We have configuration data used in multiple places:
- Configuring solr
- Setting default fields in data api
we cannot add to schema as sent to solr:
Error CREATEing SolrCore 'xgenome_shard1_replica_n1': Unable to create core [xgenome_shard1_replica_n1] Caused by: Invalid field property: x-display-default
Possible solution. Master schema document from which we create our solr and other schemas for various tools. We can start with the solr one and simply augment with x-blah fields that are removed to generate the solr schema. We can also then maintain a single master set of types since we need to be managing the XML anyway.
In the dataType router, we flow the request through the following middlewares:
RQLQueryParser. Translate RQL to Solr vformat if req.queryType = 'rql'
Optional SORLQueryParser, commented out. Used for debugging.
DecorateQuery. Add access control clauses to query.
- Skipped if request call_method != query.
- Maximum and default limits defined here.
- query: set if post and content-type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded, or
- schema: set if incoming request is /schema
- get: if have url like /genome/83332.12
- stream
- post:
Only for query or stream requests
If we have a fl= in the query, req.fieldSelection set to that
Otherwise, we have a hard coded set of headers (fieldHeader) and fields (fieldSelection) defined for each type