-01-preview'))]"
+ "variables": [
+ {
+ "name": "StixBuldle",
+ "type": "string"
+ }
+ ]
- "Initialize_variable_for_STIX_bundle_JSON": {
+ "Initialize_variable_TLPLabel": {
"runAfter": {
- "Select_indicators_into_STIX_format": [
+ "Initialize_array_TLPLables": [
@@ -249,9 +1965,8 @@
"inputs": {
"variables": [
- "name": "StixBundle",
- "type": "string",
- "value": "{\n \"type\": \"bundle\",\n \"id\": \"bundle--1736e032-a96a-41e9-8302-126677d4d781\",\n \"objects\": @{body('Select_indicators_into_STIX_format')}\n}"
+ "name": "TLPLabel",
+ "type": "string"
@@ -300,8 +2015,7 @@
"properties": {
"sentinel-ext": {
"properties": {
- "severity": {
- }
+ "severity": {}
"type": "object"
@@ -423,41 +2137,6 @@
"type": "object"
- },
- "Select_indicators_into_STIX_format": {
- "runAfter": {
- "Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_do_not_contain_Export_Complete": [
- "Succeeded"
- ]
- },
- "type": "Select",
- "inputs": {
- "from": "@body('Filter_array_of_indicators_where_tags_do_not_contain_Export_Complete')",
- "select": {
- "confidence": "@item()?['properties']?['confidence']",
- "created": "@item()?['properties']?['created']",
- "created_by_ref": "",
- "description": "@item()?['properties']?['description']",
- "external_references": "",
- "granular_markings": "",
- "id": "indicator--@{item()?['name']}",
- "indicator_types": "@item()?['properties']?['threatTypes']",
- "kill_chain_phases": "",
- "labels": "@item()?['properties']?['threatIntelligenceTags']",
- "lang": "",
- "modified": "@item()?['properties']?['lastUpdatedTimeUtc']",
- "name": "@item()?['properties']?['displayName']",
- "object_marking_refs": "@item()?['properties']?['objectMarkingRefs']",
- "pattern": "@item()?['properties']?['pattern']",
- "pattern_type": "@item()?['properties']?['patternType']",
- "pattern_version": "2.1",
- "revoked": "@item()?['properties']?['revoked']",
- "spec_version": "2.1",
- "type": "indicator",
- "valid_from": "@item()?['properties']?['validFrom']",
- "valid_until": "@item()?['properties']?['validUntil']"
- }
- }
"outputs": {
@@ -470,7 +2149,7 @@
"type": "Microsoft.Logic/workflows",
"location": "[resourceGroup().location]",
"tags": {
- "hidden-SentinelTemplateName": "AusCtisExportTaggedIndicatorsv2",
+ "hidden-SentinelTemplateName": "AusCtisExportTaggedIndicators",
"hidden-SentinelTemplateVersion": "1.0"
"identity": {
diff --git a/Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/Playbooks/readme.md b/Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/Playbooks/readme.md
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--- a/Solutions/Australian Cyber Security Centre/Playbooks/readme.md
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# Australian Cyber Security Centre Playbook Templates
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