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Breaking the shackles of the query interface with nfldb's types

Andrew Gallant edited this page Nov 17, 2013 · 6 revisions

One of the main features of nfldb is to provide convenient types for representing data in the database. As a general rule, each table in the database corresponds to a single class in nfldb/ and each row in that table corresponds to a single instance of that table's class.

For example, if we get the games played in week 1 of the 2013 season, the return value of as_games is a list of instances of the Game class. (Or equivalently, Game objects.) We can demonstrate this with an example by inspecting the type of the return value:

q = nfldb.Query(db), season_type='Regular', week=1)
games = q.as_games()
print type(games[0])

And the output is:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
<class 'nfldb.types.Game'>

We can go a little further and use dir(games[0]) to look at the available attributes:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__doc__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', 
'__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', 
'__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__slots__', '__str__', 
'__subclasshook__', '_as_sql', '_db', '_drives', '_from_nflgame', 
'_from_schedule', '_row', '_save', '_sql_columns', '_sql_derived', 
'_sql_fields', '_table', 'away_score', 'away_score_q1', 'away_score_q2', 
'away_score_q3', 'away_score_q4', 'away_score_q5', 'away_team', 
'away_turnovers', 'day_of_week', 'drives', 'finished', 'from_id', 'from_row', 
'gamekey', 'gsis_id', 'home_score', 'home_score_q1', 'home_score_q2', 
'home_score_q3', 'home_score_q4', 'home_score_q5', 'home_team', 
'home_turnovers', 'loser', 'play_players', 'players', 'plays', 'season_type', 
'season_year', 'start_time', 'time_inserted', 'time_updated', 'week', 'winner']

While the dir function is useful for such things, nfldb has comprehensive API documentation that includes instance variables like day_of_week or home_team. You can view documentation for each attribute in the documentation for the Game class. (Note that attributes starting with an underscore are not part of the public interface and should not be used.)

You can do similar things for the other as_* methods of the query interface. The following is a list of all the as_* methods with a link to the API documentation for the types of objects they return:

Whenever you need to access data in the database, the aforementioned methods in the query interface should be the primary means of getting that data. This is primarily because some of the as_* methods (like as_plays and as_aggregate) are optimized to be fast in the presence of a lot of data. Also, I believe the query interface is convenient for common use cases.

However, it is not mandatory to use the query interface. The rest of this article will be dedicated to accessing data without the query interface (or, at most, with help from the query interface). Since the query interface is meant to be fast and hide the details of writing SQL, this necessarily includes a discussion on performance and sometimes writing SQL by hand.

Looking up data by primary key

Sometimes you just want to examine a particular data point like a single game. Each primary type in nfldb comes with a from_id static function that allows you to fetch a single row from the corresponding table by using its primary key identifier.

For example, for games, you can use the Game.from_id function to retrieve one game using its GSIS identifier:

ne_buf = nfldb.Game.from_id(db, '2013090800')
print ne_buf

And the output is:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
Regular 2013 week 1 on 09/08 at 01:00PM, NE (23) at BUF (21)

Note that each of the from_id functions takes a database and a value corresponding to a row's primary key value. For example, for drives, the primary key is the combination of the GSIS identifier and the drive sequence number.

Walking the hierarchy of data

If you haven't read the article describing the data model or haven't perused the entity-relationship diagrams, you should do so now. In particular, pay attention to the relationships modeled in the ER diagrams.

The relationships modeled in the ER diagram imply a hierarchy of data between entities. For example, games contain drives, drives contain plays. The reverse is also true: each play belongs to a drive and each drive belongs to a game.

There are other hierarchies too. For example, a play contains zero or more player statistics where each player statistic corresponds to a single player. Said differently, each play contains zero or more players.

All of these relationships are manifest in the attributes of the types described earlier. For example, if you have a Game object, then you can access the drives of that game via the drives attribute:

ne_buf = nfldb.Game.from_id(db, '2013090800')
for drive in ne_buf.drives:
    print drive

And the output is:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
[Punt        ] NE  from OWN 14 to OPP 44 (lasted 02:55 - Q1 15:00 to Q1 12:05)
[Fumble      ] BUF from OWN 10 to OWN 11 (lasted 00:32 - Q1 12:05 to Q1 11:33)
[Touchdown   ] NE  from OPP 16 to OPP 9  (lasted 00:47 - Q1 11:33 to Q1 10:46)

The drives attribute is implemented as a Python property, which means that accessing it actually calls a method, but that fact is hidden from you. Namely, it would be very expensive to populate every game object with every drive every time a game object is created. Instead, the drives property will fetch drives from the database only when it is first accessed. Therefore, if you never need the drives for a particular game, you don't need to pay the cost of fetching them. Of particular note is that the cost is only paid once for each object. So if you do:

drives = game.drives
again = game.drives

then only the first access of game.drives will query the database. Subsequent accesses will return the same data immediately from a cache.

As you might have guessed, drives is not the only property like this. There are many others that are designed to let you walk the hierarchy of data. The following table shows all of them.

Type Relationship Attribute Return type
Game has many drives list of Drive
Game has many plays list of Play
Game has many play_players list of PlayPlayer
Game has many players list of pairs (team_name, Player)
Drive belongs to a game a Game
Drive has many plays list of Play
Drive has many play_players list of PlayPlayer
Play belongs to a drive a Drive
Play has many play_players list of PlayPlayer
PlayPlayer belongs to a play a Play
PlayPlayer belongs to a player a Player

This sort of access is particularly useful when you want to see the context of some statistics. For example, you've undoubtedly seen my example for computing the top quarterbacks in a season by passing yards:

q = nfldb.Query(db), season_type='Regular')
for pp in q.sort('passing_yds').limit(5).as_aggregate():
    print pp.player, pp.passing_yds

Since as_aggregate returns a list of PlayPlayer objects, we can use the player attribute to access data about the player that recorded those statistics. In this case, pp.player is a Player which has all available meta data on the player in pp. e.g., pp.player.full_name is the player's full name.

But this example serves as a cautionary tale for two reasons. Firstly, you might try using the play attribute here:

q = nfldb.Query(db), season_type='Regular')
for pp in q.sort('passing_yds').limit(5).as_aggregate():
    print, pp.passing_yds

But this outputs:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
None 5177
None 4965
None 4903
None 4799
None 4719

Why? Because the PlayPlayer type is being abused to contain aggregate statistics from multiple plays. Therefore, the notion of it belonging to a single play no longer exists. (It remains to be seen whether this break in abstraction is worthy.)

The second cautionary tale here is that each access of the player attribute on distinct PlayPlayer objects is guaranteed to run a single SQL query. In a small loop, this is no big deal. But if you have a few hundred or a thousand results, you might start seeing a slow down.

This brings us to our next section.

Walking can be slow

It may appear relatively benign to try something like this:

ne_buf = nfldb.Game.from_id(db, '2013090800')
for play in ne_buf.plays:
    print play

And the output is:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
(BUF, OWN 35, Q1) D.Carpenter kicks 64 yards from BUF 35 to NE 1. L.Blount to NE 14 for 13 yards (D.Searcy).
(NE, OWN 14, Q1, 1 and 10) (14:56) PENALTY on BUF-M.Dareus, Neutral Zone Infraction, 5 yards, enforced at NE 14 - No Play.
(NE, OWN 19, Q1, 1 and 5) (14:56) T.Brady pass short right to D.Amendola to NE 29 for 10 yards (J.Rogers). Slant pattern, caught at NE 25, crossing to middle.
(NE, OWN 29, Q1, 1 and 10) (14:24) S.Ridley up the middle to NE 32 for 3 yards (M.Lawson). Buffalo challenged the runner was down by contact ruling, and the play was Upheld. (Timeout #1.)
(NE, OWN 32, Q1, 2 and 7) (13:47) (Shotgun) T.Brady pass incomplete short middle to D.Amendola. Thrown wide of receiver at NE 38, crossing from left.

But let's look at the implementation of Game.plays:

def plays(self):
    A list of `nfldb.Play` objects in this game. Data is retrieved
    from the database if it hasn't been already.
    plays = []
    for drive in self.drives:
        for play in drive.plays:
    return plays

The access to self.drives executes one query to get all drives for this game. But for each drive the Drive.plays attribute is accessed, which itself runs a query. Therefore, the number of queries in the above code is 1 game * # of drives. This number can grow very quickly if one isn't careful. For example:

q = nfldb.Query(db)
games =, season_type='Regular').as_games()
for game in games:
    for play in game.plays:
        for pp in play.play_players:
          print pp.player.full_name

Where the total number of queries executed here is equal to (# of games in 2012 season) * (# of drives) * (# of plays) * (# of player stats). Which ends up being about ~150,000 queries. You might be willing to pay for that on a local machine (the above code takes about 1 minute on mine), but if you're querying a remote database, the network latency is likely going to make it unfeasible to run the above code.

The simple solution to this problem is to be careful when traversing the hierarchy of data manually when dealing with large data sets. On small amounts of data (say, for a week's worth of games), you probably don't have to be too careful depending on your constraints.

Of course, the other solution is to just use the query interface, which naturally avoids queries in loops by allowing you to search the database without walking the hierarchy of data.

Using regular SQL queries with nfldb's types

When you really need it, you can drop down into SQL to make things go faster. Typically, this is done when you have more specific needs than what the query interface gives you (or the hierarchy attributes).

The nice thing is that there are simple examples of doing this in nfldb already! For example, let's look at the implementation of the Game.drives attribute, which fetches a list of drives from the database:

def drives(self):
    A list of `nfldb.Drive`s for this game. They are automatically
    loaded from the database if they haven't been already.

    If there are no drives found in the game, then an empty list
    is returned.
    if self._drives is None:
        self._drives = []
        with Tx(self._db) as cursor:
                SELECT %s FROM drive WHERE gsis_id = %s
                ORDER BY start_time ASC, drive_id ASC
            ''' % (select_columns(Drive), '%s'), (self.gsis_id,))
            for row in cursor.fetchall():
                d = Drive.from_row(self._db, row)
                d._game = self
    return self._drives

We can narrow this code down to its relevant bits and provide a runnable example:

gsis_id = '2013090800'  # the NE @ BUF 2013 season opener
drives = []
with nfldb.Tx(db) as cursor:
        SELECT %s FROM drive WHERE gsis_id = %%s
        ORDER BY start_time ASC, drive_id ASC
    ''' % nfldb.select_columns(nfldb.Drive), (gsis_id,))
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        drives.append(nfldb.Drive.from_row(db, row))

for drive in drives:
    print drive

And the output is:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] time python2
[Punt        ] NE  from OWN 14 to OPP 44 (lasted 02:55 - Q1 15:00 to Q1 12:05)
[Fumble      ] BUF from OWN 10 to OWN 11 (lasted 00:32 - Q1 12:05 to Q1 11:33)
[Touchdown   ] NE  from OPP 16 to OPP 9  (lasted 00:47 - Q1 11:33 to Q1 10:46)

There are three important things to note in the above code. Firstly, we generate the columns to select automatically by using the select_columns function. This ensures that all of the necessary information to construct a Drive is included in each row. Secondly, we select drives in a particular game by searching for drives belonging to a particular gsis_id. Thirdly and finally, we use the Drive.from_row function to construct a Drive from a SQL result row. This function is strictly a convenience and is a thin wrapper around the actual Drive constructor method. You may use the constructor method yourself, particularly when you want to change the columns you select.

Note that dropping down into SQL means that you need to deal with the psycopg2 module directly (which is a popular PostgreSQL driver for Python). You should therefore read about basic module usage with psycopg2 if you haven't used it before.

A similar approach can be used with other types of data, like players, plays and player statistics.

A case study: squeezing the juice with SQL

So, I've told you that dropping down into SQL is sometimes necessary and I've shown you how to do it. But when is it really necessary? The answer depends on your constraints and how many computing resources you're willing to devote to nfldb. Whatever the case, I'll now show an example on how to improve the performance of aggregate queries by writing them yourself.

While you are probably very tired of the example showing the top quaterbacks by passing yards, it is once again instructive. Once more, here's the code with player names replaced with their identifiers to avoid a query inside the loop:

q = nfldb.Query(db), season_type='Regular')
for pp in q.sort('passing_yds').limit(5).as_aggregate():
    print pp.player_id, pp.passing_yds

And the output:

[andrew@Liger nflgame] python2
00-0020531 5177
00-0026498 4965
00-0021678 4903
00-0019596 4799
00-0026143 4719

On my system, despite the small result set, it takes about 1.3 seconds to complete. While the time it takes for the results to be returned is due to various things (like the size of the data to aggregate or the number of conditions to check), we can at least take a look at the actual aggregate query for the above code:

  SUM(play_player.defense_ast) AS defense_ast, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_ffum) AS defense_ffum,
  SUM(play_player.defense_fgblk) AS defense_fgblk,
  SUM(play_player.defense_frec) AS defense_frec, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_frec_tds) AS defense_frec_tds, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_frec_yds) AS defense_frec_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_int) AS defense_int,
  SUM(play_player.defense_int_tds) AS defense_int_tds,
  SUM(play_player.defense_int_yds) AS defense_int_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_misc_tds) AS defense_misc_tds, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_misc_yds) AS defense_misc_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_pass_def) AS defense_pass_def, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_puntblk) AS defense_puntblk, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_qbhit) AS defense_qbhit,
  SUM(play_player.defense_safe) AS defense_safe,
  SUM(play_player.defense_sk) AS defense_sk, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_sk_yds) AS defense_sk_yds,
  SUM(play_player.defense_tkl) AS defense_tkl,
  SUM(play_player.defense_tkl_loss) AS defense_tkl_loss, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_tkl_loss_yds) AS defense_tkl_loss_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_tkl_primary) AS defense_tkl_primary, 
  SUM(play_player.defense_xpblk) AS defense_xpblk, 
  SUM(play_player.fumbles_forced) AS fumbles_forced, 
  SUM(play_player.fumbles_lost) AS fumbles_lost, 
  SUM(play_player.fumbles_notforced) AS fumbles_notforced, 
  SUM(play_player.fumbles_oob) AS fumbles_oob,
  SUM(play_player.fumbles_rec) AS fumbles_rec,
  SUM(play_player.fumbles_rec_tds) AS fumbles_rec_tds, 
  SUM(play_player.fumbles_rec_yds) AS fumbles_rec_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.fumbles_tot) AS fumbles_tot,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_all_yds) AS kicking_all_yds,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_downed) AS kicking_downed, 
  SUM(play_player.kicking_fga) AS kicking_fga,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_fgb) AS kicking_fgb,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_fgm) AS kicking_fgm, 
  SUM(play_player.kicking_fgm_yds) AS kicking_fgm_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.kicking_fgmissed) AS kicking_fgmissed, 
  SUM(play_player.kicking_fgmissed_yds) AS kicking_fgmissed_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.kicking_i20) AS kicking_i20,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_rec) AS kicking_rec,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_rec_tds) AS kicking_rec_tds, 
  SUM(play_player.kicking_tot) AS kicking_tot,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_touchback) AS kicking_touchback,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_xpa) AS kicking_xpa,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_xpb) AS kicking_xpb,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_xpmade) AS kicking_xpmade,
  SUM(play_player.kicking_xpmissed) AS kicking_xpmissed, 
  SUM(play_player.kicking_yds) AS kicking_yds,
  SUM(play_player.kickret_fair) AS kickret_fair,
  SUM(play_player.kickret_oob) AS kickret_oob, 
  SUM(play_player.kickret_ret) AS kickret_ret,
  SUM(play_player.kickret_tds) AS kickret_tds,
  SUM(play_player.kickret_touchback) AS kickret_touchback, 
  SUM(play_player.kickret_yds) AS kickret_yds,
  SUM(play_player.passing_att) AS passing_att,
  SUM(play_player.passing_cmp) AS passing_cmp, 
  SUM(play_player.passing_cmp_air_yds) AS passing_cmp_air_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.passing_incmp) AS passing_incmp, 
  SUM(play_player.passing_incmp_air_yds) AS passing_incmp_air_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.passing_int) AS passing_int,
  SUM(play_player.passing_sk) AS passing_sk,
  SUM(play_player.passing_sk_yds) AS passing_sk_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.passing_tds) AS passing_tds,
  SUM(play_player.passing_twopta) AS passing_twopta,
  SUM(play_player.passing_twoptm) AS passing_twoptm, 
  SUM(play_player.passing_twoptmissed) AS passing_twoptmissed, 
  SUM(play_player.passing_yds) AS passing_yds,
  SUM(play_player.punting_blk) AS punting_blk,
  SUM(play_player.punting_i20) AS punting_i20, 
  SUM(play_player.punting_tot) AS punting_tot,
  SUM(play_player.punting_touchback) AS punting_touchback,
  SUM(play_player.punting_yds) AS punting_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.puntret_downed) AS puntret_downed, 
  SUM(play_player.puntret_fair) AS puntret_fair,
  SUM(play_player.puntret_oob) AS puntret_oob,
  SUM(play_player.puntret_tds) AS puntret_tds,
  SUM(play_player.puntret_tot) AS puntret_tot,
  SUM(play_player.puntret_touchback) AS puntret_touchback,
  SUM(play_player.puntret_yds) AS puntret_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.receiving_rec) AS receiving_rec,
  SUM(play_player.receiving_tar) AS receiving_tar,
  SUM(play_player.receiving_tds) AS receiving_tds, 
  SUM(play_player.receiving_twopta) AS receiving_twopta, 
  SUM(play_player.receiving_twoptm) AS receiving_twoptm, 
  SUM(play_player.receiving_twoptmissed) AS receiving_twoptmissed, 
  SUM(play_player.receiving_yac_yds) AS receiving_yac_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.receiving_yds) AS receiving_yds,
  SUM(play_player.rushing_att) AS rushing_att,
  SUM(play_player.rushing_loss) AS rushing_loss, 
  SUM(play_player.rushing_loss_yds) AS rushing_loss_yds, 
  SUM(play_player.rushing_tds) AS rushing_tds,
  SUM(play_player.rushing_twopta) AS rushing_twopta,
  SUM(play_player.rushing_twoptm) AS rushing_twoptm, 
  SUM(play_player.rushing_twoptmissed) AS rushing_twoptmissed, 
  SUM(play_player.rushing_yds) AS rushing_yds,
  SUM(play_player.passing_yds + play_player.rushing_yds
      + play_player.receiving_yds + play_player.fumbles_rec_yds) AS offense_yds,
  SUM(play_player.passing_tds + play_player.receiving_tds
      + play_player.rushing_tds + play_player.fumbles_rec_tds) AS offense_tds,
  SUM(play_player.defense_frec_tds + play_player.defense_int_tds
      + play_player.defense_misc_tds) AS defense_tds
FROM play_player
LEFT JOIN game ON play_player.gsis_id = game.gsis_id
WHERE game.season_type = 'Regular' AND game.season_year = 2012
GROUP BY play_player.player_id
ORDER BY passing_yds DESC LIMIT 5

Holy crap! I bet you were not expecting that. It should perhaps be clear why the query might be slow: it is aggregating columns for every statistical category for each player statistic in the 2012 season. Why? This is the price that we must pay for generality: the query interface doesn't know which statistics you're going to inspect, so it must give you all of them.

But we can do better by writing a much simpler SQL query and adapting it to nfldb's types like we did in the last section:

query = '''
  play_player.player_id, SUM(play_player.passing_yds) AS passing_yds
FROM play_player
LEFT JOIN game ON play_player.gsis_id = game.gsis_id
WHERE game.season_type = 'Regular' AND game.season_year = 2012
GROUP BY play_player.player_id
ORDER BY passing_yds DESC LIMIT 5
players = []
with nfldb.Tx(db) as cursor:
    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        pp = nfldb.PlayPlayer(db, None, None, None, row['player_id'],
                              None, row)

for pp in players:
    print pp.player_id, pp.passing_yds

And this provides exactly the same output as above, except it runs in 0.2 seconds on my machine (versus 1.3 seconds when using the query interface). The fact that we're only aggregating passing_yds saves a ton of time wasted on aggregating a whole bunch of other categories that are never used.

You can go even faster than this by restricting the rows to a particular player when you're aggregating statistics for a pre-determined set of players. For example, add the following to the WHERE clause of the SQL query in the last code sample:

play_player.player_id IN ('00-0020531', '00-0026498', '00-0021678', '00-0019596', '00-0026143')

Then the run time drops down to about 0.133 seconds on my machine. But of course, this particular optimization also makes using the query interface more performant:

thebest = ['00-0020531', '00-0026498', '00-0021678', '00-0019596', '00-0026143']

q = nfldb.Query(db), season_type='Regular')
for pp in q.sort('passing_yds').limit(5).as_aggregate():
    print pp.player_id, pp.passing_yds

Which runs in about 0.16 seconds on my machine. So it's not quite as fast as hand-written SQL, but it's much faster than the 1.3 seconds that we started with.

The moral of the story is to experiment and see what works best for you. But remember, in programming, premature optimization is the root of all evil.