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+# CCIP-KMP (OPass)
+CCIP (Community Checkin with Interactivity Project) a.k.a OPass, is Taiwan's FLOSS conference check-in
+solution and provides newest event information for audience. This repository hosts the source code for
+its Android and iOS apps.
+# Usage
+Some of the conferences in which OPass has been in use for the past few years are:
+- [COSCUP (Conference for Open Source Coders, Users and Promoters)](https://coscup.org/)
+- [SITCON (Students' Information Technology Conference)](https://sitcon.org/)
+## Development
+OPass uses [Kotlin Multiplatform Project](https://www.jetbrains.com/kotlin-multiplatform/) to
+implement data handling (network and database) just once using Kotlin while the UI is kept native (Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android).
+- Licensed and distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v3
+- List of contributors can be viewed on this repository's [contributors graph](https://github.com/CCIP-App/CCIP-Android/graphs/contributors).
+In case you wish to contribute to the development of this project, feel free to open a [Pull Request](https://github.com/CCIP-App/CCIP-Android/pulls)
+or an [Issue](https://github.com/CCIP-App/CCIP-Android/issues) for the same. Contributions are always welcome.