Database of published radiocarbon ages for archaeological records from Sahul. Access the data here.
Database of published radiocarbon ages for archaeological records from Sahul. Sample locations were obfuscated within a radius of 25 km and spatial data includes sample locations as circular polygons. The data uses the WGS84/Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG: 3857) projected coordinate reference system. Sample metadata is comprehensive and includes bibliographic, contextual, and sample preparation and measurement related information.
Saktura, WM, H Munack, AT Codilean, R Wood, F Petchey, Z Jacobs, A Williams, S Ulm. 2021. OCTOPUS Database v.2: The SahulArch Radiocarbon collection. Sahul-wide database of published archaeological records with radiometric ages. ARC Centre of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage (CABAH), University of Wollongong. doi:10.25900/2mb4-rr36
Alexandru Codilean: e-mail; tel: 02 4221 3426; address: Building 41, SMAH/SEALS, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522