Requires Ruby 1.9.2 or higher.
ssh root@
adduser deployer
echo "deployer ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
ssh-copy-id deployer@
cap deploy:install
cap deploy:setup
cap deploy:cold
bundle exec rails s trinidad -e production
cap nginx:setup
cap trinidad:setup
touch tmp/restart.txt
cap deploy trinidad:restart
Highline Version: If you are using JRuby 1.7 and receiving the exception
NameError: cannot load Java class jline.ConsoleReader
while running Capistrano commands then try runningbundle update highline
. This was fixed in Highline version to 1.6.14. See this issue for details. -
SSH Agent Forwarding: If Capistrano hangs while deploying, check to see if the
ssh_options[:forward_agent] = true
is in the Capistrano config. This may not work as discussed here. Here are some solutions.-
Authorize the server directly by generating an SSH key and setting it up as the deploy key.
Consider running Capistrano commands from Ruby MRI on your local.
Use an alternative deployment method such as "copy"
Try upgrading to JRuby 7 on your local machine, this has been reported to solve the issue but I have not tested it.
Not Reloading: I experienced an issue where running
touch tmp/restart.txt
on the server would not use the latest code. Unfortunately I was unable to reproduce this problem consistently enough to resolve it. If you experience this, please comment on this issue.