Retrieves information about CIPP groups.
The Get-CIPPGroups function retrieves information about CIPP groups based on the provided parameters. It can retrieve all groups for a specific tenant, group details for a specific group, group members for a specific group, or group owners for a specific group.
Specifies the ID of the customer tenant for which to retrieve the groups.
Specifies the ID of the group for which to retrieve the information. If not provided, all groups for the specified tenant will be retrieved.
Switch parameter. If specified, retrieves the members of the specified group.
Switch parameter. If specified, retrieves the owners of the specified group.
PS > Get-CIPPGroups -CustomerTenantID "7ced1621-b8f7-4231-868c-bc6b1a2f1778"
PS > Get-CIPPGroups -CustomerTenantID "7ced1621-b8f7-4231-868c-bc6b1a2f1778" -GroupID "abcdefg"
PS > Get-CIPPGroups -CustomerTenantID "7ced1621-b8f7-4231-868c-bc6b1a2f1778" -GroupID "abcdefg" -Members
PS > Get-CIPPGroups -CustomerTenantID "7ced1621-b8f7-4231-868c-bc6b1a2f1778" -GroupID "abcdefg" -Owners