Set 01-01.print the following pattern.c
Set 01-02.find sum of weights based on the following conditions.c
Set 01-03.Save the string in a two dimensional array and search for substring.c
Set 01-05.find no of grandchildren.c
Set 02-01.Alternate sorting.c
Set 02-01.Alternate
Set 02-02.Remove unbalanced parentheses in a given expression.c
Set 02-02.Remove unbalanced parentheses in a given
Set 02-03.Form a number system with only 3 and 4.c
Set 03-01.program to give the following output.c
Set 03-02.sort the elements in odd positions in descending order and elements in ascending order.c
Set 03-03.program to print the following output for the given input.c
Set 03-05-01.two sorted arrays, merge them such that the elements are not repeated.c
Set 03-05-02.two sorted arrays, merge them such that the elements are not repeated.c
Set 08-01.Spiral printing.c
Set 08-02.Two strings of equal length are given print the mismatched ones..c
Set 08-03.Get a number and check whether its palindrome do not use arrays and string manipulations.c
Set 12-01.Given two numbers a and b both < 200 we have to find the square numbers which lie between a and b.c
Set 12-03.Given an array and a threshold value find the output.c
Set 12-05.Write a program to print the below pattern.c
Set 12-06.Given bigger NxN matrix and a smaller MxM matrix print TRUE if the smaller matrix can be found in the bigger matrix else print FALSE.c
Set 12-07.Given two matrices a and b both of size NxN find if matrix a can be transformed to matrix b by rotating it 90deg , 180deg , 270deg if so print TRUE else print FALSE.c
Set 12-08.In addition to the above question you have to check if matrix a can be transformed by mirroring vertically or horizontally to matrix b..c
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