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314 lines (267 loc) · 19.6 KB

File metadata and controls

314 lines (267 loc) · 19.6 KB

2.3.3 (Unreleased)

Bug Fixes

2.3.2 (2024-09-03)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the case where file creation using SAS on HNS accounts was returning back wrong error code.
  • #1402 Fixed proxy URL parsing.
  • In flush operation, the blocks will be committed only if the handle is dirty.
  • Fixed an issue in File-Cache that caused upload to fail due to insufficient permissions.

Data Integrity Fixes

  • Fixed block-cache read of small files in direct-io mode, where file size is not multiple of kernel buffer size.
  • Fixed race condition in block-cache random write flow where a block is being uploaded and written to in parallel.
  • Fixed issue in block-cache random read/write flow where a uncommitted block, which is deleted from local cache, is reused.
  • Sparse file data integrity issues fixed.

Other Changes

  • LFU policy in file cache has been removed.
  • Default values, if not assigned in config, for the following parameters in block-cache are calculated as follows:
    • Memory preallocated for Block-Cache is 80% of free memory
    • Disk Cache Size is 80% of free disk space
    • Prefetch is 2 times number of CPU cores
    • Parallelism is 3 times the number of CPU cores
  • Default value of Disk Cache Size in File Cache is 80% of free disk space

2.3.0 (2024-05-16)

Bug Fixes

  • For fuse minor version check rely on the fusermount3 command output rather then one exposed from fuse_common.
  • Fixed large number of threads from TLRU causing crash during disk eviction in block-cache.
  • Fixed issue where get attributes was failing for directories in blob accounts when CPK flag was enabled.


  • Added support for authentication using Azure CLI.

Other Changes

  • Added support in
    • Ubuntu 24.04 (x86_64 and ARM64)
    • Rocky Linux 8 and 9
    • Alma Linux 8 and 9
  • Added support for FIPS based Linux systems.
  • Updated dependencies to address security vulnerabilities.

2.3.0~preview.1 (2024-04-04)

Bug Fixes

  • #1057 Fixed the issue where user-assigned identity is not used to authenticate when system-assigned identity is enabled.
  • Listing blobs is now supported for blob names that contain characters that aren't valid in XML (U+FFFE or U+FFFF).
  • #1359, #1368 Fixed RHEL 8.6 mount failure


  • Migrated to the latest azblob SDK.
  • Migrated to the latest azdatalake SDK.
  • Migrated from deprecated ADAL to MSAL through the latest azidentity SDK.
  • Added support for uploading blobs in cold and premium tier.
  • Support CPK for adls storage accounts.
  • Lazy-write support for async flush and close file call. Actual upload will be scheduled in background when this feature is enabled.

2.2.1 (2024-02-28)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed panic while truncating a file to a very large size.
  • Fixed block-cache panic on flush of a file which has no active changeset
  • Fixed block-cache panic on renaming a file and then flushing older handle
  • Fixed block-cache flush resulting in invalid-block-list error

2.2.0 (2024-01-24)

Bug Fixes

  • Invalidate attribute cache entry on PathAlreadyExists error in create directory operation.
  • When $HOME environment variable is not present, use the current directory.
  • Fixed mount failure on nonempty mount path for fuse3.


  • Support CPK for block storage accounts.
  • Added support to write files using block-cache
    • Optimized for sequential writing
    • Editing/Appending existing files works only if files were originally created using block-cache with the same block size

2.1.2 (2023-11-17)

Bug Fixes

  • #1243 Fixed issue where symlink was not working for ADLS accounts.
  • #1259 sync-to-flush will force upload the file contents to container.
  • #1285 Rename directory fails for blob accounts when marker blob does not exist for source directory.
  • #1284 Fixed truncate behaviour for streaming write.
  • #1142 Fixed truncate behaviour for streaming write.
  • Randomize token refresh interval for MSI and SPN to support multi-instance deployment.

2.1.1 (2023-10-31)

Bug Fixes

  • #1237 Fixed the case sensitivity of content type for file extensions.
  • #1230 Disable deletion of files from local-cache on sync. Use --ignore-sync cli option to enable this.
  • Rename API for HNS account now works with user delegation SAS
  • SAS token is redacted in logs for rename api over dfs endpoint
  • Allow user to configure custom AAD endpoint using MSI_ENPOINT environment variable for MSI based authentication
  • Fail mount if block-cache prefetch count exceeds the defined memory limits.
  • uid/gid supplied as CLI parameters will be shown as actual user/group while listing files.
  • Corrected handling of umask libfuse option.


  • Optimized file-cache to skip download when O_TRUNC flag is provided in open call.
  • Refresh token 5 minutes before the expiry instead of last 10 seconds.


  • Sync in stream mode will force upload the file to storage container.
  • Fail Open and Write operations with file-cache if the file size exceeds the high threshold set with local cache limits.

2.1.0 (2023-08-31)


  • Added support for ARM64 architecture.
  • Block cache component added to support faster serial reads of large files with prefetching of blocks
    • As of now only one file single threaded read is faster
    • Only read-only mounts will support block-cache
  • Adaptive prefetching to support random reads without incurring extra network cost
  • Block cache with disk backup to reduce network cost if same blocks are read again
  • On AML compute cluster MSI authentication is now supported (this will use the identity assigned to compute cluster)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix to evict the destination file from local cache post rename file operation.
  • If $PATH is not populated correctly, find out correct path for du command.
  • Disable kernel_cache and writeback_cache when direct_io is set.
  • Fix FUSE CLI parameter parsing, where CLI overrides parameters provided in config file.
  • #1226 If max disk-cache size is not configured, check the available disk space to kick-in early eviction.
  • #1230 Truncate file locally and then upload instead of downloading it again.

2.0.5 (2023-08-02)


  • In case of MSI based authentication, user shall provide object-id of the identity and honour-acl flag for file-system to work with ACLs assigned to the given identity instead of permissions.
  • Added support to read OAuth token from a user given file.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed priority level check of components to reject invalid pipeline entries.
  • #1196 100% CPU usage in 2.0.4 fixed.
  • #1207 Fix log-rotate script.
  • Unmount command was looking for fusermount while on fuse3 systems it should be looking for fusermount3.
  • If du command is not found skip checking for disk usage in LRU cache-eviction policy.
  • V1 flag of file-cache-timeout-in-seconds not interpreted correctly by V2 and causing eviction policy to assume its 0.
  • If du is not found on standard path try paths where it can potentially be found.
  • Fix uid/gid marshalling for mountv1 command, which was resulting in panic.

2.0.4 (2023-07-03)


  • Added new config parameter "max-fuse-threads" under "libfuse" config to control max threads allowed at libfuse layer.
  • Added new config parameter 'refresh-sec' in 'file-cache'. When file-cache-timeout is set to a large value, this field can control when to refresh the file if file in container has changed.
  • Added FUSE option direct_io to bypass the kernel cache and perform direct I/O operations.

Bug Fixes

  • #1116 Relative path for tmp-cache is resulting into file read-write failure.
  • #1151 Reason for unmount failure is not displayed in the console output.
  • Remove leading slashes from subdirectory name.
  • #1156 Reuse 'auth-resource' config to alter scope of SPN token.
  • #1175 Divide by 0 exception in Stream in case of direct streaming option.
  • #1161 Add more verbose logs for pipeline init failures
  • Return permission denied error for AuthorizationPermissionMismatch error from service.
  • #1187 File-cache path will be created recursively, if it does not exist.
  • Resolved bug related to constant 5% CPU usage even where there is no activity on the blobfuse2 mounted path.

2.0.3 (2023-04-26)

Bug Fixes

  • #1080 HNS rename flow does not encode source path correctly.
  • #1081 Blobfuse will exit with non-zero status code if allow_other option is used but not enabled in fuse config.
  • #1079 Shell returns before child process mounts the container and if user tries to bind the mount it leads to inconsistent state.
  • If mount fails in forked child, blobfuse2 will return back with status error code.
  • #1100 If content-encoding is set in blob then transport layer compression shall be disabled.
  • Subdir mount is not able to list blobs correctly when virtual-directory is turned on.
  • Adding support to pass down uid/gid values supplied in mount to libfuse.
  • #1102 Remove nanoseconds from file times as storage does not provide that granularity.
  • #1113 Allow-root option is not sent down to libfuse.


  • Added new CLI parameter "--sync-to-flush". Once configured sync() call on file will force upload a file to storage container. As this is file handle based api, if file was not in file-cache it will first download and then upload the file.
  • Added new CLI parameter "--disable-compression". Disables content compression at transport layer. Required when content-encoding is set to 'gzip' in blob.
  • Added new config "max-results-for-list" that allow users to change maximum results returned as part of list calls during getAttr.
  • Added new config "max-files" that allows users to change maximum files attributes that can be cached in attribute cache.
  • Ensures all panic errors are logged before blobfuse crashes.

2.0.2 (2023-02-23)

Bug Fixes

  • #999 Upgrade dependencies to resolve known CVEs.
  • #1002 In case version check fails to connect to public container, dump a log to check network and proxy settings.
  • #1006 Remove user and group config from logrotate file.
  • csi-driver #809 Fail to mount when uid/gid are provided on command line.
  • #1032 mount all CLI params parsing fix when no config-file and tmp-path is provided.
  • #1015 Default value of ignore-open-flags config parameter changed to true.
  • #1038 Changing default daemon permissions.
  • #1036 Fix to avoid panic when $HOME dir is not set.
  • #1036 Respect --default-working-dir cli param and use it as default log file path.
  • If version check fails due to network issues, mount/mountall/mountv1 command used to terminate. From this release it will just emit an error log and mount will continue.
  • If default work directory does not exists, mount shall create it before daemonizing.
  • Default value of 'virtual-directory' is changed to true. If your data is created using Blobfuse or AzCopy pass this flag as false in mount command.

2.0.1 (2022-12-02)

  • Copy of GA release of Blobfuse2. This release was necessary to ensure the GA version resolves ahead of the preview versions.

2.0.0 (2022-11-30) (GA release)

Bug Fixes

  • #968 Duplicate directory listing
  • #964 Rename for FNS account failing with source does not exists error
  • #972 Mount all fails
  • Added support for "-o nonempty" to mount on a non-empty mount path
  • #985 fuse required when installing blobfuse2 on a fuse3 supported system

Breaking Changes

  • Defaults for retry policy changed. Max retries: 3 to 5, Retry delay: 3600 to 900 seconds, Max retry delay: 4 to 60 seconds


  • Added new CLI parameter "--subdirectory=" to mount only a subdirectory from given container

2.0.0-preview.4 (2022-11-03)

Breaking Changes

  • Renamed ignore-open-flag config parameter to ignore-open-flags to match CLI parameter
  • Renamed health-monitor section in config file to health_monitor


  • Added support for health-monitor stop --pid= and health-monitor stop all commands
  • Added support to work with virtual directories without special marker directory using the virtual-directory config option.
  • Added support for object ID support for MSI credentials
  • Added support for system assigned IDs for MSI credentials

Bug Fixes

  • Auto detect auth mode based on storage config
  • Auto correct endpoint for public cloud
  • In case of invalid option or failure CLI to return non-zero return code
  • ignore-open-flags CLI parameter is now correctly read
  • #921: Mount using /etc/fstab fixed
  • Fixed a bug where mount all required a config file
  • #942: List api failing when backend does not return any item but only a valid token
  • Fix bug in SDK trace logging which prints (MISSING) in log entries

2.0.0-preview.3 (2022-09-02)


  • Added support for directory level SAS while mounting a subdirectory
  • Added support for displaying mount space utilization based on file cache consumption (for example when doing df)
  • Added support for updating MD5 sum on file upload
  • Added support for validating MD5 sum on download
  • Added backwards compatibility support for all blobfuse v1 CLI options
  • Added support to allow disabling writeback cache if a customer is opening a file with O_APPEND
  • Added support to ignore append flag on open when writeback cache is on

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in parsing output of disk utilization summary
  • Fixed a bug in parsing SAS token not having '?' as first character
  • Fixed a bug in append file flow resolving data corruption
  • Fixed a bug in MSI auth to send correct resource string
  • Fixed a bug in OAuth token parsing when expires_on denotes numbers of seconds
  • Fixed a bug in rmdir flow. Dont allow directory deletion if local cache says its empty. On container it might still have files.
  • Fixed a bug in background mode where auth validation would be run twice
  • Fixed a bug in content type parsing for a 7z compressed file
  • Fixed a bug in retry logic to retry in case of server timeout errors

2.0.0-preview.2 (2022-05-31)

Performance Improvements

  • fio: Outperforms blobfuse by 10% in sequential reads


  • Added support for Debian 11 and Mariner OS
  • Added support to load an external extension library
  • Added support to mount without a config file
  • Added support to preserve file metadata
  • Added support to preserve additional principals added to the ACL
  • Added support to stream writes (without caching)
  • Added support to warn customers if using a vulnerable version of Blobfuse2
  • Added support to warn customers if using an older version of Blobfuse2
  • Added support for . and .. in listing

Breaking Changes

  • Changed default logging to syslog if the syslog service is running, otherwise file based

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused reads to be shorter than expected
  • Fixed bug where remount on empty containers was not throwing error when the mount path has trailing '/'
  • Fixed a bug where the DIRECT flag was not masked out
  • Fixed a bug where files > 80GB would fail to upload when block size is not explicitly set
  • Fixed a bug where the exit status was 0 despite invalid flags being passed
  • Fixed bug where endpoint would be populated incorrectly when passed as environment variable
  • Fixed a bug where mounting to an already mounted path would not fail
  • Fixed a bug where newly created datalake files > 256MB would fail to upload
  • Fixed a bug that caused parameters explicitly set to 0 to be the default value
  • Fixed a bug where df command showed root stats rather than Blobfuse mount file cache stats

2.0.0-preview.1 (2022-02-14)

  • First Release

Top Features

  • Compatibility with libfuse3, including libfuse2 compatibility for OSes that do not support libfuse3
  • Service version upgrade from "2018-11-09" to "2020-04-08" (STG77) through the azure-go-sdk
  • Maximum blob size in a single write 64MB -> 5000MB
  • Maximum block size 100MB -> 4000MB
  • Maximum file size supported 4.77TB -> 196TB
  • File creation time and last access time now pulled from service
  • Passthrough directly from filesystem calls to Azure Storage APIs
  • Read streaming (helpful for large files that cannot fit on disk)
  • Logging to syslog or a file
  • Mount a subdirectory in a container
  • Mount all containers in an account
  • Automatic blobfuse2 version checking and prompt for users to upgrade
  • Encrypted config support
  • Present custom default permissions for files in block blob accounts
  • Attribute cache invalidation based on timeout
  • Set custom default blob tier while uploading files to container
  • Pluggable cache eviction policies for file cache and streaming

User Experience

Blobfuse2 supports a special command that will accept the v1 CLI parameters and v1 config file format, convert it to a v2 config format and mount with v2.

Blobfuse2 exposes all supported options in a clean yaml formatted configuration file in addition to a few common options exposed as CLI parameters. In contrast, Blobfuse exposes most of its options as CLI parameters and a few others in a key-value configuration file.

Validation Extensive suite of validation run with focus on scale and compatibility.

Various improvements/parity to existing blobfuse validated like

  • Listing of >1M files: Parity under the same mount conditions.
  • Git clone: Outperforms blobfuse by 20% in git clone (large repo, with over 1 million objects).
  • resnet-50: Parity at 32 threads.