This repository contains some scripts that are useful when dealing with BioASQ data. The following scripts are included:
Finds pairwise annotated questions by title string comparison.
Usage: detect_duplicates.js [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-q, --question-file <file name> JSON file with questions to check
-f, --output-format [output format] output format [list]
Supported output formats:
list: list with information about authors of duplicates
idlist: list with plain question IDs
blacklist: black list for each author with IDs of duplicate by other author
questions: JSON dump of duplicate questions
map: JSON object mapping question IDs to their corresponding duplicate ID
merged: JSON export of duplicate questions with their annotations merged
Dumps the log database in log file format.
Dumps the questions database as JSON.
Usage: dump_questions.js [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-f, --question-file <file name> JSON file with questions to import
-d, --database-name <name> Database to import to
-c, --collection-name <name> Collection to import to
-r, --read-from-stdin read question IDs from stdin (one per line)
-n, --finalized-only dump only questions whose publication level is not `private`
Imports questions in JSON format into the questions database specified.
Usage: import_questions.js [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-f, --question-file <file name> JSON file with questions to import
-d, --database-name <name> Database to import to
-c, --collection-name <name> Collection to import to
Creates the files for the task B BioASQ challenge, given dump data from the BioASQ Annotation Tool.
Usage: python filename
Filename: the path to the file containing the Annotation Tool data
Example Call: python annotationToolData-toy.json
Comment: The annotationToolData-toy.json is provided to test the implementation.
Provides a summary with stastistics about a dataset of the task B BioASQ challenge.
Usage: python filename
Filename: the path to the file containing the golden data of a task B BioASQ challenge, as created by the script
Example Call: python golden.json
Comment: The annotationToolData-toy.json is provided to test the script In a next step you can use its output file "golden.json" to test this script.