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BlueSkyDefender edited this page Dec 21, 2020 · 18 revisions

Depth3D Menu

Point Cloud Global Illumination

Samples                    -[◄▪▪▪6▪▪▪▪▪▪▪►]+        GI Sample Quantity is used to increase samples amount as a side effect this reduces noise.
General Ray Length         -[◄▪▪▪▪75▪▪▪▪▪►]+        General GI Ray Length adjustment is used to increase the Ray Casting Distance.
Target Lighting            -[◄▪▪▪0.05▪▪▪▪►]+        Lets you Target the brightest part of the image and use that only for GI.
Near Details               -[◄0.125▪►]+-[◄0.0▪►]+   Lets you adjust detail of objects near the cam and or like weapon hand GI. The 2nd Option is for Weapon Hands in game that fall out of range.
Trimming                   -[◄▪▪▪0.25▪▪▪▪►]+        Trim GI by limiting how far the GI is able to effect the surrounding objects.
Subsurface Light Transport -[◄▪▪▪6▪▪▪▪▪▪▪►]+        Enable The Subsurface Light Transport Function to create a Subsurface Scattering effect.
Upper Scattering           -[◄▪▪▪▪0.5▪▪▪▪►]+        Control the Light Wrap Form Factor to adjust the Subsurface Scattering effect.
Deep Scattering            -[◄▪▪▪▪0.1▪▪▪▪►]+        Control Thickness Estimation Form Factor to create a Deep Tissue Scattering effect.
Internal Color & Luma Map  -[◄0.333►]+-[◄0.0▪►]+-[◄0.0▪►]+-[◄0.333►]+ Since I can't tell what the internal color of the Deep Tissue you need to set this your self for RGB. The last one controls the Luma Map that lets bright lights approximate deep tissue color.
Subsurface Diffusion Blur  -[◄▪▪0.125▪▪▪▪►]+         Diffusion Blur is used too softens the lighting and makes the person a little more realistic by mimicking this effect skin has on light. Simulate light diffusion favor red blurring over other colors.
Skin Distance              -[◄▪▪▪▪0.25▪▪▪►]+         Lets you control how far we need to search and seek for human skin.


Blend Mode                  [Mix ▼]                 Use this to change the look of GI when applied to the final image. | Mix | Overlay | Softlight | Add |
Power                      -[◄▪▪▪▪0.5▪▪▪▪►]+        Main overall GI application power control.
Luma Power                 -[◄▪▪▪▪0.5▪▪▪▪►]+        Control the white strength in the image.
Saturation                 -[◄▪▪▪▪1.0▪▪▪▪►]+        Irradiance Map Saturation.
Depth Fade                 -[◄0.0▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪►]+        GI Application Power that is based on Depth scaling for controlled fade In-N-Out.  Can be set from 0 to 1 and is in the order of Near Depth and Far Depth.
HDR Extraction Power       -[◄0.0▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪►]+        Use This to adjust the HDR Power.
Depth Map Selection         [DM0 Normal ▼]          This sets zBuffer linearization. [DM0 Normal ▼] [DM1 Reversed ▼]
Depth Map Adjustment       -[◄▪7.5▪▪▪▪▪▪▪►]+        This allows for you to adjust the zBuffer precision on the fly.
Depth Map Offset           -[◄▪▪▪▪0.0▪▪▪▪►]+        Depth Map Offset is for non-conforming ZBuffer. Most of the time leave this alone.

Extra Options

Debug View                  [RadiantGI ▼]           View Debug Buffers. [Irradiance Map ▼] [Depth & Normals ▼]
Smoothing Amount           -[◄▪▪▪▪▪5▪▪▪▪▪►]+        This raises or lowers Samples used for the Final DeNoisers which in turn affects Performance.
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