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Documentation for HillTau

HillTau has two major usage modes: as a standalone simulator, and as a library from which HillTau calls are used by other programs. Both these are supported by the same two HillTau files: and hillTauSchema.json

Standalone HillTau syntax

In the present document we provide some examples of how to use HillTau in standalone mode.

Getting the syntax:

python -h

	usage: [-h] [-r RUNTIME] [-s STIMULUS [STIMULUS ...]] [-p PLOTS] model

	This is the hillTau simulator. This program simulates abstract kinetic/neural
	models defined in the HillTau formalism. HillTau is an event-driven JSON form to
	represent dynamics of mass-action chemistry and neuronal activity in a fast,
	reduced form. The hillTau program loads and checks HillTau models, and
	optionally does simple stimulus specification and plotting
	positional arguments:
  	model                 Required: filename of model, in JSON format.
	optional arguments:
  	-h, --help            show this help message and exit
  	-r RUNTIME, --runtime RUNTIME
	                      Optional: Run time for model, in seconds. If flag is
	                      not set the model is not run and there is no display
	-dt DT, --dt DT       Optional: Time step for model calculations, in
	                      seconds. If this argument is not set the code
	                      calculates dt to be a round number about 1/100 of
	                      Optional: Deliver stimulus as follows: --stimulus
	                      molecule conc [start [stop]]. Any number of stimuli
	                      may be given, each indicated by --stimulus. By
	                      default: start = 0, stop = runtime
	 -p PLOTS, --plots PLOTS
	                      Optional: plot just the specified molecule(s). The
	                      names are specified by a comma-separated list.

Running a HillTau model

Go into the Examples directory and type:

python ../PythonCode/ HT_MODELS/osc.json -r 5000

alt text

This runs the oscillatory model with runtime 5000 seconds, and plots it.

Selecting only a subset of plots

python ../PythonCode/ HT_MODELS/osc.json -r 5000 -p output

alt text

python ../PythonCode/ HT_MODELS/osc.json -r 5000 -p output,nfb

alt text

Giving a stimulus

python ../PythonCode/ HT_MODELS/exc.json -r 20 -s input 1e-3 5 10

alt text

Here we assign molecule 'input' to value 1 uM at time 5 seconds, and the stimulus turns off at 10 seconds. This is shown in the blue plot. Note that the units of the model are the default millimolar, so the stimulus must also be in the same units.

Giving multiple stimuli

python ../PythonCode/ HT_MODELS/bcm_bistable.json -r 100 -s Ca 2 10 11 -s Ca 0.3 50 80 -p Ca,synAMPAR,on_CaMKII

alt text

This model has a bistable mediated by CaMKII feedback, which is triggered by a Ca input. There is also a Ca-activated phosphatase CaN which acts to inhibit and hence turn off the activity of the CaMKII. Thus the Ca input both excites the CaMKII, and via CaN, inhibits it. These two counteracting processes act at different speeds and concentrations.

Here we give a brief strong Ca stimulus to turn on the bistable, and a long, low Ca stimulus to turn it off again. The CaMKII in turn activates the synaptic AMPA receptor (synAMPAR) as a readout of synaptic weight. Note that the model units are in uM (micromolar), and so the stimulus units are handled also in uM.

Use of HillTau as a library

HillTau provides a set of application functions (API) for use as a library. These are available both in the Pybind11/C++ and the Python versions. Other fields or functions may not be supported.

  1. loadHillTau( filename )

    Returns: Dictionary of HillTau model as loaded from JSON.

  2. getQuantityScale( jsonDict )

    Argument: the dictionary of the model as loaded from JSON.

    Returns: scale factor to use for all quantity conversions. Reference units are mM.

  3. scaleDict( jsonDict, qs )

    This function goes through the loaded JSON dictionary and rescales all concentration quantities by the provided quantityScale qs.

    Argument 1: the dictionary of the model as loaded from JSON.

    Argument 2: the quantity scale.

    There is no return value.

  4. parseModel( jsonDict )

    This function parses the JSON dictionary and converts it to a HillTau Model object. The Model object is your handle for running the model.

    Argument: the dictionary of the model as loaded from JSON.

    Returns: HillTau Model object

Once you have your model, you can run HillTau simulations.

  1. model.reinit()

    Reinitializes the simulation time to zero, reinitializes all the state variables to their starting values.

  2. model.advance( advanceTime, settle = False )

    This advances the simulation by the specified time. The optional settle flag, when True, tells HillTau that intermediate time-points are not needed and to jump very quickly to the steady-state.

Frequently used classes

There are a couple of frequently used classes.


This class contains information about each molecule species. Relevant fields are name, grp and index.

  1. name
    This is a string and is the name of the molecule

  2. grp
    This is a string and is the name of the group in which the molecule resides. The group location obeys the following convention:

    • All reaction products are located in the same group as their reaction.
    • All equation outputs are located in the same group as their equation.
    • Barring the above, any molecules initialized as 'Species' reside in the group in which they are defined.
    • Any molecules defined only as reaction substrates reside in the same group as their reaction.
    • Any molecules defined only as equation terms reside in the same group as their equation.
  3. index
    This is an integer. It looks up the molecule concentration in the model.conc and model.concInit arrays.


The Model class exposes a the following fields and functions.

  1. model.molInfo. This is a dict of MolInfos. It is indexed by the name of the molecule. The most common use is of the form

    myIndex = input.molInfo.get( "MyMoleculeName" ).index

  2. model.conc. This is a numpy array of molecule concentrations, indexed as using the molecule index. You can get or set it.

    myConc = model.conc[myIndex]
    model.conc[myIndex] = myConc * 2
  3. model.concInit. This is an array of molecule initial concentrations, indexed by the molecule index as above. At


    the model.conc vector is initialized to model.concInit.

  4. model.plotvec. This is a list of time-series values of all the molecules in the simulation. Every time-step, the entire model.conc array is appended to the plotvec. This is how you would get the vector of values for myMolecule:

    myVec = np.transpose( np.array( model.plotvec ) )[myIndex]

  5. model.dt: This is the timestep of the simulation. User can set it.

  6. model.currentTime: Current time of simulation. User must not set it.

  7. model.getConcVec( molIndex ) This function returns the vector of output concentrations as a function of time, for the specified molecule. It is implemented for vastly improved performance in the Pybind11/C++ version, as it replaces Python transpose and lookup operations on the entire output matrix.

    Argument (integer): molIndex. This is the index of the molecule in the vector of concentrations of all molecules. It may be found from MolInfo::index

    Returns: Vector of output concentrations of specified molecule, as a function of time.

    Example: get concs vector for molecule "foo":

    concs = model.getConcVec( model.molInfo["foo"].index )

HillTau model specification format

HillTau uses a JSON format and this is fully specified by a schema file:


HillTau has a conversion program ht2sbml into SBML, which generates models that are topologically accurate. These models can be simulated by several ODE simulators that read SBML. The conversion is not perfect because the assumptions in ODE rate models differ from those in HillTau. Specifically, ODE solvers don't understand the different tau and tau2 terms in HillTau. The resultant models can be examined by SBML editors and pathway illustrators.


HillTau uses seconds for time units.

The QuantityUnits property specifies one of ["M", "mM", "uM", "nM", "pM"] as an optional unit for concentration. The default is mM.

"QuantityUnits": "uM"


The Constants object has a list of name:value pairs for constants. These can replace any of the constants below for species initialization, reaction parameters, or equation terms. Except in the case of Eqns, the units are as per the QuantityUnits above. In the case of Eqns the system cannot infer what units the user intended, so it uses the values as is. Recommended way around this is a) to minimize use of equations, and b) if a term represents something like a basal concentration, define it in the Species list. This gives it clear units of concentration, and then the Constants scaling will work.

"Constants": { "CaBaseline": 0.08, "KA": 1.5, "tau": 0.1 }


HillTau organizes all reaction sets into groups. There can be as many groups as the reaction system requires. This is purely an organizational feature and has no computational implications, though for systems of any complexity it is essential to group reactions in order to keep track and to map properly to known signaling pathways.

In each group there can be further JSON objects, namely

  • Species

    This is a list of name:value pairs, to specify species name and its initial concentration. Example:

    "Species": { "Ca": 0.08, "CaM": 10.0 }
  • Reacs

    This defines reaction steps in the model. In brief, it consists of a substrate list followed by a parameter list. The output molecule of the reaction is defined automatically when a reaction is defined, and it takes the same name as the reaction itself. This output molecule can be used as a substrate in any other reaction.
    There are several optional parameters for each reaction. Example:

    	"aTRKb": {
    		"subs": [ "TRKb", "aS6K", "BDNF" ],
    		"KA": 7.7e-05, "tau": 70 "tau2": 1000,
    		"Kmod": 0.5, "Amod": 10e-06, "Nmod": 2,
    		"gain": 0.82, "baseline": 5e-06

    Each Reac is an object with:

    • Name
      The Reaction name automatically becomes the name of the product of the reaction. This product is like any other molecule and can be used as a substrate in other reactions or equations.

    • subs[sub1, sub2...]
      Required list of substrates (array of names). The first substrate is the reagent, R. The last substrate is the ligand, L. L can be repeated any number of times to denote the order N of the reaction:

      OutputSteadyState = (R * L^N)/(KA^N + L^N)

      There is an optional middle molecule, the modifier. This is based on the analysis by Hofmeyer and Cornish-Bowden 1997. It scales KA as follows:

      k = KA^n * (1+M/Kmod)^h/(1+Amod*(M/Kmod)^h)
    • KA
      Association constant for reaction. Required. Float.

    • tau
      Time course for reaction. Required. Float.

    • tau2
      Time course for reaction decay. Optional. Defaults to same as tau. Float.

    • baseline
      Baseline level of output of reaction. Optional. Defaults to 0. Float.

    • gain
      Multiplier for output of reaction. Optional. Default is 1.

    • Inhibit
      Flag to indicate that the last substrate is an inhibitor. 0 or 1. Default is 0.

    • Kmod
      Optional. Float. Scaling constant for any modifier terms into reaction. Must be defined if there is a modifier, should not be defined otherwise. Obeys the equation:

      k = KA^n * (1+M/Kmod)^h/(1+Amod*(M/Kmod)^h)
    • Amod
      Optional. Float. Action term for any modifier terms into reaction. The modifier acts in an inhibitory manner when Amod < 1, as an activator when Amod > 1, and has no effect when Amod == 1. Default is 4.

    • Nmod
      Optional. Float. Power h to which the modifier fraction is raised. Default = 1.

  • Eqns

    This rarely-used feature defines functions for evaluation in cases where the regular reaction structure does not suffice. The evaluation is instantaneous, that is, there is no time-course associated with the output of an Eqn. Arguments to an equation can be molecules, named constants, or numbers.

    "eq": "eqBase + eqScale * input + mol + output * 0.3"
    • Name
      The Equation name automatically becomes the name of a molecule whose value is defined by the equation. This can be used as a substrate in other reactions or equations.
    • Equation string
      This is a string expressing an algebraic function to evaluate. The function can use any named molecule, standard mathematicsl operations and functions, named constants from the Constants definition, and numbers.

Group Hierarchy

Reacs and Eqns are only defined once in each model, so their location in a group is unambiguous. However, Species can be defined in many possible locations - directly as Species, implicitly as substrates for Reacs, or indirectly as products of Reacs or outputs of Eqns. To resolve this. the group location of molecular Species obeys the following convention:

  • All reaction products are located in the same group as their Reac.
  • All equation outputs are located in the same group as their Eqn.
  • Barring the above, any molecules initialized as 'Species' reside in the group in which they are defined.
  • Any molecules defined only as reaction substrates reside in the same group as their reaction.
  • Any molecules defined only as equation terms reside in the same group as their equation.

Species names and namespaces

HillTau creates a molecular species for each of the following:

  • Every species defined with the Species keyword
  • Every reaction name
  • Every equation name

HillTau namespace is flat and global, that is, any species defined anywhere in the system is accessible anywhere in the system.

One can use the Species list to initialize the values for molecules subsequently defined as a Reac or as an Eqn. If this initialization is not done, then initial values the Reac and Eqn molecules are computed from the values of the input molecules at initialization time.

Complete example model

Here is a complete example model, illustrating many of the features above:

	"FileType": "HillTau",
	"Version": "1.0",
	"Author": "Upi Bhalla",
	"Description": "Test case for Equation",
	"Comment": "Conc units are microMolar, time units are seconds",
	"QuantityUnits": "uM",
	"Comment": "Note that HillTau can recognize and rescale units for constants which occur in reactions and species, but not in Eqns.",
	"Constants": { "molBase": 1, "KA": 1, "tau": 1.0, "eqBase":0.0002, "eqScale": 2.0},
	"Groups": {
		"input_g": {
			"Species": {"input": 0.0 }
		"output_g": {
			"Species": {"mol": "molBase" },
			"Reacs": {
				"output": {"subs": ["mol", "input"],
						"KA": "KA", "tau": "tau" }
			"Eqns": {
				 "eq": "eqBase + eqScale * input + mol + output"

HillTau calculations

HillTau calculations are best explained in the code and in the paper, mentioned in the file

Briefly, at each timestep the system calculates the steady-state value for each reaction using a Hill function, and then uses an exponential decay calculation to find how far the system would approach it.

The output value of any reaction depends only on its inputs. It is not affected by any number of downstream reactions that it may plug into. This differs fundamentally from chemical reactions. It greatly simplifies design of models and analysis of signal flow, because all information flow is forward.

HillTau now has a Pybind11/C++ version, which is extremely fast. We have benchmarked it at more than 3 orders of magnitude faster than COPASI or MOOSE for large equivalent ODE models. The Pybind11/C++ version is the default library for most users. There is also a matching Python version, preserved for simplicity and to help people understand how it works. Even in the Python version, the basic HillTau algorithm is highly efficient and much faster than ODE simulators for large models.

HillTau accuracy

For steady-state calculations, HillTau has very good accuracy since steady-state calculations are the first part of the formulation for every reaction. HillTau simply takes very long time-steps to run the exponential decays down. There are a couple of subtle issues that arise if the system has interesting dynamical properties such as multistability.

  • Multiple stable states: HillTau detects feedback and runs for 10 long steps to get these to settle, but it will end up at one of the stable states depending on initial conditions.
  • Oscillatory systems: These have no stable states and at present HillTau does not report this situation.

For time-series calculations, HillTau uses an automatic internal timestep assignment to achieve better than 1% accuracy for almost all cases, regardless of how long the readout time-steps may be. The current implementation does so by using short time-stems at the start of every epoch of the simulation. It takes very short time-steps of 5% of the shortest reaction time-course tauMin in the system. It uses these short time-steps for at least 10 tauMin, and then reverts to the user-specified timestep. The rationale is that stimuli are normally delivered by assigning concentrations at the start of each epoch, and hence the fast transients are present then. After a few tau the transients settle down. Based on tests on several models this approach reliably gives <1% accuracy. This simple approach is not effective when the system is oscillatory, since the system dynamics are no longer dominated by initial transients. Here the user should assign model.dt manually to a small-enough value.

Definition of accuracy Above we use accuracy to mean how closely do the HillTau outputs match those produced with a very small time-step. Note that HillTau is an approximation to mass-action chemistry, and uses abstracted models, so the usual caveats apply to interpreting numerical accuracy as opposed to accuracy in modeling biological systems.

Useful fields

The Model class of HillTau has some fields useful for managing accuracy:

  • dt specifies the plotting timestep, and this is also the default timestep for all calculations. Thus higher accuracy may always be achieved by reducing dt, but this will lead to slower completion of simulation runs.
  • internalDt specifies the actual timestep used internally.
  • minTau specifies the smallest reaction time-course, tau, in the entire model.

HillTau outputs

These are accessed from the Model class. Use the following options:

  • model.plotvec
    This is a 2-D array containing output values for all molecules in a HillTau model. It is a list of numpy arrays holding all molecule concs at each timestep:


  • model.conc
    This is a vector of the current concentrations of each of the species defined in the model. This is also documented above. One looks it up as:


  • model.getConcVec( molIndex )
    This function returns the vector of output concentrations as a timeseries, for the specified molecule. It is implemented for vastly improved performance in the Pybind11/C++ version, as it replaces Python transpose and lookup operations on the entire output matrix.
    Example: get concs vector for molecule "foo":

    concs = model.getConcVec( model.molInfo["foo"].index )