Sets the exclusion status of a license in CIPP.
The Set-CIPPExcludeLicense function is used to set the exclusion status of a license in CIPP. It allows you to add or remove a license from the exclusion list.
Specifies the GUID of the license to be excluded or included.
Indicates whether to remove the license from the exclusion list. This switch cannot be used together with the -AddExclusion switch.
Indicates whether to add the license to the exclusion list. This switch cannot be used together with the -RemoveExclusion switch.
PS > Set-CIPPExcludeLicense -LicenseGUID "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB" -SKUName "ExampleSKU" -RemoveExclusion
PS > Set-CIPPExcludeLicense -LicenseGUID "12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890AB" -SKUName "ExampleSKU" -AddExclusion