Edits the mobile device settings for a specified user in a customer's tenant.
The Set-CIPPMailboxMobileDevices function allows you to edit the mobile device settings for a specified user in a customer's tenant. You can set the device ID, user ID, quarantine status, delete status, and device GUID.
Specifies whether the mobile device should be quarantined. Valid values are "true" or "False".
Specifies whether the mobile device should be deleted. Valid values are "true" or "False". The default value is "False".
PS > Set-CIPPMailboxMobileDevices -CustomerTenantID "contoso.onmicrosoft.com" -DeviceID "ABCD1234" -UserID "user1@domain.com" -Quarantine "true"
This example sets the mobile device with the ID "ABCD1234" for the user "user1@domain.com" in the customer's tenant with the ID "contoso.onmicrosoft.com" to be quarantined.
PS > Set-CIPPMailboxMobileDevices -CustomerTenantID "contoso.onmicrosoft.com" -UserID "user1@domain.com" -Delete "true" -DeviceGUID "EFGH5678"
This example deletes the mobile device with the GUID "EFGH5678" for the user "user1@domain.com" in the customer's tenant with the ID "contoso.onmicrosoft.com".