npm install
Set an environmental variable and reboot:
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096
ext install JuanBlanco.solidity
ext install esbenp.prettier-vscode
To lint the file, run ctrl+shift+i
To lint the whole project, run npm run lint-fix
truffle run verify <list_of_contracts> --network <network_from_truffle-config>
npx hardhat verify --network <network_from_truffle-config> <deployed address> "first constructor arg" "second constructor arg" "0x"
- Download wallet Metamask and create account(add address).
- Open Metamask and select test network Ropsten ;
- Follow to fauscet and claim test ETH.
Open BMI token contract on Ropsten Etherscan:
- click on tab
thenWrite Contract
; - click on button
Connect to Web3
and connect your wallet; - select functions
:- in
_to (address)
pass your address; - in
_amount (uint256)
pass amount of tokens you want to mint (you can't mint more than 1 mil BMI); - click buttom
and confirm sending transaction on Metamask;
- in
- add BMI token to Metamask wallet:
- open Metamask and click
Add Token
in tab Assets; - switch to tab
Custom Tokens
and paste address of BMI token 0xa6b0eeb26743c2f98d2a9fa3806afdc724d7b252, save changes;
- open Metamask and click
Note: Amount should be in WEI. Eg. To mint 100 BMI token you should pass 100 * 10^18 == 100000000000000000000.
Open STBL token contract on Ropsten Etherscan:
- click on tab
thenWrite Contract
; - click on button
Connect to Web3
and connect your wallet; - select functions
:- in
_to (address)
pass your address; - in
_amount (uint256)
pass amount of tokens you want to mint (you can't mint more than 1 mil STBL); - click buttom
and confirm sending transaction on Metamask;
- in
- add STBL token to Metamask wallet:
- open Metamask and click
Add Token
in tab Assets; - switch to tab
Custom Tokens
and paste address of STBL token 0x731973b26bdecc4fd476e2ad87af317d54e729f2, save changes;
- open Metamask and click
Note: Amount should be in WEI. Eg. To mint 100 STBL token you should pass 100 * 10^18 == 100000000000000000000.