This project is a web-based hotel room booking system, crafted with CodeIgniter3 and featuring a comprehensive admin and user account system, all operating on a MySQL database backend.
To clone this project and set it up for development or testing on your local machine, follow these steps:
# Clone the repository into your desired directory
git clone
# Change into the project directory
cd Hotel-Detendu-Sans
# Install any dependencies or run initial scripts
# This may vary based on the project specifics
Once cloned, you'll need to set up your environment:
- Configure your database settings in application/config/database.php with your MySQL credentials.
- Run the database migrations if available, or import your .sql file into your MySQL database to set up the required tables.
- Update base URL in application/config/config.php to match your local or production environment.
- Test the application by starting your local development server or using tools like XAMPP/WAMP/MAMP to serve the project.
“Dive into the world of web development with a practical hospitality management application. This CodeIgniter3 project is a fantastic way to get hands-on experience with real-world web application development scenarios. Get your local server running, navigate through the admin panel, and see how users would interact with a live booking system. Your journey into the intricacies of web development starts now!”