3D renderer with Rust and wgpu.
- partial GLTF support
- .gltf not yet supported (.glb is supported)
- name fields in general are not respected
- accessors
- missing normalized ints and sparse accessors
- images:
- missing some mime types
- uri missing
- materials:
- missing alphaMode, alphaCutoff, doubleSided, occlusion.strength
- mesh
- mesh.weights missing
- primitive
- mode (primitive topology) missing
- winding order
- targets (morph targets) missing
- primitive attributes
- only one each of JOINTS and WEIGHTS supported
- COLOR missing!!! (vertex colors)
- mode (primitive topology) missing
- node
- cameras not planned
- missing skin, weights
- scene: only renders the root scene
- skin: 0%
- animations: 0%
- lights: 0%
- cameras: not planned
- extensions: no extensions planned
- BRDF implementation needs to be checked for compliance
- importing equirectangular .hdr radiance maps (projected onto a rgba16f cubemap)
- baking mipmaps
- screen space skyboxes
- PBR (physically based rendering) along with IBL (image based lighting)
- analytical lights: just directional for now
- image based diffuse irradiance
- split sum specular approximation (prefiltered env map calculated on the fly, BRDF LUT read from a texture)
- normal mapping (with world-space lighting)
- HDR (needs some improvement with physical units)
- 4x MSAA
- partial shader hot-reload (just of pbr.wgsl atm...)
- some basic camera movements for looking around with lmb drag and scroll
- fix energy loss with hdr map clamping
- normal generation
- tangent generation (mikktspace?)
- missing gltf properties
- .gltf file support
- ui
- KHR_materials_ior
- CSM cascaded shadow maps