This tool should help to reinstall windows on many computers per day. It automatically installs program defined while creating autoinstallation file.
- Run program and edit generated config file.
- Drag and drop Answer file (template.xml) or exampleInstall.toml on WUAICT.exe and follow program instructions.
template.xml must have:
- FirstLogonCommands->SynchronousCommand "msiexec.exe /i"
- FirstLogonCommands->SynchronousCommand "just-install someprograms"
- In specialize ProductKey type any value
- Type key or grab it from current computer
- Select programs to install after installation
- Install windows
- Answer File. You can generate this file using Windows AFG or create file all by yourself Tutorial
- Ventoy with auto install template configured
- End computer connected to the internet to install programs
defaultPrograms = "firefox google-chrome notepad++ vlc onlyoffice-desktopeditors anydesk 7zip"
otherProgramToDisplay = "microsoft-teams teamspeak discord obs-studio steam origin opera epic-games-launcher"
XMLsavePath = '../'
ConfigPath = '../ventoy/ventoy.json'
filePath = 'path/to/file.xml'
keyGetMethod = "ask"
# keyGetMethod = "KeyFind"
programsToInstall = "firefox google-chrome notepad++ vlc onlyoffice-desktopeditors anydesk 7zip"
- Remove need to change xml manually
- Fork this repo
- Clone your repo
- Make changes
- Submit a pull request
- mrpeardotnet/WinProdKeyFinder for KeyDecoder.cs