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Cookie Consent

JavaScript utility library

  • No dependencies. Really
  • Choose between three templates (banner, popup or overlay)
  • Choose between checkbox or radio inputs
  • Customizable cookie types (identifiers, optional/required, pre-checked)
  • Conditional script tags, iframes and elements based on cookie consent and type
  • Easily customizable styles

Built with ❤️ by Brackets but heavily inspired by GRRR.


GIF preview


Using npm:

npm i @brackets/cookie-consent-dialog

Using html script tag:

<script src="node_modules/@brackets/cookie-consent-dialog/dist/index.js"></script>


Link the script as seen above or import the module like so:

import CookieConsentDialog from "@brackets/cookie-consent-dialog";

Initialize the dialog:

const cookieConsent = CookieConsentDialog({
  cookies: [
      id: 'functional',
      label: 'Functional',
      description: 'Lorem ipsum.',
      required: true,
      id: 'marketing',
      label: 'Marketing',
      description: 'Lorem ipsum.',
      checked: true,

Don't forget to import base stylesheet into your main sass/scss file:

@import "~@brackets/cookie-consent-dialog/src/scss/index";

For more style customization options, see the styling section

Conditional scripts

Conditionally show script tags. Add the data-cookie-consent-attribute with the id of the required cookie type, and disable the script by setting the type to text/plain:

// External script.
<script src="https://..." data-cookie-consent="marketing" type="text/plain"></script>

// Inline script.
<script data-cookie-consent="marketing" type="text/plain">
    alert('hello world');

Conditional iframe embeds

Conditionally show or hide iframe embed. Add the data-cookie-consent-attribute with the id of the required cookie consent type, and disable the iframe renaming the src-attribute to data-src:

<iframe data-cookie-consent="marketing" data-src="https://..."></iframe>

Conditional content

Conditionally show or hide elements. Add the data-cookie-consent-<state>-attribute with the id of the required cookie consent type. There are two types of state: accepted and rejected.

<div data-cookie-consent-accepted="marketing" hidden>Accepted</div>
<div data-cookie-consent-rejected="marketing" hidden>Rejected</div>


  • When hiding, the module will add aria-hidden="true" and style="display: none;" to remove it from the DOM.
  • When showing, the module will remove any inline set display style, along with any hidden or aria-hidden attributes.


All options except cookies are optional. They will fall back to the defaults, which are listed here:

  template: 'popup',        // Can be `banner` (floating on top or bottom) or `popup` (floating on left or right side  of the screen) or `overlay` (centered in the middle of the page)
  position: 'left',         // Can be `top` or `bottom` for banner layout, `left` or `right` for popup layout
  collapsible: true,        // Determines whether cookie listing will be collapsible by user or not
  type: 'checkbox',         // Can be `checkbox` or `radio`.
  prefix: 'cookie-consent', // The prefix used for styling and identifiers.
  append: true,             // By default the dialog is appended before the `main` tag or
                            // as the first `body` child. Disable to append it yourself.
  appendDelay: 500,         // The delay after which the cookie consent should be appended.
  acceptAllButton: false,   // Nudge users to accept all cookies when nothing is selected.
                            // Will select all checkboxes, or the top radio button.
  cookies: [                // Array with cookie types. 
      id: 'marketing',      // The unique identifier of the cookie type.
      label: 'Marketing',   // The label used in the dialog.
      description: '...',   // The description used in the dialog.
      required: false,      // Mark a cookie required (ignored when type is `radio`).
      checked: false,       // The default checked state (only valid when not `required`).
      collapsible: true     // Determines whether cookie description will be collapsible in accordion
  // Labels to provide content for the dialog.
  labels: {
    title: 'Cookies & Privacy',
    description: `<p>This site makes use of third-party cookies. Read more in our
                  <a href="/privacy-policy">privacy policy</a>.</p>`,
    // Policy link or `learn more` link can be eaither par of the description html or standalone link bellow description with the use of configuration bellow
    policyLink: {
      href: '#', 
      text: 'More info'
    // Button labels based on state and preferences.
    button: {
      // The default button label.
      default: 'Save preferences',
      // Shown when `acceptAllButton` is set, and no option is selected.
      acceptAll: 'Accept all',
    // ARIA labels to improve accessibility.
    aria: {
      button: 'Confirm cookie settings',
      tabList: 'List with cookie types',
      tabToggle: 'Toggle cookie tab',


CookieConsent(options: object)

Will create a new instance.

const cookieConsent = CookieConsentDialog({
    cookies: [
        // ...

To make the instance globally available (for instance to add event listeners elsewhere), add it as a global after the instance has been created:

window.CookieConsentDialog = CookieConsentDialog();


Will fetch the dialog element, for example to append it at a custom DOM position.

document.body.insertBefore(cookieConsent.getDialog(), document.body.firstElementChild);


Will show the dialog element, for example to show it when triggered to change settings.

el.addEventListener('click', e => {


Will hide the dialog element.

el.addEventListener('click', e => {

isAccepted(id: string)

Check if a certain cookie type has been accepted. Will return true when accepted, false when denied, and undefined when no action has been taken.

const acceptedMarketing = cookieConsent.isAccepted('marketing'); // => true, false, undefined


Will return an array with preferences per cookie type.

const preferences = cookieConsent.getPreferences(); 

// [
//   {
//     "id": "analytical",
//     "accepted": true
//   },
//   {
//     "id": "marketing",
//     "accepted": false
//   }
// ]

on(event: string)

Add listeners for events. Will fire when the event is dispatched from the CookieConsent module. See available events.

cookieConsent.on('event', eventHandler);


Events are bound by the on method.


Will fire whenever the cookie settings are updated, or when the instance is constructed and stored preferences are found. It returns the array with cookie preferences, identical to the getPreferences() method.

This event can be used to fire tag triggers for each cookie type, for example via Google Tag Manager (GTM). In the following example trackers are loaded via a trigger added in GTM. Each cookie type has it's own trigger, based on the cookieType variable, and the trigger itself is invoked by the cookieConsent event.


cookieConsent.on('update', cookies => {
  const accepted = cookies.filter(cookie => cookie.accepted);
  const dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
  accepted.forEach(cookie => dataLayer.push({ 
    event: 'cookieConsent', 


No styling is being applied by the JavaScript module. However, there is a default stylesheet in the form of a Sass module which can easily be added and customized to your project and its needs.


View the base stylesheet.

Note: no vendor prefixes are applied. We recommend using something like Autoprefixer to do that automatically.


Default SCSS variables are listed bellow:

$cookie-consent-breakpoint: 40em !default;
$cookie-consent-text: #000000 !default;
$cookie-consent-bg: #fff !default;
$cookie-consent-btn-text: #fff !default;
$cookie-consent-btn-bg: #f5a816 !default;
$cookie-consent-horizontal-padding: 24px !default;
$cookie-consent-border-radius: 4px !default;

These can be edited by defining them before importing base stylesheet file. For example like this:

$cookie-consent-btn-text: #000;
$cookie-consent-btn-bg: #bada55;

@import "~@brackets/cookie-consent-dialog/src/scss/index";