Write a purely front-end (react) JavaScript application to help you find movies!
- Outlined, readable, clean code (not 1 file), generated HTML code is structured, non-inline CSS
- English language (both UI and code)
- You can use external libraries (react, ramda, moment, jquery, apollo, lodash etc.), but not the libraries that specifically hide Wikipedia requests and their processing.
- Design should be secondary, minimal (layout, margins, title highlighting, etc.)
- Have a movie title search box on the UI, on enter/click of a button it requests the search results from our graphql sandbox for TMDB: https://tmdb.sandbox.zoosh.ie/dev/grphql
- It displays the results and some of their data (name, category, score) in a list, titles can be clicked
- By clicking on an address, the app tries to find the related English wikipedia page (with a REST request) and then displays a summary of it in a detail panel (e.g. first paragraph), along with a clickable link that opens in a new window in IMDB and wikipedia
- Bonus: Dual state search engine; a “related” button next to the two links in the movie: this switches the movie list from search results to a list of related movies related to the selected movie
- A working web page
- Spinner while loading data from TMDBW or wikipedia
- Search for related movies
- Bonus # 1: Use Material-UI library, Material-UI look
- Bonus # 2: Tests
It can also be a little bigger bite, we leave it up to you how far you want to go with it and whether you also deal with bonus tasks. Obviously, a junior can solve less, while a senior more in a period of time, but what interests us the most is the quality of the code itself that is born in that time.