TODO and bug list
- Redo does not apply changes
- Setbiome does not send the changes, but //biomeinfo returns that it was set
- Count returns no messages
- Wand left click does not work without breaking blocks
- Brush command needs rework
- Undo seems to execute the action offset by 1
- Shape does not refresh after pos1 and pos2 were set once
- Cylinder is 1 block too tall
- Boss bar title does not always reset
- Action with 0 blocks gets stuck (ErrorException: "Division by zero" (EXCEPTION) in "plugins/MagicWE2.phar/src/xenialdan/MagicWE2/task/AsyncFillTask" at line 119)
- The flag is unknown
- "Created new session" string contains { and }
- Session destructs upon re-login instead upon logout
- Undo "steals" blocks that were changed manually later
- Rewrite CopyClipboard to be similar to RevertClipboard
- Undo is incredibly slow - probably getAABB()
- If an async task crashes, the user gets no feedback, and the boss bar gets stuck