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Linda loves media tracking and wants everyone to share the passion.


Linda is a Chrome devtools extension. When installed, it creates its own panel. It accesses network requests, classifies the media tracking and prints it on the panel.


  • Hold shift and click on a checkbox to select only it.
  • Filter supports regex.
  • Check Prune to only show rows that match the Filter string.
    This also expands all hits. With no search pattern, everything is revealed.


  1. Get the extension
  2. Add it to Chrome
    1. Go to chrome://extensions/
    2. Make sure "Developer mode" is enabled
    3. Click "Load unpacked" and pick the app folder inside the folder that you unzipped/cloned


Code away, and make a pull-request. Do not bump any versions – it is done when releasing a new version.


Merge relevant pull-requests. In the master branch, bump the version by running:

npm version <major|minor|patch>

Then run the release script:


This creates a ZIP-file in the releases directory.

Draft a new release and attach the created ZIP-file, choose the tag that was created when running npm version. Publish