Kitsunekko Downloader is a Python script to download Japanese subtitles from Kitsunekko.
- Full Download: Download subtitles for all available anime in one go.
- Since Last Download: Download subtitles uploaded since the last run (if applicable).
- Customisable: Choose a custom date range to download subtitles.
- Automatic Organizing: Subtitles are organized into folders by anime.
Before using Kitsunekko Downloader, ensure you have the following Python dependencies installed:
- Python 3.*: The script is written in Python.
- Requests: To make HTTP requests.
- Beautiful Soup: For HTML parsing.
- Concurrent Futures: For concurrent execution.
- Threading: For multi-threading support.
You can install the above dependencies using the following command:
pip install requests beautifulsoup4 futures
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd kitsunekko-downloader
- Run the Script:
Contributions to the Kitsunekko Downloader project are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, make improvements, and submit pull requests.
This project is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.