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Ergo is a general purpose task-runner, with a supporting scripting language, runtime, and standard library. As a tool, it fills a similar niche to GNU make, but without as many limitations imposed on the user. It is intended to be used for process automation and build systems, both at small and large scales. The language and runtime are intended to be fast enough such that writing significant amounts of functionality as scripts will be performant, however the runtime supports native plugins if necessary (and the standard library is implemented as such).

The ergo language semantics have been purpose-built with task-running and build-systems in mind, and the syntax is meant to be largely approachable and familiar, borrowing some components from other scripting languages, including shell languages. The genesis and development of the language was driven by a desire to improve build systems, in flexibility, expressiveness, and correctness. A new language was necessary because no existing scripting language could facilitate the key requirements of ergo: lazy evaluation and identity derivation, treating your script and runtime values as a merkle tree to be able to detect changes and prune unnecessary branches of script code without ever evaluating them.

Ergo achieves its goals with a formal type system including type traits, lazy evaluation, immutable, dynamically-typed values, and familiar, simple syntax. A featureful standard library provides many useful tools, including the ability to use remote ergo libraries, have per-user network authentication, access to built-in caching at various levels (project/user/system/etc), logging, and concurrent tasks. LSP support allows editors to have syntax highlighting and formatting, and in the future, documentation, debugging and profiling support. First-class documentation support for CLI docs as well as generated HTML docs allows users to easily obtain technical and usage documentation.

The language shares many of the same goals and runtime features as Unison, though its design is meant to be more approachable (and we didn't know about Unison until recently!).

Script Example

The below example highlights a few different features of the language and standard library, including:

  • Running external programs.
  • The ability to cache arbitrary values (which will appropriately evaluate or elide values on subsequent runs).
  • Interpolated (templated/programmatic) strings and doc comments.

These are just a handful of the many available features.

#!/usr/bin/env ergo

std:import { :Path, :cache, :env, :exec, fs = {:track} } = $std

# Redefine exec to always use PATH (which will also depend on PATH if it changes)
exec = fn ^:args -> { exec ~env={PATH = env:vars:PATH} ^args; () }

# Get influxdb-cxx
influx = {
  checkout = Path:for <| fn :dir -> {
      exec git clone "" $dir
  include = Path:join $checkout include
  builddir = Path:for <| fn :dir -> {
      exec cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -S $checkout -B $dir
  lib = cache {
      exec ~pwd=$builddir make InfluxDB
      Path:join $builddir lib

  { include, lib, libpath = Path:join $builddir lib }

# Create a program that uses the downloaded influxdb.
my_prog = cache <| Path:for <| fn :out -> {
    exec c++ -std=c++17 -o $out -I influx:include (track main.cpp) influx:lib

test-dist = Path:join (std:script:dir ()) influx-test

commands = {
  ## build and copy outputs
  dist = fs:copy $my_prog $test-dist
  ## clean outputs
  clean = fs:remove $test-dist
  ## run the program
  run = exec ~env={LD_LIBRARY_PATH = influx:libpath} $my_prog

## Commands:
## $(std:String:join "\n" <| std:Iter:map (fn :entry -> "* $(entry:key) - $(doc entry:value)"))
fn :cmd -> commands:$cmd

Language Novelties

While the scripting language has been designed to be fairly familiar looking, there are a few somewhat novel features which may be confusing to users, and may be of interest to programming language nerds.

Setters are first-class values

When you write foo = bar, this is syntax sugar for :foo = bar. On the left side of the =, :foo is evaluated to a setter. This setter will set the key foo in the current binding scope (in the future, it may be possible to specify in which scope you wish to set the value). Since values are immutable, this setter may only be bound once, and an error will occur if it is bound more than once. The = operator is actually a binding operator, which evaluates the left and right expressions, and binds the left with the right. Binding is a runtime feature; any value may be bound with another (though whether this results in an error or not is up to the value's type implementation).

Because setters are first-class values, you can write functions which operate on them. For instance, in

std:String :foo = bar

The std:String function is simply called with the :foo setter as an argument, and its implementation checks that the bound value is a String type prior to then binding :foo with the value. See below for how to write your own functions like this!

Anything can be a key in a binding

Though in most cases strings are keys when binding values (e.g., foo in foo = bar), you may use any value as a key. The actual key used in the implementation is the value's identity, so since all values provide an identity, all values may be used. The syntax sugar expanding foo = bar to :foo = bar only applies to a single basic string, so any other value requires the preceding :. For instance:

:() = bar
:$unset = bar
:[a,b,c] = bar
x = foo
:$x = bar

Lazy evaluation

Since the language is lazily and concurrently evaluated, script users need to think about what they read/write a bit differently. For instance, a block

    foo 1 2 3
    [bar 1, bar 2, bar 3]
    baz 1 2 3

evaluates values in sequence, but it doesn't do this immediately! The above block evaluates to a lazy value which, when needed will evaluate foo 1 2 3 fully, then each of bar 1, bar 2, bar 3 concurrently, and then return another lazy value that will evaluate baz 1 2 3 when needed. If that block is never needed, the inner expressions will never be evaluated. This applies to all compositional syntax primitives.

Lazy evaluation also means that conditional evaluation (which is normally implemented as syntax keywords/primitives in other languages) can be implemented as standard library functions. if, match, and others are implemented in the standard library as normal functions!

Binding is a script-exposed behavior

The feature of binding is available at a script level. The -> operator creates an unbound value, where the value (when bound), will evaluate the left side of the -> and bind the original bound value to it in a newly-opened binding scope, and will then evaluate the right side. For instance, you can write:

get-foo-key = fn :target -> std:Map :m -> { $target = m:foo; () }
get-foo-key :x = { foo = bar, abc = 123 }

First get-foo-key is called with the :x setter (binding the setter to :target), then it is bound to the expression (and as implemented, get-foo-key requires that value be a std:Map and binds it to :m), and the resulting block is fully evaluated. After these two lines run, x in the top-level scope is bound to the string bar.

This is fundamentally how std:match works, you pass an array of bindings to try and it goes through each one:

std:match $value [
    specific-string -> ...
    std:String :any-string -> ...
    { :only-one-specific-key } -> ...
    std:Map :any-map -> ...
    [:first,:second,:third] -> ...
    [literal-string, ^:rest] -> ...

This allows for powerful and customizable matching of values.

Function calls and indexing are bindings

As you might have seen above, function calls and indexing are implemented as binding as well. When you write foo 1 2 3, the foo binding in scope is bound with an Args-typed value (containing positional and keyed arguments). Because of this, fn is implemented as a function! When you write

fn :x :y -> ...

The left-hand side calls fn with the :x and :y setters. This simply creates an Args value, which can be bound to another Args value (when the function is called) to destructure and bind each argument. As such, you can actually use fn to create Args-typed values directly if you wanted.

Likewise, indexing (e.g., foo:bar) binds an Index-typed value, and can be matched using the built-in index function, e.g. index :my-index -> .... Of course, Map and Array types already implement binding Index values to get their contents.

Most syntax-level values are strings

Like shell languages and a few others, bare strings (without quotes) are interpreted as String-typed values. The language uses a handful of syntax sugar features to allow more cases to use bare strings as well. Quoted strings are parsed during conventional tokenization, so you can use quoted strings for pretty much anything. One thing that's fairly different here is that, unlike most other languages, there is no tokenized (syntactic) number type. There is a Number type (which covers arbitrary rational numbers) in the standard library, and it simply reads the rational number from a String type (e.g. std:Number:from 1.25, std:Number:from -1/2, etc).

The language has no keywords

Perhaps not the most important feature, but the base ergo language is spoken-language-agnostic. There are no keywords, only symbols. The built-in functions/values and the standard library do generally use English words (or abbreviations). But it is kind of cool (I think) to keep the base syntax purely symbolic.


The project includes a few separate rust crates:

  • ergolang - The main executable, using the other crates.
  • ergo_abi_stable - Extensions to the abi_stable crate.
  • ergo_runtime - The ergo runtime, containing the ergo type system, trait system, basic types, basic traits, and runtime context.
  • ergo_runtime_macro - Procedural macros exposed by ergo_runtime.
  • ergo_script - The ergo script parsing and evaluation functionality.
  • ergo_std - The ergo standard library plugin.


To build the code, use typical cargo commands. However, to build the executable to be used, the script will build and arrange files in the dist directory such that you can run ergo. The script forwards all arguments to cargo. This is necessary because of the standard library native plugin: cargo can't appropriately arrange the files where they need to be.

After bootstrapping, you can run dist/bin/ergolang evaluate -d to see supported commands in the project's workspace.ergo. Many of these commands are not yet supported as they need to be updated to work with GitHub resources.


A user guide exists as an mdbook in user_guide. The full guide can be generated by running the doc command (e.g., dist/bin/ergolang evaluate doc after bootstrapping).

Runtime Documentation

All values can have associated docstrings, which can be accessed with the -d/--doc argument. This argument implies -p/--page, using your system pager to print the documentation. If PAGER is not set in the environment, this defaults to less -F.

Unfortunately, it seems like older Mac versions have a buggy less which will not work correctly with this flag, so the default is less. You can:

  • set PAGER as more -F (which on mac is actually less in LESS_IS_MORE mode, but seems to work),
  • install a newer version of less with brew and set PAGER to that, or
  • add -p to disable (toggle) paging when displaying the documentation.