A simple but helpful package that allows you to create input while loops with different conditions.
Once, I was tired of writing:
value = input()
while not condition(value):
value = input()
every time I wanted to check if a user entered the right value in a program.
So, I decided to make this package (my first one). It has a bunch of functions with pre-defined condition functions, but you can make custom inputwhiles too.
# Linux/macOS
python3 -m pip install inputwhile
# Windows
py -3 -m pip install inputwhile
import inputwhile
# If input value is an empty string it will print "Enter your username:" again until input value is not empty
string = inputwhile.stringNotEmpty(
"Enter your username:"
# If input value is an empty string it will print "You can't leave it empty. Please enter your username:" until input value is not empty.
string = inputwhile.stringNotEmpty(
"Enter your username:",
error_prompt="You can't leave it empty. Please enter your username:"
# error_prompt is optional, but is also in all package functions.
import inputwhile
integer = inputwhile.integer(
"Enter a number:",
error_prompt="Invalid number. Please enter a valid number:"
floatNumber = inputwhile.floatInput(
"Enter a float:",
max=1.0 # You can add ranges too.
import inputwhile
from myproject import BigInt
# Will request a value until it is parsable like: BigInt(value) and will return it with that type.
value = inputwhile.customTypeClass(
"Enter the nuclear code:",
import inputwhile
# Only matches "true" or "false"
boolean = inputwhile.boolean(
"It is illegal to keep a guinea pig in Switzerland. True or false?:",
"Prompt not recognized. Please enter 'true' or 'false':"
# Matches "true", "t", "yes", "y", "1", "si", "sí", "s" or "false", "f", "no", "n", "0", "nope" by default.
flexibleBoolean = inputwhile.booleanFlexible(
"Do you want to continue? (y/n):",
doUseCustomNDefaults=True # Makes trueStrings and falseStrings being added to the default ones instead of replacing them.
regexBoolean = inputwhile.booleanFlexibleRegex(
"Do you like tacos?:",
trueRegex=f"^(yes|true|you don't have an idea|definitely|yes,[\s]*[\w]+)$"
falseRegex=f"^(no|definitely no|never|no,[\s]*[\w]+)$"
error_prompt="Prompt not recognized. Try again:"
import inputwhile
# List of strings
stringsList = inputwhile.listInput(
"Enter the countries you have ever visited:",
error_prompt="Please, don't leave empty the input:",
doStriptElements=True # Makes a element.strip() to every element in the list
# Can filter the list
from pathlib import Path
filteredList = inputwhile.listInput(
"Enter the directories you want to scan:",
separator=" ",
error_prompt="Invalid directories. Please enter at least one directory:"
filter_func=lambda x: Path(x).is_dir()
# Can map too
mappedList = inputwhile.listInput(
"Enter the values of the Mexican peso per day in the last month:"
error_prompt="Enter at least one value:"
map_func=lambda x: int(x),
filter_func=lambda x: inputwhile.utils.isParsable(x, int)
# Also sets available for unique values
setsToo = setInput(
"Enter your social media urls:",
separator=" ",
error_prompt="Enter at least one url:"
filter_func=lambda x: x.startswith("http")
# And of course regex
regexList = inputwhile.listRegex(
"Enter your hobbies separated by commas:",
regexSet = inputwhile.setRegex(
"Enter the file extensions you like the most:"