See for a sample script on how to setup. Requires anaconda.
Running is as simple as running this within python:
from pycxdgui.startGUI import run
where config_filename
is the location to your configuration file (see below
for more details).
python3.5 PyQt4 numpy h5py pip
pims pillow tqdm scipy scikit-image pandas cython
pyqtgraph. This has been copied from the pyqgraph repository from commit 4752b777921f54b3a23dfc2952697ddf11922112. To retrieve this code, run the following:
git clone cd pyqtgraph git checkout 4752b777921f54b3a23dfc2952697ddf11922112
A configuration file may be used to specify initial configuration setings of the GUI. A sample configuration file is as follows (see comments for the descriptions):
# yaml file for configuration
# this is conventional yaml format:
# comment out rows you don't want
# default extension to look for
extension: ".imm"
# the parent directory
DDIR: "."
# the storage directory
SDIR: "."
# beam center
xcen: 1313.39
ycen: 1267.81
# wait time for file listening
wait_time: .1
# the initial mask name
mask_name: "/path/to/mask.hd5"
# the values that define masked and unmasked region >=
mask_threshold: 1
# sample detector distance
rdet: 3.800 # in m
energy: 7.44137 # in keV
wavelength: 1.6660910558136472 # in angstroms
dpix: 20 # pixel size in um
# first filename to load
filename: "/path/to/filename.tiff"
transformation: [ [1, 0],
[0, 1]
# parameters for circavg computations
noqs: 800 #partitioning for circular average/qphi maps
# parameters for qphi avg computations
noqs: 800 #partitioning for circular average/qphi maps
nophis: 360 #partitioning for qphimaps in phi
noqs: 800 #partitioning for circular average/qphi maps
nophis: 360 #partitioning for qphimaps in phi
Credits: Some of the icons were provided for free online by various authors. See icons/source-list.txt for the original source link for each icon
- Load Image Icon: (icons/load_image_icon.jpg) made by Ico Moon from
- Load Mask Icon (icons/load_mask_icon.jpg) made by Egor Rumyantsev from
- Data tableIcon (icons/datatable_icon.png) made by Freepik from
- Circular Average Icon (icons/circavg_icon.png) made by Freepik from
- Q-Phi map Icon (icons/sqphi_icon.png) made by Silviu Runceanu from
- File listenenr Icon (icons/listen_icon.png) made by Freepik from
- Lock Aspect Ratio Icon (icons/lock_aspect_icon.png) made by Picol from
- Exit Icon (icons/exit_icon.png) made by Freepik from