Gets the domain health information for a specified domain.
The Get-CIPPDomainHealth function retrieves domain health information for a specified domain using the CIPP API. It supports various actions such as reading WHOIS records, NS records, MX records, SPF records, DMARC policies, DKIM records, testing DNSSEC, and testing MTA-STS.
Specifies the name of the domain for which to retrieve the health information.
Specifies the action to perform for retrieving the domain health information. Valid values are: - ReadWhoisRecord: Retrieves the WHOIS record for the domain. - ReadNSRecord: Retrieves the NS record for the domain. - ReadMXRecord: Retrieves the MX record for the domain. - ReadSpfRecord: Retrieves the SPF record for the domain. - ReadDmarcPolicy: Retrieves the DMARC policy for the domain. - ReadDkimRecord: Retrieves the DKIM record for the domain. - TestDNSSEC: Tests DNSSEC for the domain. - TestMtaSts: Tests MTA-STS for the domain.
PS>Get-CIPPDomainHealth -DomainName "" -Action "ReadWhoisRecord"
PS>Get-CIPPDomainHealth -DomainName "" -Action "TestDNSSEC"